
Element Design

449 Members
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20 Jul 2024
@x:bit.ovhMichael (t3chguy) MTRNord (they/them): yes the left panel is due a redesign 21:05:53
@tay:vexillomancy.orgtaylor joined the room.22:48:09
21 Jul 2024
@novatorine:tranarchy.neonvagabond.xyznovatorine 🏳️‍⚧️ joined the room.15:50:04
22 Jul 2024
@florianduros:element.ioFlorian Duros 🦡 - Back 5th August changed their display name from Florian Duros 🦡- Back Monday 22 to Florian Duros 🦡.07:50:30
@amshakalra:matrix.orgAmsha changed their display name from Amsha (Away - back on 22nd) to Amsha.08:38:36
@matthew:cfca.clarion.imMatthew changed their display name from Matthew to Matthew 🍔.16:26:45
@matthew:cfca.clarion.imMatthew changed their display name from Matthew 🍔 to Matthew.17:51:43
23 Jul 2024
@matthew:cfca.clarion.imMatthew changed their display name from Matthew to Matthew - bank errand.18:36:31
@matthew:cfca.clarion.imMatthew changed their display name from Matthew - bank errand to Matthew.19:04:33
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:15:18
@matthew:cfca.clarion.imMatthew changed their display name from Matthew to Matthew 🍔.16:31:36
@matthew:cfca.clarion.imMatthew changed their display name from Matthew 🍔 to Matthew.17:17:59
@matthew:cfca.clarion.imMatthew changed their display name from Matthew to Matthew - order fulfillment.19:49:54
@matthew:cfca.clarion.imMatthew changed their display name from Matthew - order fulfillment to Matthew.21:28:57
25 Jul 2024
@florianduros:element.ioFlorian Duros 🦡 - Back 5th August changed their display name from Florian Duros 🦡 to Florian Duros 🦡 - Back 5th August.15:47:18
@matthew:cfca.clarion.imMatthew changed their display name from Matthew to Matthew 🍔.16:23:15
@matthew:cfca.clarion.imMatthew changed their display name from Matthew 🍔 to Matthew.17:13:50
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil_away changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.23:11:01
26 Jul 2024
@dinakaran5:matrix.orgDinakaran Vetrivel Hello 09:37:50
@findut:matrix.orgfindut left the room.11:37:37
@koldkees:matrix.orgkoldkees joined the room.14:55:47
@alpha3031:matrix.orgAlpha3031 I think there's a "message bubbles" option in the appearance settings koldkees ? 15:09:18
Download image.png
@ninchuka:envs.netninchukawhich to me at least helps make it not confusing what message is from who15:10:04
27 Jul 2024
In reply to @alpha3031:matrix.org
I think there's a "message bubbles" option in the appearance settings koldkees ?
thanks, that does help a lot
@koldkees:matrix.orgkoldkeesnow the other thing is the noisy mouseover behaviour, particularly the background color and the action buttons03:25:44
@koldkees:matrix.orgkoldkeeschanging bgcolor should be unnecessary if the messages are well demarcated (as the bubbles do), and the action buttons should be as unobtrusive as possible, at least keep them tucked away on the right instead of jumping around according to the message width03:28:53
@koldkees:matrix.orgkoldkeesthe basic problem is that you can't move your mouse pointer without things constantly jumping out at you and that's very jarring especially when you just want to scroll up without interacting with messages03:33:08
@koldkees:matrix.orgkoldkeesanyway sorry if I'm being too critical, it's just a small thing I know, it's just something that I'm sensitive to03:37:02

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