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19 Jul 2024
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_cyep, had to switch over to the vm console and re-assign the IP to the corrected interface21:16:01
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_ci may have done that out of order21:16:08
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_cis there a way to push many changes at once? 21:16:16
@royaltiger:matrix.orgRoyalTigerThere are some troubles, if you do some VLAN-stuff, as you have a parent interface and the tagged VLANS, but there shouldn't be any problem.21:16:41
In reply to @giacomo_c:matrix.org
is there a way to push many changes at once?
Not that I know. You can make some changes and apply all in the end for some tabs/subsites.
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_ci see21:18:14
@royaltiger:matrix.orgRoyalTigerLIke change a set of fw rules and apply all in the end.21:18:27
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_cwell easy enough to fix with console access. 21:18:33
@royaltiger:matrix.orgRoyalTigerNormally you can do most of the things over WebGUI, if you don't want to build fancy configurations, like adding disks. And every time I do anything I forget that that's BSD and wonder why some commands doesn't work. 21:20:19
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_chaha, right?21:20:31
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_ci've got a pfsense box, but i am by no means familiar enough with BSD21:20:45
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_ctime to go read up on HA21:22:47
@royaltiger:matrix.orgRoyalTigerAs I setup my box normally physical and not virtualised I don't tried HA till now. 21:24:58
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_cas i understand, opnsense and pfsense are pretty similar. opnsense was a fork perhaps?21:25:24
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_ci'm seeing carp for both21:25:31
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_cbut i have never messed with carp21:25:39
In reply to @giacomo_c:matrix.org
as i understand, opnsense and pfsense are pretty similar. opnsense was a fork perhaps?
Jep, OPNsense is a fork of pf and long time there was no good relationship between pfsense and opnsense 😉 There was a pfsense-near mocking site for OPNsense, that OPNsense finally took down by court.
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_clol rude21:28:32
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_ccarp seems pretty cool, BSD module. I wonder how well it will work between the two21:30:35
@royaltiger:matrix.orgRoyalTigerSomeone in the room hear said something reagarding CARP, so there should be someone with at least a bit preknowledge be arround here.21:31:29
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_cit looks like they generally have the same sync options21:32:02
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_cmeh, sync configs might mess things up21:35:53
@giacomo_c:matrix.orggiacomo_ci can just manually configure and manually fail over, this isn't an org network21:37:04
24 Jul 2024
@=-/+:matrix.org@=-/+:matrix.org joined the room.16:20:11
@=-/+:matrix.org@=-/+:matrix.org left the room.17:16:10
@pkgbuild:matrix.orgmando changed their display name from pkgbuild to mando.20:14:56
25 Jul 2024
@thenamelesswonderer:thesilentlink.orgTheNamelessWondererRedacted or Malformed Event19:09:12
@thenamelesswonderer:thesilentlink.orgTheNamelessWondererRedacted or Malformed Event19:09:14
26 Jul 2024
@kieeps:matrix.orgkieepsI'm testing out nixos + some ci/cd capabilities with gitlab and github, having only used azure agents/runners before i noticed a big difference in how the gitlab runner is installed... the github runner is installed as a normal application while the gitlab runner runs inside a container. Is this due to how the maintainer of the packages decided to create the package? or do they differ this much outside of the nixverse also? :D13:49:12
@kieeps:matrix.orgkieeps * nwm, wrong channel :D13:49:45

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