
OPNsense® ☞ ؟⸮UNOFFICIAL⸮؟ – Self Support Community for community self support.

470 Members
https://opnsense.org/ ° https://wiki.opnsense.org/ ° https://github.com/opnsense ° https://forum.opnsense.org/ ° https://opnsense.org/blog/ ° Announcements: https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?board=11.0 ••• "OPNsense is open source, FreeBSD-based firewall and routing software developed by Deciso, a company in the Netherlands that makes hardware and sells support packages for OPNsense. It is a fork of pfSense." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPNsense ° pfSense is an open source firewall/router computer software distribution based on FreeBSD. It is installed on a physical computer or a virtual machine to make a dedicated firewall/router for a network and has been noted for its reliability and offering a range of features. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PfSense ••• https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Main_Page ••• This room is "World Readable" or according to IRC types, "Logged": https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23OPNsense:matrix.org ••• Listed: https://matrixstats.org/room/!zyeXJfuMWoXfqBNbUK:matrix.org ••• For sharing: #OPNsense:matrix.org ° https://riot.im/app/#/room/#OPNsense:matrix.org ° https://matrix.to/#/#OPNsense:matrix.org ° [#OPNsense:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#OPNsense:matrix.org) ••• Keywords/Tags: #OPNsense #firewall #router #Cisco #secure #security ••••76 Servers

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18 Nov 2019
@fuchs:matrix.inatec.comDenny Fuchs * There are some issues (closed) on Github, but non of them are working. Strange thing is: in LDAP configuration you can choose (browse) the DN path, but the tester and login fails.12:36:06
@fuchs:matrix.inatec.comDenny Fuchswe use Digicert (Thawte) + wildcard cert.12:36:43
@fuchs:matrix.inatec.comDenny FuchsDid someone had the same problem ?12:51:14
@fuchs:matrix.inatec.comDenny Fuchsmaybe a problem with our wildcard cert ...13:58:31
@ingo:matrix.ghostdive.orgingo left the room.14:16:59
@fuchs:matrix.inatec.comDenny FuchsFound the issue ... we had IP instead of hostname for matching cert :-)14:19:38
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO Denny Fuchs: What OPNsense issues in what GitHub repo'? 17:31:17
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO There are 17 GitHub repo's listed for OPNsense®. 17:41:14
19 Nov 2019
@fuchs:matrix.inatec.comDenny Fuchs MMJD-MxO: yes, all related to STARTTLS or LDAPS 07:15:36
@fuchs:matrix.inatec.comDenny Fuchsbut closed. But anyway, it's working, since we changed from IP to name, so all ok :-)07:16:16
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO Which issues in which OPNsense repo'(s) related to mailto: , for reference? 07:17:46
@fuchs:matrix.inatec.comDenny FuchsSo, I would say: its totaly expected ... but maybe a better hint would be nice. We found it out, while searching the logs ...07:18:01
@fuchs:matrix.inatec.comDenny Fuchshttps://github.com/opnsense/core/issues/3741 https://github.com/opnsense/core/issues/3445 .. all patches where already in the latest version ... but it helped us for debugging.07:20:43
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxOThank you.07:21:13
@fuchs:matrix.inatec.comDenny Fuchsnp07:23:05
In reply to @fuchs:matrix.inatec.com
https://github.com/opnsense/core/issues/3741 https://github.com/opnsense/core/issues/3445 .. all patches where already in the latest version ... but it helped us for debugging.
We have a GitHub 'Bot in here, btw and I set opnsense/core as the default repo' i.e.,, #3741 .
@_neb_github:matrix.orgGithubhttps://github.com/opnsense/core/issues/3741 : LDAPS handling in PHP is broken07:25:12
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO!github help07:25:21
@_neb_github:matrix.orgGithub!github create [owner/repo] "issue title" "description" !github react [owner/repo]#issue (+1|👍|-1|:-1:|laugh|:smile:|confused|uncertain|heart|❤|hooray|:tada:) !github comment [owner/repo]#issue "comment text" !github assign [owner/repo]#issue username [username] [...] !github close [owner/repo]#issue !github reopen [owner/repo]#issue07:25:21

Damn that reply feature on mobile! It's too easy to accidentally trigger.


@fuchs:matrix.inatec.comDenny Fuchs:-)07:36:22
21 Nov 2019
@_neb_rssbot_=40_milk_manz_jour_daddy=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.org] OPNsense Forum - Announcements:
OPNsense 19.7.7 released
26 Nov 2019
@jmd2925:matrix.orgjmd2925 joined the room.17:44:20
@jmd2925:matrix.orgjmd2925Redacted or Malformed Event17:45:27
In reply to @jmd2925:matrix.org
Ich bin Pan und hab Angst mich zu outen was soll ich tun? Bzw wie mach ich es am besten😔
This is an English Languge room.
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO invited @translate:t2bot.ioTranslate Bot.19:30:34
@translate:t2bot.ioTranslate Bot joined the room.19:30:37
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO invited @alot:t2bot.ioAlot Bot.19:30:59
@alot:t2bot.ioAlot Bot joined the room.19:31:00
27 Nov 2019
@jmd2925:matrix.orgjmd2925 left the room.01:51:19

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