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7 Oct 2021
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol but in the end, it’d be good to see what the test logs show 13:52:54
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman yeah i sent a screen of that 13:52:55
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman is there something on the client side or the hub/node side to increase logging? 13:54:02
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman a capability for the remote session or an env var in the hub config? 13:54:37
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol based on your first comment, I really do not think it is the Grid, because the more slots you have, the less skips you get 13:55:33
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol is your test runner swallowing any exceptions? can you run that locally and check the logs? 13:56:08
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman not sure doing this locally would provide anything useful 14:07:24
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman i’m looking at the test runner now - i dont think we’re swallowing anything 14:07:45
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman i’m exploring the actual driver object at this point 14:08:00
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter KinzelmanScreen Shot 2021-10-07 at 10.04.01 AM.png
Download Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 10.04.01 AM.png
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman we have timeouts attached to that 14:08:13
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman but i’ve never messed with these really 14:08:24
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman AutomatedTester - what does the RemoteConnection arg do? 14:09:05
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman 300102 300100 302070 301759 300099 diemol - re: the Allure “skipped” this is the best i could do 14:24:08
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman checking a handful of the “skipped” status tests 14:24:16
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman they all have very similar durations 14:24:28
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman 🤔 14:24:38
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman so that’s gotta be one of the timeouts right? 14:24:53
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman pageLoad = 300000 🤷 14:25:09
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol those timeouts in the image are WebDriver timeouts, used when the scripts are already running, after the session has been created 14:25:51
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman as in after they’ve been placed in a slot and are actually running? 14:26:28
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol yes 14:26:36
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol but maybe the http request timeout is 5 minutes? 14:26:51
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman where can i find that? 14:27:37
@_slack_seleniumhq_U02F7AP2230:matrix.orgPeter Kinzelman set that* rather 14:29:10
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol I am not sure, maybe someone else who knows more python can comment 14:39:01
@Guest482:libera.chatGuest482 joined the room.14:43:08
@Guest482:libera.chatGuest482Hi team! How can I by default, use the `waitForElementEditable` function while recording for each click instead of the `emitClick` function in javascript? Is there any sample code regarding the same which I can refer to?14:44:42
@Guest482:libera.chatGuest482Is this not feasible?15:15:09
@_slack_seleniumhq_ULQS746TV:matrix.orgAutomatedTester :apidocs 15:29:47

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