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7 Dec 2023
In reply to @iuselinux:matrix.org
would you explain why RDBMS?
query flexibility, forces you to think about the data model, better maintainability, better data integrity
In reply to @iuselinux:matrix.org
you mean it does not clearly tell if it applies to businesses that are not providing mongodb as a service but just using mongodb in their end product?
9 Dec 2023
In reply to @dsg:tchncs.de
query flexibility, forces you to think about the data model, better maintainability, better data integrity
register based systems always were a pain to deal with
In reply to @tauoverpi:tchncs.de
register based systems always were a pain to deal with
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.dehow instruction set design is related to databases?20:32:02
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.decompletely wrong chat20:37:41
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.deignore it20:37:48
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.de * completely the wrong chat20:37:53
10 Dec 2023
@nosspectre:matrix.orgSpectreSup everybody09:40:20
@plumeus:dawidpotocki.complumeusI still haven't forgotten about you killing the room, smh09:58:17
@nosspectre:matrix.orgSpectreit's end term 10:54:44
In reply to @nosspectre:matrix.org
Sup everybody
@karmanations:matrix.org@karmanations:matrix.org joined the room.13:32:34
@elpy:matrix.orgelpy joined the room.23:06:53
11 Dec 2023
@nosspectre:matrix.orgSpectre changed their profile picture.16:11:46
17 Dec 2023
@bbbbrrrzzt:nerdsin.space@bbbbrrrzzt:nerdsin.space changed their display name from Bzeepo 小狼狗 to Bzeepo 小狼狗 (PUSSY IS MY DRUG).22:42:37
19 Dec 2023
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.de banned @datingwolf1:matrix.org@datingwolf1:matrix.org (paradise for those not welcome here).13:55:19
23 Dec 2023
@faraleth:matrix.org@faraleth:matrix.org left the room.05:04:57
26 Dec 2023
@nongfu:matrix.orgnongfu joined the room.08:24:16
4 Jan 2024
@bbbbrrrzzt:nerdsin.space@bbbbrrrzzt:nerdsin.space changed their profile picture.23:45:50
13 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.20:48:43
15 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.08:23:43
20 Jan 2024
@pasky221:matrix.org@pasky221:matrix.org left the room.14:41:16
23 Jan 2024
@2xsaiko:tchncs.de2xsaiko changed their display name from 2xsaiko to Marco.17:54:54
@2xsaiko:tchncs.de2xsaiko changed their display name from Marco to 2xsaiko.18:17:32
31 Jan 2024
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.de banned @aziz6004:matrix.org@aziz6004:matrix.org.22:53:54
3 Feb 2024
@creme:envs.netcreme changed their profile picture.09:25:04
5 Feb 2024
@tptptp:matrix.org@tptptp:matrix.org joined the room.15:49:41

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