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Calm down and shill https://www.racing.com/horses/ziglang-2000 | The Game | We don't talk about X | https://publiccode.eu/ | https://invidio.us/watch?v=OA_CndlBu0g | https://meet.jit.si/linuxgaming | Code of Conduct: https://git.sr.ht/~tauoverpi/matrix/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md | Radio: lainchan.org/radio http://somafm.com | be smart: http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | Laissez-faire | https://orwell.ru/library/articles/As_I_Please/english/efasc | main | cats are always on-topic | https://www.mikeash.com/getting_answers.html | https://people.freebsd.org/~lstewart/articles/cpumemory.pdf | deck club | A certain crab language | remarkable31 Servers

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7 Apr 2024
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevy left the room.10:06:31
8 Apr 2024
@thunder12:matrix.orgthunder left the room.05:21:24
11 Apr 2024
@ph0ebus:matrix.orgph0ebus joined the room.00:14:25
19 Apr 2024
@glacialturtle:matrix.orgGlacialTurtle left the room.02:26:52
@softashell:matrix.orgsoft as HELL left the room.12:34:42
20 Apr 2024
@nekoash:matrix.orgAsh changed their display name from 🌷Ash🌷 to Ash.09:39:32
@nekoash:matrix.orgAsh changed their profile picture.09:39:35
28 Apr 2024
@vldg:matrix.orgvldg left the room.15:15:53
2 May 2024
@tyron:nitro.chattyron joined the room.02:11:46
@tyron:nitro.chattyron left the room.02:20:18
@tyron:nitro.chattyron joined the room.11:37:37
@tyron:nitro.chattyron left the room.23:09:14
3 May 2024
@nebunez:matrix.orgnebunez (he/him) left the room.19:41:22
@lapingv755:matrix.orglapingv755 left the room.20:38:45
5 May 2024
@scde:matrix.orgscde left the room.10:34:32
7 May 2024
@forvitni:nitro.chatforvitni joined the room.01:39:17
@forvitni:nitro.chatforvitni left the room.01:39:35
10 May 2024
@freidhofkyle:matrix.orgBang_Bang changed their display name from Fyle to Bang_Bang.10:33:30
13 May 2024
@bbbbrrrzzt:nerdsin.spaceBzeepo 小狼狗 (I AM THE ONE WHO FUCKS) left the room.12:19:02
16 May 2024
@freebooter69:matrix.orgfreebooter69 left the room.15:03:45
1 Jun 2024
@randomfandomofficial:matrix.orgRandomFandomOfficial joined the room.19:34:11
3 Jun 2024
@creme:envs.net~creme left the room.06:46:10
8 Jun 2024
@KveK:matrix.orgsquishy left the room.15:12:15
@scanstone:matrix.orgscanstone joined the room.17:38:40
@thisisausername:matrix.orgthisisausername left the room.21:52:01
10 Jun 2024
@hgoonslut:cutefunny.arthgoonslut left the room.15:32:40
17 Jun 2024
@nosspectre:matrix.orgSpectre changed their profile picture.13:47:39
27 Jun 2024
@lassegs:matrix.orglassegs left the room.10:50:14
12 Jul 2024
@diegov:matrix.orgdiegov left the room.21:06:23
16 Jul 2024
@robertoszek:matrix.orgrobertoszek left the room.15:56:22

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