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15 Sep 2023
In reply to @dsg:tchncs.de
still need to subclass as there is no signal which fires on resize
Yeah it's pretty annoying when you only need the information outside the widget
@lurkki:pikaviestin.fiLurkkiI've heard events are used when signals would be too slow15:16:04
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.decan just run the font adjustment function from the parent method though15:19:06
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.dehacky, but works15:19:11
16 Sep 2023
@tyki:matrix.orgtyki changed their profile picture.15:24:39
@threen:matrix.org@threen:matrix.org changed their profile picture.20:24:05
17 Sep 2023
@imprevisto:matrix.orgimprevisto joined the room.07:42:44
18 Sep 2023
@chiku:matrix.orgChiku joined the room.02:56:24
20 Sep 2023
@veronika_dd:matrix.org@veronika_dd:matrix.org joined the room.15:01:51
21 Sep 2023
@mott:matrix.orgMasterOfTheTiger Levy: thought of you when reading this: https://github.com/madmurphy/libconfini/wiki/An-INI-critique-of-TOML 18:59:42
In reply to @mott:matrix.org
Levy: thought of you when reading this: https://github.com/madmurphy/libconfini/wiki/An-INI-critique-of-TOML
@mott:matrix.orgMasterOfTheTigerThey argue that INI is actually readable with something like the tool they're making, and that TOML makes things unnecessarily complicated19:08:21
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.deoh, I don't like toml as it's a pain to parse19:15:19
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.dethat's it19:15:24
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.debut I never cared much about toml19:15:34
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.deini is hell though19:15:47
@moongaia:tchncs.demoongaia removed their profile picture.21:28:59
23 Sep 2023
@veronika_dd:matrix.org@veronika_dd:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:07:43
24 Sep 2023
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.deini is a terrible format00:17:38
@arturarturazul:matrix.org@arturarturazul:matrix.org left the room.00:58:15
@hackenstacks:matrix.orghackenstacks joined the room.20:33:34
25 Sep 2023
@12kk:matrix.org@12kk:matrix.org left the room.02:57:33
26 Sep 2023
@vaz2106:matrix.org@vaz2106:matrix.org joined the room.06:00:45
@vaz2106:matrix.org@vaz2106:matrix.org left the room.06:00:58
27 Sep 2023
@qiva:matrix.org@qiva:matrix.org joined the room.06:00:13
@qiva:matrix.org@qiva:matrix.org left the room.06:00:24
28 Sep 2023
@chiku:matrix.orgChiku removed their profile picture.03:21:53
30 Sep 2023
@sebiedereine15.:matrix.org@sebiedereine15.:matrix.org joined the room.01:33:45
@sebiedereine15.:matrix.org@sebiedereine15.:matrix.org left the room.01:34:27

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