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7 Dec 2023
@iuselinux:matrix.org@iuselinux:matrix.orgwhat do you do? student?09:32:35
@iuselinux:matrix.org@iuselinux:matrix.orgoh, You just mentioned about client, you must not be a student09:33:21
@nosspectre:matrix.orgSpectreNope I just didnt turn off notifications09:35:19
In reply to @iuselinux:matrix.org
nodejs backend code uses mongodb connection string, right? won't the database get overwhelmed by all the requests that Kubernetes cluster nodes will be doing to the database
I still wonder why you need this cluster for it
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.deyou're creating new problems09:48:28
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.dealso, test it. afaik mongodb should be able to handle load09:49:34
In reply to @tauoverpi:tchncs.de
I still wonder why you need this cluster for it
design for load he does not have :)
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.deand anyway single Mongo cluster will handle load just fine09:52:07
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.deand even a single Node.js instance will handle quite a substantial load, it's not python 09:53:04
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.deand without tests and measurements this is all. an empty talk09:53:22
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.de* and without tests and measurements this is all an empty talk09:53:31
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.dealso with ERP I'd be more concerning with reports generation bringing down the database, as OLTP load should not be that high09:57:39
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.deand I'd pick an RDBMS instead of a document store 09:58:04
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.dealso, prepare to make everything public https://www.mongodb.com/licensing/server-side-public-license :D09:58:45
In reply to @tauoverpi:tchncs.de
also, prepare to make everything public https://www.mongodb.com/licensing/server-side-public-license :D
that covers only Mongo's code, no?

“Service Source Code” means for the Program or the modified version, and the Corresponding Source for all programs that you use to make the Program or modified version available as a service, including, without limitation, management software, user interfaces, application program interfaces, automation software, monitoring software, backup software, storage software and hosting software, all such that a user could run an instance of the service using the Service Source Code you make available.

@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.de"send us your entire business"10:03:12
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.dethis is why it was removed and treated as non-free10:03:40
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.deI guess "user interfaces" can be treated very broadly10:03:42
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.denow make sense why Microsoft made their own implementation of the same protocol for Azure 10:04:16
@dsg:tchncs.de@dsg:tchncs.de* now make sense why Microsoft made their own implementation of pretty much the same protocol for Azure 10:04:27
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.debefore this it was AGPLv310:04:32
In reply to @dsg:tchncs.de
design for load he does not have :)
lol yeah, I should get the system running first, I'm just worried about the future
In reply to @dsg:tchncs.de
and I'd pick an RDBMS instead of a document store
would you explain why RDBMS?
In reply to @tauoverpi:tchncs.de
also, prepare to make everything public https://www.mongodb.com/licensing/server-side-public-license :D
I'm not providing mongodb as a service so I don't think it applies to me
@tauoverpi:tchncs.de@tauoverpi:tchncs.deit's vague11:54:57
@iuselinux:matrix.org@iuselinux:matrix.orgyou mean it does not clearly tell if it applies to businesses that are not providing mongodb as a service but just using mongodb in their end product?12:00:54
@plumeus:dawidpotocki.com@plumeus:dawidpotocki.comI presume that's what the vagueness refers to, yes12:02:35

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