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Bridges to nvaccess/NVDA's Gitter chat.1 Servers

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29 May 2020
@gitter_otahaineh_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_otahaineh_twitter:matrix.org @DarkMoonRising you are welcome. We are here to help, and nothing wrong with asking. Have a nice day 15:57:04
19 Jun 2020
@gitterbot:matrix.org@gitterbot:matrix.org invited @gitter_roman.pidpletenyi_gitlab:matrix.org@gitter_roman.pidpletenyi_gitlab:matrix.org.13:19:35
@gitter_roman.pidpletenyi_gitlab:matrix.org@gitter_roman.pidpletenyi_gitlab:matrix.org joined the room.13:19:35
@gitter_roman.pidpletenyi_gitlab:matrix.org@gitter_roman.pidpletenyi_gitlab:matrix.org Hello, I noticed that in many documents NVDA skips reading the character -.
For example: when you need to read -20. NVDA reads 20. And it should read as minus 20.
What can you advise?
How can I fix this tag creation time?
@gitter_roman.pidpletenyi_gitlab:matrix.org@gitter_roman.pidpletenyi_gitlab:matrix.org (edited) ... character -. For ... => ... character " - ". For ... 13:20:54
@gitterbot:matrix.org@gitterbot:matrix.org invited @gitter_ptoledo-teaching:matrix.org@gitter_ptoledo-teaching:matrix.org.16:55:35
@gitter_ptoledo-teaching:matrix.org@gitter_ptoledo-teaching:matrix.org joined the room.16:55:35
@gitter_ptoledo-teaching:matrix.org@gitter_ptoledo-teaching:matrix.org Hi,
I do not know if I am writing on the right place, but I am developing a Single Page Application site and I would like to follow good practices so NVDA can process my site in a good way. I am worried that all the buttons and different options might be difficult to use through a screen reader. Is there a set of guidelines that I could follow so the users can have a good experience using the site using NVDA?
@gitterbot:matrix.org@gitterbot:matrix.org invited @gitter_ptoledo:matrix.org@gitter_ptoledo:matrix.org.16:59:05
@gitter_ptoledo:matrix.org@gitter_ptoledo:matrix.org joined the room.16:59:05
@gitter_ptoledo:matrix.org@gitter_ptoledo:matrix.org Hi,
I do not know if I am writing on the right place, but I am developing a Single Page Application site and I would like to follow good practices so NVDA can process my site in a good way. I am worried that all the buttons and different options might be difficult to use through a screen reader. Is there a set of guidelines that I could follow so the users can have a good experience using the site using NVDA?
@gitter_ptoledo-teaching:matrix.org@gitter_ptoledo-teaching:matrix.org left the room.18:55:27
20 Jun 2020
@gitterbot:matrix.org@gitterbot:matrix.org invited @gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.org@gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.org.03:50:39
@gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.org@gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.org joined the room.03:50:39
@gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.org@gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.orgllo, this is Phoenix. I am having issues with NVDa working with Project 64, a Nintendo 64 Emulator. I am trying to make cheats work, and I cannot seem to do so. According to NVDA, the cheats appear to be checked. When I press the spacebar, I hear half-checked, Upon pressing it again, I hear not checked. What do I need to do to get the cheats to work properly?03:50:39
23 Jun 2020
@gitterbot:matrix.org@gitterbot:matrix.org invited @gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org@gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org.00:18:57
@gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org@gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org joined the room.00:19:03
@gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org@gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org Hi @ptoledo have you tried using NVDA? It's easy to download and install from https://www.nvaccess.org. Once you have, you can get to the User Manual by pressing the nvdakey+n. Chapter 6 has details about how to navigate using keys with NVDA. Are you familiar with WCAG2.1, https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/, and ARIA, https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/aria/? I think this, https://www.w3.org/WAI/Resources/Overview is a good place to start. I'm relatively new to accessibility myself so hopefully these are good starting laces. For developing SPAs, if you're using react, there's a component library, Grommet,https://v2.grommet.io, that's trying to make it easier to develop accessible web apps. hope all this helps, it's great you're thinking of accessibility up front. 00:19:05
@gitter_ptoledo:matrix.org@gitter_ptoledo:matrix.org changed their display name from gitter_ptoledo to Pedro F. Toledo (Gitter).04:23:30
@gitter_ptoledo:matrix.org@gitter_ptoledo:matrix.org Hi @joeldodson, thank you very much for your answer. I have not tried NVDA because I use everything on Ubuntu. I tried to use ORCA to get some very basic response for the site but I wasn't able to do much; afterwards, I though that, as I am not visually impaired, even if I use a screen reader I will end-up having a wrong idea about my application accessibility and that's why I went to look for specific guidelines that I could adopt as part of my development to ease the use of screen readers (independently of specific testing that I could do afterwards). By other side, I am developing the SPA with my own custom framework, but I'll have a look to the library you mention to analyze their approach. Thank you again for your pointers. 04:23:30
@gitter_darkmoonrising:matrix.org@gitter_darkmoonrising:matrix.org Hi @ptoledo, it sounds like your situation is similar to mine, so I'll share some stuff I've learned over the past 6 months. Definitely follow the advice of @joeldodson, go to WCAG and use NVDA. Also check out WebAim and I found this site extremely helpful to explain how screen readers actually work https://www.accessibility-developer-guide.com/. It's a bit wordy, but really informative. This quick ref is great: https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref/, and this quickref for NVDA from deque is really good, although 2 things they don't tell you, use control + s to toggle between voice, off, and beeps, and control + home will start you at the beginning of the page. That's important because NVDA tends to start where you left off even if you close the browser. I am fortunate that I work for an educational institution where I have access to a compliance officer who works closely with CNIB and also a fantastic Learning Support department with a blind/low vision division. The one thing they have all stressed is that all the accessibility checks in the world are useless if your site doesn't work with a screen reader! It was pointed out to me that the CNIB site itself does not pass an accessibility check, but it works great with a screen reader. Also just because code examples say they work with screen readers does NOT mean they do! I found 'accessible' flyout menus, had them working beautifully, only to find out they do not work with NVDA. Last but not least, you've joined the right chat, a lot of knowledgeable and kind peeps here, and so quick to respond! Hope that helps :) 12:55:26
@gitter_darkmoonrising:matrix.org@gitter_darkmoonrising:matrix.org (edited) ... really good, although ... => ... really good https://dequeuniversity.com/assets/pdf/screenreaders/nvda-guide.pdf, although ... 12:57:01
@gitter_darkmoonrising:matrix.org@gitter_darkmoonrising:matrix.org (edited) ... use control + ... => ... use (NVDA key, mine is insert) insert + ... 13:00:03
24 Jun 2020
@gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org@gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org Hi @DarkMoonRising, thanks for those links, they sound good. Regarding Deque University, did you know they're offering a year of free access to all their classes for people with disabilities? I'll make a new post with details. 05:35:26
@gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org@gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org Hi @ptoledo, I'd still encourage you to try your app on Windows with NVDA. NVDA now has the ability to have a visual indicator to follow around on the screen so a sighted person can know where the screen reader is focused. It could help you ensure tab key navigation works as you expect and all your components are labeled appropriately. Also, I came from a linux background but switched to Windows when I lost my sight. When I learned about the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), I was thrilled. Windows 2004 (which is shorthand for the 2020 04 release) introduced WSL2. I develop now using a real Ubuntu bash shell and VS Code with the WSL plugin. I can do all the stuff on Ubuntu I did before and use NVDA. It's a pretty nice setup. 05:42:55
@gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org@gitter_joeldodson:matrix.org Hi all, I'm somewhat new to accessibility so maybe most people here already know about this. If not, it seems like a pretty cool opportunity. Deque University is offering all their online courses free to people with disabilities. Here's the link to apply: https://dequeuniversity.com/scholarships/apply I filled out the form one evening and the next day I was approved. I didn't have to upload any proof but I did mention some thingslike an association with Lighthouse for the blind in SF and that I have a bookshare.org account, maybe they checked those references. I haven't been through many of the courses so no comments on quality. I was told though Deque is one of the leaders in accessibility. 06:01:46
@gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.org@gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.org set a profile picture.18:32:16
@gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.org@gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.orgHello, this is Phoenix. I am having issues with NVDA and cheats on project 64. When I open the cheats menu, according to NVDA, the cheats appear to be checked. Upon pressing the spacebar, it says half-checked. Upon pressing it again, I hear not checked. What do I have to do to get cheats to work properly? I have hide advanced settings disabled and remember selected cheats enabled. If anyone has an idea, please let me know. Thank you!18:32:29
@gitter_darkmoonrising:matrix.org@gitter_darkmoonrising:matrix.org @joeldodson , @ptoledo Regarding Deque; Visual Studio now has an accessibility checker and when there are accessibility errors in your code, each error has a link going directly to the error explanation and fixes on the deque site. That helped clear up probably about 90% of accessibility errors for me before I even started using an online site checker (SiteImprove is the preferred choice around here). Deque has many resources and a good reputation, even if they are in cahoots with Microsoft (jk). 20:36:06
@gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.org@gitter_phoenix1991-lab:matrix.orgHello, Phoenix here. I need help in figuring out how to use cheats with NVDA in project 64. When I open the cheats menu, according to NVDA, the cheats appear to be checked. When I press th spacebar, I hear half-checked. When I press it again, I hear not checked. I was wondering how you get cheats to work properly in Project 64. I have hide advanced settings disabled and remember selected cheats enabled. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you21:27:47

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