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šŸ“š Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands. Repository: https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr Website: https://tldr.sh Offtopic room: https://matrix.to/#/#tldr-pages_off-topic:gitter.im Space: https://matrix.to/#/#tldr-pages-project:matrix.org14 Servers

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29 Mar 2024
@okinea:matrix.orgokineaPlease consider this PR - https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr/pull/1257108:24:57
2 Apr 2024
@fazlearefin:matrix.orgfazlearefin joined the room.02:28:11
@fazlearefin:matrix.orgfazlearefinHi, I am @fazlearefin, the newest maintainer of tldr-pages. I am glad to be part of something which I personally use every single day. My interest lies in Offensive Security and Web Penetration Testing. I look forward to adding more pages and improving existing ones related to OffSec02:40:02
@fazlearefin:matrix.orgfazlearefin * Hi, I am @fazlearefin, the newest maintainer of tldr-pages. I am glad to be part of something which I personally use every single day05:50:11
In reply to @kbdk:matrix.org

Hi, I got a follow up mail from them a few hours ago, anything I should reply?

Hi Dharun,

Hope all is well! Following up regarding the above. Happy to announce Warp is now on Linux!  Would you have interest in partnering with us for a github sponsorship?

Let us know and we can find some time to discuss further.


Seems everyone is too busy to keep up with the topic. ^-^'

In my opinion, a sensible response would probably be to ask if the placement of the ad is negotiable, and that we'd consider their proposal only if:

  • We can place the sponsor near the bottom of the README.
  • The ad is clearly marked as an ad, for example through a Markdown heading or through appending #Ad at the end of their copy/text.

If we can agree on that with Warp, then we can have a more in-depth discussion and share what metrics we can with them.

Would anyone else like to chime in?

In reply to @kbdk:matrix.org

Hi, I got a follow up mail from them a few hours ago, anything I should reply?

Hi Dharun,

Hope all is well! Following up regarding the above. Happy to announce Warp is now on Linux!  Would you have interest in partnering with us for a github sponsorship?

Let us know and we can find some time to discuss further.


Seems everyone is too busy to keep up with the topic. ^-^'

In my opinion, a sensible response would probably be to ask if the placement of the ad is negotiable, and that we'd consider their proposal only if:

  • We can place the sponsor near the bottom of the README.
  • The ad is clearly marked as an ad, for example through a Markdown heading or through appending #Ad at the end of their copy/text.

If we can agree on that with Warp, then we can have a more in-depth discussion and share what metrics we can with them.

Would anyone else like to chime in?

In reply to @kbdk:matrix.org

Hi, I got a follow up mail from them a few hours ago, anything I should reply?

Hi Dharun,

Hope all is well! Following up regarding the above. Happy to announce Warp is now on Linux!  Would you have interest in partnering with us for a github sponsorship?

Let us know and we can find some time to discuss further.


Seems everyone is too busy to keep up with the topic. ^-^'

In my opinion, a sensible response would probably be to ask if the placement of the ad is negotiable, and that we'd consider their proposal only if:

  • We can place the sponsor near the bottom of the README.
  • The ad is clearly marked as an ad, for example through a Markdown heading or through prefixing #Ad to the start of their copy.

If we can agree on that with Warp, then we can have a more in-depth discussion and share what metrics we can with them.

Would anyone else like to chime in?

4 Apr 2024
@0323pin:converser.eu@0323pin:converser.eu left the room.11:42:27
5 Apr 2024
@sbrl-57247531659847a7aff542b6:gitter.imsbrl (Starbeamrainbowlabs) Welcome, fazlearefin! 21:47:09
@sbrl-57247531659847a7aff542b6:gitter.imsbrl (Starbeamrainbowlabs)This all seems sensible to me. I would agree I would be most comfortable with any placement like that at the bottom of the readme if we were to accept sponsorships.23:55:45
13 Apr 2024
@managor:matrix.orgManagor Uhhh... what? https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr/pull/12638 08:48:13
In reply to @managor:matrix.org
Uhhh... what? https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr/pull/12638
Could you explain your comment and what you think is wrong with the PR? šŸ¤”ļø
@managor:matrix.orgManagorHe opened an external PR for his own fork and then closed it after merging into his branch into his main09:56:33
@managor:matrix.orgManagorHe already has one open PR for yt-dlp09:58:01
@managor:matrix.orgManagorThe guy needs someone to guide him through the process. His contributions are a mess09:59:01

Understood, in future it'd be more respectful to run through those details in the comment. It also ensures other collaborates have the context.

The contributor looks like they may just not have much experience with Git, and I don't think your comment on GitHub is the kind of guidance that's going to make their contributions less messy.

Even paired with your comment here, it's not very constructive, and the contributor that needs the message didn't get it.

In reply to @sbrl-57247531659847a7aff542b6:gitter.im
This all seems sensible to me.
I would agree I would be most comfortable with any placement like that at the bottom of the readme if we were to accept sponsorships.

It seems everyone is too busy, so getting the consensus from everyone will be challenging in the Matrix chat.

Perhaps a GitHub discussion thread is a more appropriate place for this? Then we can finalize whatever actions we want to take.

@mrnossiom:matrix.orgMilo Moisson set a profile picture.11:39:09
@kbdk:matrix.orgK.B.Dharun Krishna
In reply to @sethi:one.ems.host

It seems everyone is too busy, so getting the consensus from everyone will be challenging in the Matrix chat.

Perhaps a GitHub discussion thread is a more appropriate place for this? Then we can finalize whatever actions we want to take.

Yeah, that would work the best.
@managor:matrix.orgManagorSee here https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr/pull/1258013:34:28
@sbrl-57247531659847a7aff542b6:gitter.imsbrl (Starbeamrainbowlabs)
In reply to @sethi:one.ems.host

Understood, in future it'd be more respectful to run through those details in the comment. It also ensures other collaborates have the context.

The contributor looks like they may just not have much experience with Git, and I don't think your comment on GitHub is the kind of guidance that's going to make their contributions less messy.

Even paired with your comment here, it's not very constructive, and the contributor that needs the message didn't get it.

To add context, we often see contributors to tldr-pages who haven't used git before, or are just starting out in open-source. It's up to us to give them a warm welcome!
If in doubt, always assume good faith :D
@sbrl-57247531659847a7aff542b6:gitter.imsbrl (Starbeamrainbowlabs)
In reply to @sethi:one.ems.host

It seems everyone is too busy, so getting the consensus from everyone will be challenging in the Matrix chat.

Perhaps a GitHub discussion thread is a more appropriate place for this? Then we can finalize whatever actions we want to take.

sounds good. Perhaps post a link here when the issue/thread is opened to allow people to follow it?
14 Apr 2024
@waldyrious:matrix.orgwaldyriousJust to add to this: even when good faith seems unlikely, it's still a good idea to respond as if it can be assumed, because (1) that sets the tone for the community's communication style, and (2) it can actually clarify similar questions by others who come across the discussion and, due to lack of context, might recognize the action as something that they themselves might have done.19:10:58
@waldyrious:matrix.orgwaldyriousIt's worth remembering that the tldr-pages project operates entirely in public: both comments in issues and PRs on GitHubs, and messages in this chat room, are public and recorded for all of posterity. That's quite a responsibility if you think about it :) And it's very hard to be kind and patient all the time, so we need to be constantly reinforcing each other to pay attention to all those micro interactions that may be interpreted as a dry, curt, or otherwise non-welcoming.19:14:00
@waldyrious:matrix.orgwaldyrious * It's worth remembering that the tldr-pages project operates entirely in public: both comments in issues and PRs on GitHubs, and messages in this chat room, are public and recorded for all of posterity. That's quite a responsibility if you think about it :) And it's very hard to be kind and patient all the time, so we need to be constantly reinforcing each other to pay attention to all those micro interactions that may be interpreted as dry, curt, or otherwise non-welcoming.19:28:14
18 Apr 2024
@witchcraftery:private.coffee@witchcraftery:private.coffee joined the room.08:56:18
19 Apr 2024
@witchcraftery:private.coffee@witchcraftery:private.coffee removed their profile picture.10:36:50
@witchcraftery:private.coffee@witchcraftery:private.coffee removed their display name zā·.10:36:59
@witchcraftery:private.coffee@witchcraftery:private.coffee left the room.10:37:33
23 Apr 2024
@sluffer78:matrix.orgSluffer set a profile picture.01:28:42

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