
⦷ TGR Great Reset

227 Members
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20 Oct 2023
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Globule to Polisman.17:41:50
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to 《Manager》Günter.17:48:12
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from 《Manager》Günter to Polisman.18:22:33
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to Margaret Thatcher.22:14:54
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Margaret Thatcher to Polisman.23:03:05
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to Margaret Thatcher.23:29:35
@_discord_510789298321096704:t2bot.ioTeXit#0796 changed their display name from latex.service to ching chong.23:41:48
21 Oct 2023
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Margaret Thatcher to 𝘔𝘌𝘌6.00:16:26
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from 𝘔𝘌𝘌6 to Destibotion.00:30:22
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Destibotion to Boy-o.01:07:26
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Boy-o to Pozdravitelj.01:12:55
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Pozdravitelj to Globule.01:35:11
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Globule to !rank.02:14:51
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from !rank to Alert Bot.02:33:54
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Alert Bot to Polisman.02:44:24
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to Margaret Thatcher.04:22:06
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Margaret Thatcher to Polisman.05:06:58
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to Margaret Thatcher.06:19:40
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Margaret Thatcher to Polisman.07:42:09
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to 𝘔𝘌𝘌6.09:36:50
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from 𝘔𝘌𝘌6 to Polisman.10:38:43
@_discord_510789298321096704:t2bot.ioTeXit#0796 changed their display name from ching chong to TeXit#0796.10:56:16
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to Margaret Thatcher.11:12:21
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Margaret Thatcher to Polisman.11:32:21
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to 𝘔𝘌𝘌6.11:55:30
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from 𝘔𝘌𝘌6 to Polisman.12:17:51
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Polisman to Maviş.13:28:55
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from Maviş to 𝘔𝘌𝘌6.19:30:56
@_discord_159985870458322944:t2bot.ioMEME6 changed their display name from 𝘔𝘌𝘌6 to MEME6.20:26:17
7 Nov 2023
@sauve:matrix.org@sauve:matrix.org left the room.04:40:40

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