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1 Jan 2024
@_discord_826061108364312626:t2bot.iochristiansi why shuudn't you be alloed? 06:34:59
@matrix638:matrix.orgmatrix638 joined the room.12:56:47
@_discord_610155571072466944:t2bot.io𐑞𐑪𐑯 𐑥𐑱𐑪𐑯𐑧𐑟𐑨 changed their profile picture.21:02:15
2 Jan 2024
@_discord_229407329374699521:t2bot.ioGunther I dunno, I just remember some larger servers having a policy about that, but I suppose I shuud have figured it'd be fine seeing as there's nothing in #rules about it 🤷 05:19:53
@_discord_862649985077346314:t2bot.iocanetch joined the room.15:24:47
@_discord_605248001790705664:t2bot.ioEktor Wao! 21:31:01
3 Jan 2024
@_discord_406841852235350016:t2bot.iotom1081 That's what we need. New ideas.
Ideas with a bit of dazzle.
@_discord_406841852235350016:t2bot.iotom1081 Eye candy. A bit of flash.
Yet stay rooted to the base principals and foundations.
Stay on the path.
@_discord_406841852235350016:t2bot.iotom1081 It's not a contradiction. 00:35:15
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI'm just missing what this is about00:38:56
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathis room is kinda useless with so many messages missing over here -.-00:39:32
@_discord_406841852235350016:t2bot.iotom1081 It's one of the original Globasa channels and it is kind of an assortment of ideas all related to Globasa all in one place. The Globasa Discord server is categorized by type of topic.
This is a place to meet the folks who like Globasa and like to talk about it.
@_discord_406841852235350016:t2bot.iotom1081 If anyone has anything to add to that please do! 01:54:16
In reply to @_discord_406841852235350016:t2bot.io
That's what we need. New ideas.
Ideas with a bit of dazzle.
guh I meant what that message was replying to
In reply to @_discord_605248001790705664:t2bot.io
and this
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaover here we can't see whatever this is replying to02:15:58
@_discord_605248001790705664:t2bot.ioEktor Right, since you're using a bot. Are you able to see the series of A. I. images on variations of the Globasa flower? That's what I was responding to. 02:17:47
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinayes those arrived well02:18:51
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina(I'm not using any bot, I'm using matrix and there's a bridge bridging those messages to and from Discord, I maybe look like a bot over your side)02:21:19
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinalately many messages from telegram have been dropped here so I thought that was the case again02:21:57
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinajust checked the list of people who joined the room02:26:18
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinadamn, over 700 lurkers, impressive!02:26:36
@_discord_605248001790705664:t2bot.ioEktor I guess I meant "bridge" rather than "bot". 02:26:59
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI'm just being a bit pedantic I guess :p02:27:44
@_discord_406841852235350016:t2bot.iotom1081 Ektor Many of those 700 lurkers could be learning Globasa.
Can you handle being famous?
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina tom1081: thanks for trying to explain though, my fault for not being more clear 02:36:00
@_discord_406841852235350016:t2bot.iotom1081 😎 02:36:01
@_discord_406841852235350016:t2bot.iotom1081 No problem. Just doing what I can with the brain I got. 02:37:11
@_discord_465728474045480960:t2bot.iowonderflies Suprem! 07:56:25

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