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11 Dec 2023
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot joined the room.16:29:15
13 Dec 2023
@_discord_605900170709696523:t2bot.iorsndomdude567 changed their profile picture.02:12:46
@_discord_238309737941172226:t2bot.iolaila1533 joined the room.04:03:32
@_discord_780347453119266847:t2bot.iokyrshkauechejel joined the room.18:04:49
@_discord_205540580049027072:t2bot.iogantar joined the room.18:32:44
14 Dec 2023
@_discord_605248001790705664:t2bot.ioEktor#8929 Wait... I remembered why I opted for keseba and not kekosa for "why". "Why" is better expressed using "reason", because the reason for something could have a cause or it could have a purpose. It's often a cause, so oftentimes we reply with "because", but not always; sometimes we reply with "so that" or "in order to". 03:52:36
@_discord_605248001790705664:t2bot.ioEktor#8929 * Wait... I remembered why I opted for keseba and not kekosa for "why". "Why" is better expressed using "reason", because the reason for something could have a cause or it could have a purpose. It's often a cause, so oftentimes we reply with "because" (koski), but not always; sometimes we reply with "so that" or "in order to" (celki). 03:55:03
16 Dec 2023
@_discord_123325605490982913:t2bot.ioFredi Is there a way to say "Merry Christmas" yet? 10:46:43
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinabon xencu maybe?11:24:13
@_discord_229407329374699521:t2bot.ioGunther I think we've been using Kristodin for now. 14:11:09
18 Dec 2023
@_discord_782068728539381800:t2bot.ioeauoi changed their profile picture.03:37:21
@_discord_465728474045480960:t2bot.iowonderflies joined the room.06:49:53
19 Dec 2023
@_discord_656034451855376394:t2bot.iogg.lol joined the room.05:28:35
@_discord_465728474045480960:t2bot.iowonderflies 08:27:49
@_discord_610155571072466944:t2bot.io𐑞𐑪𐑯 𐑥𐑱𐑪𐑯𐑧𐑟𐑨 changed their profile picture.19:55:16
20 Dec 2023
@_discord_1021942794459299900:t2bot.ioawitchandherdog changed their profile picture.23:02:19
22 Dec 2023
@_discord_812134160839213138:t2bot.io_thecasualguy joined the room.12:06:12
@_discord_475501096220229642:t2bot.iolncerante joined the room.12:23:08
@_discord_1117952424209031229:t2bot.ioedenasharpie joined the room.17:02:31
@_discord_244675488943964160:t2bot.iotea_bonica joined the room.19:07:15
24 Dec 2023
@_discord_348468314864877578:t2bot.ioghostouttheshell joined the room.21:10:15
25 Dec 2023
@_discord_492556519435403265:t2bot.iomarcgurevitx changed their profile picture.15:49:30
@_discord_123325605490982913:t2bot.ioFredi Hox Kristodin! 🎄 20:40:43
@_discord_123325605490982913:t2bot.ioFredi 20:40:44
26 Dec 2023
@_discord_518096026159153153:t2bot.ioHyperr 🎄 Hox Kristodin tas moyte! 🎄 02:41:40
@_discord_610155571072466944:t2bot.io𐑞𐑪𐑯 𐑥𐑱𐑪𐑯𐑧𐑟𐑨 changed their profile picture.03:40:39
@_discord_610155571072466944:t2bot.io𐑞𐑪𐑯 𐑥𐑱𐑪𐑯𐑧𐑟𐑨 changed their display name from ثېد ماۆنعصا to 𐑞𐑪𐑯 𐑥𐑱𐑪𐑯𐑧𐑟𐑨.21:52:00
@_discord_908746510123016222:t2bot.ioricardolw changed their display name from Ricardolw#8806 to ricardolw.22:55:42
27 Dec 2023
@_discord_246675781495947265:t2bot.iosupernerduqau 18:01:18
@_discord_780347453119266847:t2bot.iokyrshkauechejel 22:59:12

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