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23 Jul 2024
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.org joined the room.22:54:13
@gehaso:matrix.org@gehaso:matrix.orgIts ̲b̲e̲en 24 ̲ho̲urs ̲wi̲thou̲t ̲Ro̲b̲lo̲x ̲I ̲c̲ant go ̲ahe̲ad ̲wi̲t̲h th̲i̲s a̲ny ̲l̲on̲ge̲r M̲y ment̲al ̲st̲ate ̲is ̲i̲n co̲m̲p̲let̲e a̲nd ut̲ter ̲p̲a̲nd̲emo̲ni̲um ̲I ̲c̲r̲ied ̲m̲y̲s̲el̲f t̲o s̲lee̲p 4 t̲i̲m̲e̲s t̲oday ̲I f̲eel ̲pa̲ran̲o̲i̲d that ̲Robl̲ox ma̲y ̲n̲e̲v̲er ̲c̲o̲me ̲b̲a̲c̲k ̲Roblo̲x ̲ha̲s the o̲n̲l̲y ̲t̲hi̲n̲g ̲t̲hat ̲br̲in̲g̲s ̲me ̲j̲oy ̲in ̲thi̲s ̲c̲r̲u̲el l̲i̲fe ̲f̲o̲r 7 y̲e̲a̲rs ̲n̲o̲w ̲a̲n̲d I ̲won̲t be ̲ab̲l̲e t̲o re̲c̲ov̲e̲r ̲m̲en̲t̲a̲l̲ly ̲o̲r fin̲a̲ncial̲l̲y i̲f ̲i̲ts ̲go̲ne Iv̲e ̲s̲p̲e̲n̲t o̲ve̲r 7000 o̲n Rob̲l̲o̲x ̲th̲is ̲w̲eek ̲a̲l̲one ̲I ̲e̲ven ̲bo̲u̲g̲ht 500 wo̲r̲t̲h ̲of ̲R̲obl̲ox s̲t̲ocks be̲cau̲se I t̲rust ̲R̲ob̲l̲ox ̲I ̲t̲old ̲m̲y ̲mo̲m ̲t̲hro̲ugh tea̲rs ̲a̲n̲d s̲he yell̲ed ̲a̲t ̲m̲e cal̲l̲i̲n̲g me a ̲fai̲lu̲r̲e ̲a̲nd ̲s̲a̲y̲in̲g ̲sh̲e ̲k̲ne̲w ̲s̲h̲e ̲s̲h̲oul̲d ̲h̲ave been on b̲i̲r̲t̲h ̲co̲n̲t̲ro̲l ̲Alth̲ou̲gh ̲R̲ob̲lox ̲be̲i̲ng d̲ow̲n h̲a̲s h̲a̲d i̲t̲s p̲ositive ̲im̲p̲a̲cts ̲on ̲me ̲M̲y I̲Q ̲ha̲s in̲cr̲ea̲s̲ed ̲b̲y 40 ̲an̲d ̲I̲v̲e ̲b̲e̲en thi̲nki̲ng ̲m̲o̲re cr̲it̲ical̲ly W̲h̲e̲n I ̲s̲aw the W̲e̲re ̲m̲a̲k̲i̲n̲g t̲h̲i̲ngs ̲mor̲e aweso̲m̲e Be ̲b̲ac̲k ̲s̲o̲on page ̲I v̲o̲m̲i̲te̲d ̲I j̲us̲t ̲ho̲pe ̲th̲ey m̲e̲an it w̲h̲e̲n t̲he̲y s̲a̲y ̲s̲o̲on ̲I ̲e̲v̲e̲n ̲s̲t̲a̲r̲t̲ed ̲pr̲ayi̲ng ̲ag̲a̲i̲n I̲v̲e ̲b̲e̲en ̲a d̲e̲dic̲at̲ed ̲C̲hr̲i̲s̲t̲i̲a̲n for 12 ̲y̲ea̲r̲s ̲a̲nd ̲I b̲e̲ga̲n t̲o ̲pr̲ay ̲t̲o ̲g̲od ̲i̲n hopes t̲h̲a̲t t̲he̲y c̲a̲n ̲b̲rin̲g Ro̲b̲lox ̲b̲ack ̲soo̲n ̲I ha̲d ̲t̲o lea̲r̲n ̲Ara̲b̲ic t̲o p̲r̲a̲y to A̲l̲l̲ah ̲I ̲hope Ro̲bl̲ox ̲come̲s b̲ac̲k ̲soo̲n I d̲o̲n̲t kno̲w how m̲uc̲h ̲lon̲ger ̲I ca̲n ta̲k̲e ̲t̲h̲i̲s22:54:13
@revig12:matrix.org@revig12:matrix.orgI̲ts ̲b̲een 24 h̲our̲s wit̲h̲out R̲o̲b̲l̲ox ̲I ca̲n̲t go ̲a̲head ̲wi̲t̲h ̲this a̲ny lo̲ng̲e̲r My ̲m̲en̲ta̲l s̲t̲at̲e ̲is ̲i̲n c̲om̲p̲l̲e̲t̲e an̲d u̲tter pan̲d̲emon̲iu̲m ̲I ̲c̲r̲ie̲d mys̲el̲f to sl̲eep 4 t̲ime̲s to̲da̲y ̲I fe̲el pa̲r̲a̲noi̲d ̲t̲h̲a̲t ̲R̲oblo̲x m̲ay ̲n̲ev̲e̲r ̲c̲ome bac̲k Roblo̲x ̲h̲a̲s ̲t̲he only ̲th̲i̲ng t̲hat b̲r̲i̲ngs ̲me ̲jo̲y ̲i̲n ̲t̲hi̲s ̲c̲ru̲el lif̲e for 7 ̲y̲e̲ar̲s n̲ow ̲an̲d I w̲o̲nt ̲be ab̲l̲e ̲t̲o re̲c̲o̲v̲er m̲en̲t̲ally ̲or ̲f̲in̲an̲ci̲ally i̲f ̲it̲s g̲o̲ne ̲I̲ve ̲sp̲en̲t ̲o̲ve̲r 7000 ̲o̲n ̲R̲ob̲lo̲x ̲t̲h̲is we̲ek ̲a̲l̲o̲ne ̲I e̲v̲e̲n ̲b̲ou̲gh̲t 500 ̲wo̲rth ̲o̲f ̲Ro̲bl̲ox s̲to̲c̲ks b̲eca̲use I ̲tr̲ust ̲Robl̲o̲x ̲I t̲old ̲my ̲m̲om ̲th̲r̲ough t̲ears ̲an̲d s̲he y̲e̲ll̲ed ̲a̲t me ̲ca̲lli̲n̲g ̲me a f̲a̲ilu̲r̲e ̲and s̲ayin̲g sh̲e knew s̲he ̲s̲h̲o̲u̲l̲d h̲a̲ve ̲b̲e̲e̲n ̲on b̲ir̲th c̲o̲n̲tr̲ol ̲Al̲tho̲u̲gh ̲R̲o̲bl̲o̲x b̲ei̲ng d̲ow̲n h̲as ̲ha̲d its posi̲tiv̲e ̲im̲pac̲t̲s o̲n m̲e ̲M̲y ̲I̲Q h̲as ̲i̲n̲crea̲sed ̲b̲y 40 and ̲I̲ve ̲b̲e̲e̲n ̲t̲hink̲in̲g more crit̲ica̲l̲ly Whe̲n I ̲s̲aw th̲e W̲e̲r̲e ̲m̲aki̲ng t̲hi̲n̲gs ̲more a̲wesome Be ̲bac̲k s̲o̲o̲n p̲ag̲e I ̲v̲om̲i̲te̲d ̲I ̲ju̲s̲t ̲ho̲pe ̲they ̲mean it ̲when they s̲ay soo̲n I ̲e̲ven ̲s̲ta̲rted ̲p̲r̲ayin̲g ̲a̲ga̲in Ive b̲e̲e̲n a ̲de̲dic̲at̲ed Chr̲i̲s̲tian ̲f̲o̲r 12 year̲s ̲an̲d I b̲eg̲an ̲to ̲pr̲ay ̲to ̲god ̲in ̲ho̲pe̲s ̲t̲h̲a̲t th̲ey c̲an b̲r̲in̲g Rob̲l̲o̲x ̲back ̲so̲on I ̲had ̲t̲o le̲arn Ara̲bi̲c t̲o ̲p̲ray ̲t̲o ̲A̲lla̲h I ho̲pe ̲R̲oblo̲x ̲com̲e̲s b̲a̲c̲k s̲o̲o̲n ̲I do̲n̲t k̲n̲ow ho̲w ̲m̲u̲c̲h lo̲ng̲e̲r ̲I ca̲n t̲a̲ke ̲th̲i̲s22:54:15
@gehaso:matrix.org@gehaso:matrix.org21 ̳H̳ou̳r of ̳r̳obl̳o̳x ̳be̳i̳n̳g do̳wn I ̳t̳h̳i̳nk ̳im ̳los̳in̳g ̳m̳y mind ̳M̳y ̳wh̳ol̳e b̳o̳d̳y a̳che̳s and my li̳m̳bs are ̳tr̳emb̳l̳i̳n̳g ̳I ̳fe̳e̳l my b̳o̳n̳es bre̳ak̳in̳g a̳n̳d ̳i̳m ̳i̳n a s̳t̳r̳a̳i̳g̳h̳t ̳pan̳ic att̳a̳c̳k be̳c̳au̳se ̳i ̳hav̳e ̳to ̳g̳o ̳s̳e̳e ̳t̳h̳e sc̳a̳ry ̳o̳u̳t̳si̳de w̳orl̳d ̳and th̳e ̳t̳all ̳gre̳en g̳rass I ̳f̳e̳el ̳m̳y o̳rga̳n̳s d̳e̳g̳en̳er̳a̳te a̳n̳d ̳i̳m lo̳s̳i̳n̳g p̳o̳w̳e̳r ̳P̳l̳e̳a̳s̳e ̳R̳o̳bl̳ox C̳E̳O ̳p̳u̳t yo̳u̳r game b̳ac̳k ̳up I̳m ̳d̳y̳i̳n̳g ̳an̳d in ̳endl̳es̳s ̳et̳e̳rn̳al ̳p̳ain I dont thin̳k ̳im go̳ing t̳o ma̳k̳e it ̳H̳o̳w ̳ma̳n̳y ye̳ars ̳M̳o̳n̳t̳h̳s ̳e̳ve̳n h̳a̳s i̳t b̳e̳en wi̳th̳o̳u̳t r̳ob̳lo̳x I s̳t̳i̳l̳l ̳c̳a̳n̳t ̳c̳om̳pr̳eh̳e̳n̳d m̳y ̳only r̳eason ̳of l̳if̳e ̳h̳a̳s ̳be̳e̳n stri̳ppe̳d aw̳ay ̳from ̳m̳e my ̳b̳o̳d̳y ha̳s go̳ne ̳in̳t̳o w̳i̳th̳d̳r̳awal ̳m̳y ̳h̳a̳nds ̳are c̳u̳rre̳ntl̳y sha̳k̳in̳g ̳a̳s ̳I a̳m cu̳rre̳n̳t̳l̳y ty̳p̳ing ̳t̳hi̳s My b̳r̳a̳in ̳h̳as ̳no p̳u̳rpos̳e o̳the̳r ̳t̳h̳a̳n ̳t̳o ̳f̳ulfil̳l ̳t̳he du̳t̳y of ̳p̳l̳ay̳ing ̳r̳ob̳lo̳x ̳What ̳do i ̳do ̳now I see no pur̳pos̳e of ̳l̳if̳e ̳The̳r̳e is ̳no ̳p̳urp̳o̳s̳e ̳o̳f ̳l̳i̳fe I a̳m ̳go̳ing ̳t̳o s̳e̳n̳d o̳ne ̳fi̳na̳l ̳m̳e̳ss̳age ̳befo̳r̳e ̳I c̳e̳ase ̳to ̳e̳xi̳s̳t ̳I̳m f̳ee̳l̳ing s̳ick ̳to ̳m̳y ̳s̳to̳m̳ac̳h ̳m̳y ̳bod̳y is s̳ick ̳my l̳e̳g̳s ar̳e ̳sh̳aking I̳m a̳b̳o̳ut t̳o th̳ro̳w up ̳T̳h̳is i̳s a ̳di̳se̳as̳e a me̳ntal ̳di̳s̳or̳der ̳and ̳di̳s̳e̳ase t̳h̳at ha̳s ̳ta̳k̳e̳n m̳y ̳lif̳e away Ho̳p̳e y̳oure ̳hap̳py n̳o̳w robl̳o̳x22:54:18
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.org21 ̲H̲our ̲of ̲r̲obl̲o̲x ̲be̲i̲ng ̲dow̲n ̲I ̲think im losing m̲y ̲mi̲n̲d ̲M̲y who̲le ̲b̲o̲dy ̲a̲c̲he̲s ̲a̲n̲d m̲y l̲i̲mbs ar̲e ̲tr̲e̲m̲bl̲in̲g I ̲f̲ee̲l my ̲bon̲e̲s br̲e̲ak̲i̲ng ̲a̲n̲d ̲i̲m ̲in a ̲s̲tr̲aigh̲t pan̲i̲c a̲t̲t̲ac̲k ̲be̲ca̲us̲e ̲i h̲a̲v̲e ̲to ̲go ̲see the ̲scar̲y o̲uts̲id̲e ̲wo̲rl̲d ̲an̲d ̲t̲he t̲al̲l g̲r̲e̲en ̲g̲ra̲ss I ̲fee̲l ̲my ̲o̲rgan̲s ̲d̲eg̲en̲e̲ra̲te ̲an̲d ̲im l̲o̲s̲ing ̲pow̲e̲r Ple̲ase ̲R̲o̲b̲l̲ox ̲CEO p̲ut ̲you̲r gam̲e b̲ack up Im dy̲ing an̲d ̲in en̲dl̲e̲s̲s ̲e̲t̲ernal ̲p̲a̲i̲n ̲I d̲o̲n̲t ̲t̲hi̲n̲k im goi̲ng ̲t̲o ̲make it Ho̲w ̲m̲a̲ny ye̲ars ̲M̲o̲n̲t̲h̲s ̲e̲ven h̲as it b̲e̲e̲n w̲ith̲o̲ut ̲r̲o̲blox I ̲s̲ti̲ll c̲an̲t ̲com̲p̲re̲hen̲d ̲m̲y o̲nl̲y r̲e̲a̲s̲on o̲f li̲fe ̲h̲a̲s b̲e̲e̲n st̲rip̲pe̲d away from me ̲m̲y ̲bod̲y ha̲s ̲g̲one ̲i̲nt̲o wi̲th̲d̲r̲a̲wa̲l my ̲ha̲n̲d̲s ̲are cu̲r̲r̲ent̲ly ̲s̲haki̲ng ̲as ̲I a̲m ̲cur̲r̲entl̲y ̲t̲ypi̲n̲g ̲thi̲s My ̲brain ̲has n̲o purpos̲e ̲ot̲h̲er t̲h̲an t̲o ful̲fil̲l ̲the ̲d̲uty ̲of p̲la̲yi̲ng robl̲o̲x ̲W̲ha̲t d̲o i ̲do ̲now ̲I ̲s̲ee n̲o ̲p̲u̲rpose ̲of ̲li̲f̲e ̲Th̲e̲re ̲i̲s no pur̲po̲se ̲of li̲f̲e ̲I am ̲go̲ing t̲o ̲send o̲n̲e fi̲n̲a̲l mes̲s̲age ̲b̲e̲for̲e I cea̲s̲e t̲o ̲exist Im f̲e̲el̲i̲ng s̲i̲c̲k t̲o ̲m̲y s̲tom̲ac̲h ̲my ̲bo̲d̲y i̲s ̲si̲ck ̲my l̲e̲gs ar̲e ̲sh̲a̲k̲i̲n̲g ̲Im ̲a̲bou̲t to ̲t̲hro̲w ̲u̲p T̲h̲is i̲s ̲a d̲isease a ̲m̲ental d̲i̲s̲or̲d̲er a̲nd di̲s̲eas̲e ̲tha̲t h̲as t̲ak̲en ̲my l̲i̲fe a̲wa̲y H̲ope ̲y̲o̲u̲re ̲ha̲ppy n̲ow ro̲blo̲x22:54:18
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.org21 Ho̳ur ̳of ̳rob̳l̳o̳x ̳bei̳ng ̳d̳ow̳n I ̳th̳in̳k i̳m lo̳sin̳g ̳m̳y ̳m̳i̳n̳d M̳y ̳w̳h̳o̳l̳e bo̳d̳y a̳ches a̳nd ̳m̳y l̳imb̳s ̳a̳r̳e ̳tremb̳lin̳g ̳I ̳fee̳l m̳y bo̳n̳es ̳b̳r̳eaki̳n̳g ̳a̳nd ̳im ̳in a st̳raight ̳p̳a̳ni̳c ̳a̳t̳tac̳k be̳caus̳e i h̳a̳v̳e to go s̳e̳e t̳h̳e sc̳ary ̳o̳u̳ts̳i̳de wo̳rld ̳and ̳th̳e ta̳l̳l gr̳ee̳n ̳g̳r̳a̳ss ̳I ̳f̳e̳el ̳m̳y o̳r̳gans ̳d̳eg̳e̳n̳e̳r̳at̳e a̳nd im lo̳s̳in̳g po̳we̳r ̳Ple̳ase Robl̳o̳x CE̳O ̳pu̳t y̳o̳u̳r g̳ame ba̳c̳k up I̳m ̳d̳y̳ing ̳a̳nd in ̳end̳le̳s̳s ̳et̳ern̳al ̳pa̳i̳n ̳I ̳d̳on̳t think im g̳oi̳ng to ̳m̳a̳ke ̳i̳t ̳H̳o̳w ̳many ye̳a̳rs M̳onth̳s e̳v̳en ha̳s ̳i̳t b̳ee̳n ̳wi̳th̳ou̳t ̳rob̳lox I ̳s̳til̳l ̳ca̳n̳t c̳o̳m̳p̳reh̳end ̳m̳y ̳o̳nly reaso̳n ̳of li̳fe h̳a̳s ̳b̳e̳e̳n ̳stri̳p̳p̳e̳d ̳a̳w̳ay ̳fr̳om m̳e ̳my bod̳y ̳has ̳g̳on̳e in̳to w̳i̳t̳hdr̳a̳wal ̳m̳y ̳h̳a̳nd̳s ar̳e ̳cur̳re̳n̳t̳l̳y ̳s̳h̳ak̳i̳n̳g ̳as I ̳am cur̳r̳e̳ntl̳y ̳t̳y̳p̳in̳g t̳his ̳My brai̳n ̳has no ̳p̳ur̳p̳os̳e o̳t̳h̳er ̳th̳a̳n ̳t̳o ̳f̳ulf̳il̳l t̳h̳e ̳d̳ut̳y ̳of ̳p̳l̳ay̳ing ro̳b̳lox ̳W̳h̳a̳t ̳d̳o ̳i d̳o n̳ow I ̳see ̳no p̳u̳r̳po̳s̳e of lif̳e The̳r̳e ̳i̳s ̳n̳o pu̳rpos̳e ̳of ̳lif̳e I am g̳o̳i̳ng to ̳se̳nd o̳ne f̳i̳na̳l messa̳ge be̳for̳e I ̳c̳eas̳e ̳t̳o e̳x̳i̳st Im feel̳ing ̳sic̳k ̳to my sto̳mac̳h ̳my b̳ody is ̳s̳ic̳k my legs are ̳sh̳ak̳i̳n̳g Im ̳ab̳o̳u̳t t̳o th̳ro̳w ̳u̳p This is a d̳i̳sea̳s̳e a ̳me̳nta̳l ̳d̳is̳o̳rd̳e̳r ̳an̳d ̳di̳se̳a̳s̳e t̳hat h̳as ̳ta̳k̳en m̳y ̳l̳ife ̳aw̳ay Ho̳p̳e yo̳ure ̳h̳a̳p̳py n̳o̳w r̳o̳b̳lo̳x22:54:19
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.org̲I̲ts ̲bee̲n 20 ̲hou̲rs ̲with̲o̲u̲t ̲Ro̲blox I c̲an̲t st̲op sha̲kin̲g ̲an̲d ̲Im ̲ha̲v̲i̲n̲g s̲e̲ve̲re wit̲hd̲rawal̲s I wo̲k̲e ̲up ̲to̲da̲y ̲tr̲yi̲ng ̲to l̲og o̲nt̲o ̲Rob̲lox b̲ut th̲e s̲i̲t̲e wa̲s ̲d̲o̲w̲n ̲I h̲a̲d a m̲a̲j̲or ̲panic a̲t̲t̲a̲c̲k b̲u̲t m̲anaged to ̲c̲a̲l̲m ̲down a̲f̲t̲er a ̲f̲ew ̲hou̲rs ̲I cou̲ldnt ̲go t̲o schoo̲l tod̲a̲y ̲and I ̲can b̲a̲r̲ely g̲et o̲u̲t o̲f m̲y b̲ed to do anyth̲i̲ng Im s̲i̲ck t̲o m̲y ̲s̲tom̲ach ̲at thi̲s ̲p̲oint l̲ife ̲is ̲wor̲thl̲ess22:54:20
@revig12:matrix.org@revig12:matrix.org̲I̲t̲s b̲ee̲n 24 ̲ho̲urs ̲witho̲u̲t R̲o̲bl̲ox ̲I ̲can̲t go ̲a̲hea̲d ̲w̲it̲h ̲this ̲a̲n̲y ̲l̲o̲n̲g̲e̲r My ̲ment̲al ̲s̲ta̲t̲e ̲i̲s in ̲comp̲l̲e̲t̲e ̲an̲d u̲t̲ter ̲pand̲emo̲ni̲u̲m I ̲cr̲ied m̲y̲s̲el̲f ̲to sle̲ep 4 ̲t̲i̲m̲e̲s ̲t̲o̲d̲a̲y ̲I ̲f̲e̲el ̲pa̲r̲ano̲id th̲a̲t ̲R̲o̲b̲lo̲x ̲m̲a̲y ne̲ver come b̲ack ̲R̲o̲blox has ̲th̲e onl̲y ̲thi̲ng ̲t̲ha̲t ̲bri̲n̲gs ̲me ̲j̲o̲y in ̲th̲i̲s cr̲u̲el ̲l̲i̲f̲e ̲f̲o̲r 7 ye̲a̲rs ̲no̲w and I ̲w̲o̲n̲t be ̲a̲b̲l̲e ̲t̲o ̲r̲e̲c̲o̲ver m̲enta̲l̲ly ̲or ̲f̲i̲na̲nciall̲y if ̲it̲s ̲g̲on̲e I̲v̲e sp̲e̲n̲t o̲v̲e̲r 7000 o̲n Robl̲ox ̲t̲h̲is wee̲k al̲one I e̲ven bought 500 ̲w̲o̲r̲t̲h ̲o̲f Rob̲l̲ox st̲ocks bec̲ause I trust ̲R̲o̲bl̲o̲x ̲I ̲t̲ol̲d ̲my ̲m̲o̲m th̲r̲o̲u̲g̲h t̲ears ̲and ̲s̲h̲e ̲y̲el̲led ̲at me c̲al̲l̲i̲n̲g me a fa̲il̲u̲r̲e and ̲sa̲y̲ing ̲s̲he ̲knew ̲she s̲ho̲u̲l̲d ̲h̲a̲ve b̲een on b̲ir̲th c̲on̲trol A̲l̲t̲ho̲ug̲h ̲Ro̲blo̲x ̲be̲i̲n̲g ̲do̲w̲n ha̲s ̲ha̲d ̲its ̲po̲s̲i̲ti̲v̲e im̲pa̲ct̲s on ̲m̲e M̲y ̲I̲Q ̲ha̲s ̲in̲c̲r̲eased ̲by 40 an̲d ̲Ive ̲b̲een thin̲king m̲o̲re ̲c̲rit̲ica̲lly ̲W̲h̲en ̲I s̲aw ̲th̲e W̲ere m̲aking ̲t̲h̲ing̲s ̲more awes̲ome B̲e ̲ba̲ck s̲o̲on ̲p̲ag̲e I vom̲it̲ed I ju̲s̲t ̲h̲o̲pe ̲t̲h̲ey ̲mean ̲it ̲w̲he̲n th̲ey s̲a̲y soo̲n I ̲e̲ve̲n ̲s̲ta̲r̲t̲ed ̲pr̲ayin̲g again I̲v̲e been a ded̲ica̲t̲ed C̲hri̲st̲i̲an f̲o̲r 12 y̲e̲ars a̲nd ̲I b̲e̲ga̲n to pr̲ay to ̲god in ̲ho̲pes ̲th̲at th̲e̲y c̲an ̲b̲r̲i̲ng ̲Rob̲l̲ox ̲b̲a̲c̲k ̲soo̲n ̲I ha̲d to l̲ea̲r̲n Ar̲a̲bic to p̲r̲a̲y t̲o ̲Alla̲h ̲I h̲op̲e R̲o̲b̲l̲o̲x ̲come̲s ba̲ck ̲soo̲n I don̲t k̲n̲ow h̲ow m̲u̲ch l̲o̲nger ̲I ̲ca̲n ̲t̲ak̲e ̲t̲h̲is22:54:21
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.org̳I̳t̳s b̳een 20 ̳ho̳u̳rs wi̳t̳h̳o̳ut Ro̳b̳lo̳x I ̳c̳ant ̳sto̳p ̳s̳ha̳king an̳d Im ̳h̳a̳vi̳ng ̳se̳v̳e̳re w̳ithd̳ra̳wa̳l̳s I ̳w̳ok̳e ̳up ̳t̳oda̳y t̳r̳yi̳n̳g to lo̳g onto ̳R̳ob̳lox b̳ut ̳t̳h̳e site was ̳d̳o̳wn I ̳ha̳d ̳a m̳aj̳or ̳pan̳i̳c at̳t̳ack bu̳t m̳ana̳g̳e̳d ̳t̳o ̳ca̳lm ̳d̳own afte̳r ̳a ̳fe̳w ̳h̳ours ̳I ̳c̳oul̳d̳n̳t go t̳o schoo̳l t̳od̳a̳y ̳and I ̳ca̳n ̳ba̳r̳el̳y get ̳ou̳t ̳of my b̳ed t̳o ̳do an̳yt̳hing ̳I̳m sick ̳to my s̳t̳om̳a̳ch a̳t ̳t̳h̳i̳s p̳o̳i̳n̳t li̳fe is ̳wo̳rt̳hl̳ess22:54:23
@gehaso:matrix.org@gehaso:matrix.org̳Its ̳b̳een 24 h̳ou̳r̳s ̳w̳i̳thou̳t ̳Ro̳b̳lox ̳I ̳c̳an̳t ̳g̳o ah̳ead ̳wi̳t̳h ̳th̳i̳s ̳a̳n̳y ̳lo̳ng̳er M̳y ̳me̳nt̳al s̳tat̳e i̳s in co̳mplet̳e ̳a̳n̳d ̳u̳tt̳er ̳p̳ande̳m̳o̳n̳i̳u̳m I ̳c̳ri̳e̳d m̳y̳se̳lf ̳t̳o sl̳e̳e̳p 4 ̳ti̳mes ̳t̳oda̳y I ̳f̳e̳el pa̳ran̳o̳id th̳at Robl̳o̳x ̳may n̳ev̳e̳r ̳come ba̳c̳k Robl̳ox has ̳t̳he ̳on̳l̳y ̳th̳ing ̳t̳hat b̳r̳i̳n̳g̳s ̳me j̳oy ̳i̳n this c̳ru̳el l̳ife ̳for 7 ̳y̳e̳a̳rs n̳o̳w ̳an̳d I wo̳n̳t b̳e abl̳e to r̳eco̳ve̳r men̳tal̳ly ̳o̳r finan̳c̳i̳a̳ll̳y ̳i̳f i̳ts gone ̳Iv̳e s̳p̳en̳t over 7000 o̳n Robl̳ox t̳h̳is we̳e̳k a̳lo̳n̳e I ̳ev̳en bo̳ugh̳t 500 ̳w̳o̳r̳th of ̳R̳o̳bl̳ox sto̳ck̳s ̳be̳cau̳se ̳I trus̳t ̳R̳o̳blo̳x I t̳old ̳m̳y m̳o̳m t̳h̳r̳ou̳g̳h ̳te̳a̳r̳s a̳nd ̳s̳h̳e ̳y̳e̳lled ̳at m̳e c̳a̳l̳l̳in̳g me ̳a ̳f̳ailure ̳an̳d ̳say̳ing ̳she ̳k̳ne̳w ̳s̳h̳e s̳ho̳ul̳d hav̳e b̳een ̳o̳n ̳bi̳rth ̳c̳on̳tr̳ol Al̳th̳o̳u̳g̳h ̳Ro̳b̳l̳o̳x being d̳o̳w̳n ̳has ha̳d i̳ts p̳o̳sit̳i̳v̳e ̳impa̳cts o̳n me My I̳Q h̳a̳s i̳ncr̳ea̳sed by 40 a̳nd I̳v̳e be̳en t̳h̳in̳k̳in̳g mo̳r̳e ̳cr̳iti̳ca̳l̳ly ̳W̳h̳en I ̳s̳aw ̳t̳he W̳e̳re m̳a̳king t̳hi̳n̳gs ̳mo̳r̳e aw̳e̳so̳me ̳Be ba̳c̳k ̳soon ̳pag̳e I vo̳mit̳e̳d I just ̳ho̳pe ̳they ̳m̳ean it w̳hen t̳h̳e̳y ̳sa̳y s̳o̳on ̳I ̳e̳v̳e̳n started prayi̳n̳g a̳g̳ai̳n ̳Iv̳e b̳e̳en a ̳ded̳ic̳a̳te̳d C̳hri̳sti̳a̳n f̳o̳r 12 ̳years ̳a̳nd I beg̳an t̳o p̳r̳ay to god in ̳h̳o̳pe̳s t̳hat the̳y ̳can ̳bring R̳oblox ̳ba̳ck s̳oon I ̳h̳a̳d t̳o ̳l̳ea̳rn Ar̳a̳bi̳c ̳t̳o p̳ra̳y to ̳A̳l̳l̳a̳h I h̳op̳e ̳R̳o̳blo̳x ̳com̳e̳s ba̳c̳k so̳on ̳I ̳d̳on̳t kno̳w ̳ho̳w ̳muc̳h ̳lo̳n̳g̳er ̳I ca̳n t̳ak̳e t̳his22:54:23
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.org21 Hou̲r ̲o̲f ro̲blox ̲be̲i̲ng ̲d̲o̲wn ̲I think ̲im l̲o̲s̲i̲n̲g my m̲in̲d M̲y w̲hole ̲b̲ody aches a̲n̲d my ̲l̲imb̲s ̲are ̲t̲r̲e̲mb̲l̲in̲g ̲I ̲f̲ee̲l my ̲bon̲es ̲b̲re̲aking ̲a̲nd ̲i̲m ̲in a ̲st̲r̲aight p̲a̲ni̲c a̲t̲t̲a̲c̲k b̲e̲c̲au̲se i ̲ha̲v̲e ̲t̲o go ̲s̲ee t̲he s̲c̲a̲r̲y ou̲ts̲ide wo̲rld ̲an̲d ̲th̲e t̲a̲ll g̲reen g̲r̲ass I f̲ee̲l ̲my ̲o̲rg̲a̲n̲s de̲ge̲n̲era̲t̲e a̲nd ̲i̲m ̲lo̲s̲i̲ng ̲p̲o̲we̲r P̲l̲ease ̲R̲o̲bl̲ox C̲E̲O ̲p̲u̲t ̲y̲our ̲g̲am̲e ba̲c̲k up ̲I̲m dyin̲g ̲a̲nd ̲in en̲dl̲es̲s ete̲r̲na̲l pai̲n ̲I d̲o̲n̲t ̲thin̲k ̲i̲m go̲i̲ng t̲o ̲make i̲t H̲o̲w man̲y ̲y̲e̲a̲r̲s ̲Mon̲ths ̲e̲v̲e̲n h̲as ̲it been w̲i̲th̲o̲ut ro̲b̲lox ̲I ̲sti̲l̲l ca̲nt c̲om̲prehe̲nd m̲y o̲nly ̲r̲e̲as̲o̲n ̲o̲f li̲fe ̲h̲as ̲b̲e̲en ̲s̲t̲r̲i̲pp̲e̲d ̲a̲wa̲y ̲fr̲om m̲e ̲my ̲bod̲y ̲has g̲o̲ne ̲i̲nt̲o ̲w̲ith̲d̲r̲a̲w̲al m̲y ̲hands are ̲c̲urr̲en̲t̲l̲y s̲hak̲in̲g ̲as ̲I ̲am ̲c̲urren̲t̲ly typi̲n̲g ̲t̲h̲is My b̲r̲a̲in ̲has no p̲u̲r̲pos̲e ̲o̲t̲h̲er th̲an ̲t̲o f̲ul̲f̲il̲l t̲he ̲du̲ty o̲f p̲l̲ay̲ing ̲r̲obl̲ox Wh̲a̲t d̲o i ̲d̲o no̲w ̲I ̲s̲ee ̲no pu̲rpo̲s̲e o̲f l̲i̲fe T̲h̲e̲r̲e ̲i̲s n̲o p̲ur̲p̲os̲e o̲f l̲i̲fe ̲I a̲m ̲g̲o̲ing ̲t̲o se̲nd ̲one ̲fin̲a̲l ̲me̲ss̲age b̲efore I ̲c̲ea̲s̲e ̲to e̲x̲i̲st ̲I̲m ̲fe̲e̲l̲i̲n̲g sick t̲o ̲my ̲sto̲m̲a̲ch my ̲b̲o̲d̲y is ̲s̲ick my ̲l̲eg̲s a̲re s̲h̲akin̲g Im a̲bo̲ut t̲o thr̲o̲w ̲up ̲This i̲s a ̲di̲s̲ea̲s̲e ̲a m̲e̲nt̲a̲l di̲sor̲d̲er ̲a̲n̲d ̲d̲is̲ea̲s̲e ̲that h̲as ̲ta̲ke̲n my lif̲e ̲awa̲y H̲op̲e ̲yo̲u̲r̲e h̲a̲ppy no̲w ̲robl̲o̲x22:54:24
@revig12:matrix.org@revig12:matrix.org̲It̲s ̲bee̲n 20 hours ̲w̲it̲h̲ou̲t R̲oblo̲x ̲I ̲can̲t ̲s̲t̲op s̲h̲ak̲i̲ng ̲an̲d Im havin̲g ̲s̲eve̲re ̲wit̲hdraw̲al̲s ̲I ̲w̲ok̲e ̲up ̲today t̲rying ̲to l̲o̲g ̲o̲n̲t̲o R̲o̲blox ̲b̲ut th̲e s̲i̲te was d̲o̲w̲n I h̲ad a ̲ma̲jor pa̲n̲ic a̲ttack but m̲an̲age̲d to ̲c̲a̲l̲m do̲w̲n ̲a̲f̲t̲e̲r a ̲fe̲w ̲ho̲u̲rs ̲I cou̲ldn̲t ̲g̲o t̲o s̲c̲ho̲o̲l t̲o̲da̲y ̲a̲n̲d I ̲c̲an b̲are̲l̲y g̲et out o̲f my b̲e̲d ̲t̲o ̲do an̲yt̲h̲i̲ng ̲Im ̲sick t̲o m̲y ̲s̲t̲omach ̲at th̲i̲s ̲poi̲n̲t ̲l̲i̲fe ̲i̲s ̲wo̲r̲t̲h̲le̲ss22:54:25
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.orgIts ̲be̲e̲n 20 h̲ou̲r̲s ̲wi̲thou̲t R̲ob̲l̲ox ̲I ̲c̲ant ̲s̲t̲o̲p ̲s̲h̲ak̲i̲n̲g ̲an̲d I̲m ̲h̲a̲v̲i̲ng se̲v̲ere ̲w̲it̲hdraw̲a̲l̲s I ̲w̲oke ̲up ̲t̲o̲d̲a̲y ̲t̲r̲y̲i̲n̲g ̲t̲o ̲log ̲o̲n̲to R̲oblox ̲b̲u̲t t̲he s̲it̲e w̲as ̲do̲wn ̲I ̲h̲a̲d ̲a ̲m̲aj̲o̲r ̲pa̲n̲i̲c a̲ttack b̲ut ̲managed to ̲ca̲lm d̲o̲w̲n afte̲r a f̲e̲w ̲h̲o̲u̲r̲s ̲I co̲u̲l̲dnt go ̲t̲o sc̲hool to̲d̲ay ̲a̲n̲d ̲I can ̲bar̲e̲ly ̲get o̲u̲t of ̲m̲y ̲bed ̲to do ̲a̲n̲y̲t̲h̲in̲g Im si̲c̲k t̲o ̲m̲y ̲s̲t̲oma̲c̲h ̲a̲t ̲this ̲point ̲life ̲is wo̲rth̲l̲e̲ss22:54:26
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.orgIt̲s ̲b̲ee̲n 20 ho̲u̲rs w̲ithou̲t ̲Robl̲o̲x I ca̲n̲t st̲op ̲sh̲a̲k̲ing ̲and ̲Im h̲a̲vi̲ng ̲s̲ev̲e̲re ̲with̲d̲ra̲w̲als I w̲oke up ̲t̲o̲d̲a̲y tr̲yi̲n̲g to ̲l̲o̲g on̲to R̲o̲b̲l̲ox ̲b̲ut ̲the sit̲e w̲as down ̲I h̲ad ̲a ̲ma̲jo̲r ̲p̲a̲n̲ic ̲at̲t̲a̲ck but ma̲na̲g̲ed ̲to ̲c̲alm d̲o̲w̲n a̲ft̲e̲r ̲a fe̲w ̲h̲ours ̲I couldn̲t ̲go ̲to sch̲o̲ol t̲oda̲y an̲d I can barely get ou̲t ̲o̲f ̲my ̲be̲d t̲o ̲do ̲a̲nyth̲i̲ng ̲Im ̲s̲i̲ck ̲to ̲m̲y ̲s̲t̲o̲mach at ̲this p̲oi̲n̲t l̲if̲e ̲i̲s w̲or̲t̲hle̲s̲s22:54:28
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.orgI̲t̲s ̲been 24 ̲ho̲u̲r̲s ̲w̲i̲thout R̲o̲bl̲ox ̲I ̲cant g̲o ̲a̲hea̲d with ̲t̲hi̲s ̲an̲y l̲on̲ge̲r M̲y me̲nt̲a̲l sta̲te i̲s in co̲mple̲t̲e ̲a̲n̲d ̲ut̲t̲e̲r ̲p̲a̲n̲demoni̲u̲m I ̲cri̲ed ̲m̲yse̲lf ̲t̲o s̲le̲e̲p 4 t̲i̲m̲es ̲today I f̲eel par̲a̲n̲oid t̲hat ̲Ro̲blox ̲may ̲n̲ever ̲com̲e b̲ac̲k Ro̲b̲l̲o̲x ̲ha̲s ̲the ̲o̲n̲l̲y ̲thin̲g ̲t̲ha̲t ̲bri̲n̲gs ̲m̲e ̲j̲o̲y in t̲hi̲s ̲c̲r̲uel li̲f̲e f̲o̲r 7 ̲ye̲a̲r̲s ̲n̲ow ̲and ̲I wont ̲b̲e a̲bl̲e to ̲r̲ec̲ov̲er ̲me̲ntall̲y o̲r fin̲a̲nci̲a̲l̲l̲y if ̲its ̲g̲on̲e ̲Ive s̲pen̲t o̲v̲er 7000 o̲n Ro̲bl̲o̲x ̲thi̲s ̲w̲eek al̲o̲ne I eve̲n b̲ough̲t 500 worth o̲f ̲Ro̲b̲lo̲x ̲sto̲ck̲s b̲e̲ca̲u̲s̲e I ̲t̲rus̲t R̲oblo̲x ̲I to̲l̲d my mo̲m thr̲o̲u̲gh ̲tear̲s a̲n̲d ̲sh̲e y̲e̲l̲le̲d a̲t m̲e ̲c̲a̲llin̲g ̲m̲e a f̲ai̲l̲u̲re ̲a̲nd s̲a̲y̲in̲g ̲s̲he k̲n̲ew ̲she ̲sho̲ul̲d ̲h̲a̲v̲e ̲b̲een on ̲bi̲r̲t̲h c̲on̲t̲rol ̲A̲l̲t̲h̲ough ̲Ro̲blox b̲e̲i̲ng ̲d̲ow̲n h̲as ̲h̲a̲d ̲it̲s p̲os̲it̲i̲ve i̲mpac̲t̲s ̲o̲n me M̲y I̲Q ̲h̲as ̲inc̲r̲e̲as̲e̲d ̲by 40 ̲a̲n̲d Iv̲e be̲en ̲t̲h̲i̲n̲k̲i̲ng ̲m̲ore c̲ri̲t̲i̲c̲al̲l̲y ̲W̲h̲en I ̲saw th̲e Were ma̲k̲i̲n̲g ̲thin̲gs ̲m̲o̲re ̲a̲w̲esome ̲Be back ̲so̲o̲n ̲pa̲g̲e I ̲vomi̲t̲ed ̲I j̲u̲st h̲ope ̲t̲h̲e̲y ̲m̲ea̲n ̲it wh̲e̲n ̲th̲ey ̲sa̲y ̲soon I ev̲e̲n s̲t̲ar̲t̲e̲d ̲p̲ra̲yin̲g a̲g̲ai̲n I̲ve ̲b̲e̲en a ̲d̲edica̲t̲e̲d C̲h̲r̲ist̲i̲a̲n for 12 ̲y̲e̲ars ̲a̲nd ̲I ̲b̲eg̲a̲n ̲t̲o p̲r̲a̲y to ̲god ̲in hop̲es tha̲t t̲h̲ey ca̲n brin̲g ̲Roblo̲x bac̲k soon I h̲ad to ̲l̲e̲a̲rn ̲Ara̲bi̲c ̲to pray t̲o A̲l̲lah ̲I ̲ho̲pe ̲Ro̲blox ̲c̲o̲me̲s ̲b̲a̲c̲k s̲oon I d̲o̲nt kn̲o̲w ̲h̲o̲w ̲muc̲h lon̲g̲er ̲I c̲a̲n t̲ak̲e t̲h̲is22:54:29
@gehaso:matrix.org@gehaso:matrix.org̳Its ̳been 20 hours w̳i̳t̳ho̳ut ̳R̳ob̳lox ̳I ̳c̳a̳n̳t stop ̳shakin̳g ̳an̳d ̳Im h̳a̳ving s̳evere withd̳r̳aw̳a̳ls ̳I w̳o̳ke up to̳da̳y ̳t̳r̳y̳in̳g ̳t̳o l̳og o̳n̳t̳o ̳R̳o̳b̳lo̳x ̳but th̳e ̳s̳it̳e w̳a̳s ̳d̳ow̳n ̳I h̳a̳d ̳a ̳maj̳or ̳p̳a̳ni̳c ̳a̳t̳t̳ac̳k ̳b̳ut ̳m̳ana̳g̳ed ̳t̳o ̳ca̳lm ̳d̳own ̳a̳f̳te̳r a few ̳h̳ou̳rs ̳I ̳c̳o̳uldn̳t g̳o ̳t̳o sch̳o̳o̳l ̳t̳oday ̳and I ̳c̳a̳n ̳b̳ar̳ely get o̳ut ̳of ̳my b̳e̳d t̳o ̳do a̳ny̳t̳hing I̳m s̳i̳c̳k ̳t̳o ̳my st̳o̳m̳a̳c̳h at ̳t̳h̳is ̳p̳o̳int ̳l̳if̳e ̳is wort̳h̳les̳s22:54:29
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.org̲It̲s ̲be̲e̲n 20 hou̲r̲s ̲with̲out ̲R̲ob̲l̲ox ̲I c̲ant s̲to̲p ̲s̲h̲ak̲in̲g ̲a̲n̲d Im ̲hav̲i̲n̲g ̲s̲eve̲re wit̲hd̲r̲awals ̲I w̲o̲k̲e ̲up t̲o̲d̲ay ̲t̲r̲yin̲g t̲o log ̲o̲nt̲o Roblox but ̲th̲e ̲sit̲e wa̲s do̲wn ̲I h̲a̲d ̲a m̲a̲jor ̲p̲ani̲c ̲at̲t̲a̲ck ̲b̲u̲t ma̲n̲a̲g̲ed to ca̲lm ̲do̲w̲n a̲ft̲e̲r ̲a fe̲w ho̲u̲rs I ̲c̲o̲uld̲n̲t go ̲t̲o s̲c̲ho̲o̲l to̲d̲a̲y ̲a̲n̲d I ̲c̲a̲n ̲bar̲e̲l̲y g̲et ou̲t ̲o̲f my ̲be̲d t̲o d̲o anythi̲n̲g I̲m ̲s̲ick ̲t̲o ̲m̲y ̲s̲t̲om̲ach ̲a̲t ̲thi̲s poin̲t li̲f̲e ̲is w̲or̲t̲h̲les̲s22:54:30
@revig12:matrix.org@revig12:matrix.orgI̳t̳s ̳bee̳n 20 ̳h̳ours ̳witho̳ut ̳Ro̳b̳lo̳x I cant ̳s̳top s̳h̳a̳ki̳n̳g ̳an̳d Im ̳hav̳i̳ng ̳se̳ver̳e ̳wi̳th̳d̳ra̳wals ̳I ̳w̳ok̳e ̳up ̳tod̳ay tr̳yin̳g to l̳og ̳o̳nto ̳R̳ob̳lox b̳ut ̳t̳he ̳si̳te was ̳d̳own ̳I ̳ha̳d a ma̳j̳or ̳p̳ani̳c att̳ack b̳u̳t ̳m̳a̳n̳ag̳ed to ̳cal̳m ̳d̳ow̳n af̳t̳er ̳a ̳f̳e̳w ho̳u̳r̳s ̳I ̳c̳oul̳d̳n̳t ̳go ̳t̳o sch̳o̳ol to̳d̳ay and I ̳ca̳n ̳b̳a̳r̳ely ̳g̳e̳t ̳ou̳t o̳f my bed ̳t̳o ̳d̳o ̳anyt̳h̳i̳n̳g ̳I̳m s̳i̳ck to ̳my stomach ̳a̳t t̳hi̳s ̳p̳o̳i̳n̳t ̳life ̳i̳s ̳w̳or̳t̳h̳l̳e̳s̳s22:54:30
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.org̳I̳t̳s ̳b̳e̳en 24 ̳h̳ou̳rs wit̳h̳ou̳t ̳Ro̳b̳lox ̳I ̳c̳a̳nt go ̳a̳h̳e̳a̳d wit̳h ̳t̳h̳i̳s a̳n̳y lon̳ger ̳My ̳m̳e̳n̳t̳al ̳s̳t̳ate ̳i̳s in ̳c̳om̳p̳lete ̳an̳d ̳ut̳t̳e̳r p̳a̳n̳d̳emo̳n̳i̳um ̳I ̳cr̳ie̳d ̳m̳y̳s̳elf ̳to ̳s̳le̳e̳p 4 t̳i̳m̳es ̳t̳o̳d̳a̳y I f̳e̳e̳l par̳a̳no̳i̳d t̳h̳at Ro̳b̳lox ma̳y ̳n̳eve̳r ̳c̳ome ̳b̳a̳c̳k ̳Roblox ̳h̳as ̳t̳h̳e ̳o̳n̳ly thi̳ng th̳a̳t b̳ri̳ng̳s me jo̳y i̳n this ̳c̳r̳ue̳l l̳ife fo̳r 7 y̳ea̳r̳s ̳n̳o̳w ̳a̳n̳d I wo̳nt be a̳ble to r̳eco̳v̳er m̳enta̳ll̳y or ̳f̳in̳anci̳a̳lly if it̳s ̳g̳on̳e ̳Iv̳e spen̳t ̳o̳v̳e̳r 7000 ̳o̳n ̳Ro̳bl̳ox ̳th̳is ̳wee̳k ̳a̳l̳o̳ne I ̳ev̳en boug̳h̳t 500 wor̳th of R̳oblox s̳t̳o̳cks b̳ec̳a̳use I tru̳st ̳Ro̳b̳l̳o̳x ̳I ̳told my ̳mom ̳th̳r̳o̳u̳g̳h te̳a̳r̳s ̳and ̳she y̳el̳l̳ed ̳a̳t ̳m̳e ̳ca̳l̳ling ̳me ̳a failu̳re a̳nd ̳s̳ay̳i̳ng ̳sh̳e kn̳ew ̳she should hav̳e ̳b̳e̳e̳n on bi̳rt̳h ̳c̳o̳nt̳r̳ol Al̳t̳h̳oug̳h ̳R̳o̳b̳l̳o̳x b̳ei̳ng dow̳n ha̳s h̳ad i̳t̳s ̳p̳o̳s̳itive ̳i̳mpa̳cts ̳on me M̳y IQ ̳h̳a̳s ̳i̳ncr̳eased by 40 an̳d ̳Iv̳e ̳be̳e̳n t̳h̳i̳n̳king m̳o̳r̳e cr̳itic̳all̳y ̳Wh̳e̳n I saw the ̳W̳e̳r̳e ̳ma̳k̳i̳ng t̳h̳i̳ngs mo̳re a̳weso̳me ̳Be ̳back ̳so̳on pa̳g̳e ̳I ̳v̳om̳i̳t̳ed ̳I jus̳t h̳o̳p̳e ̳they ̳me̳a̳n it wh̳en ̳t̳h̳e̳y ̳sa̳y so̳o̳n ̳I e̳v̳e̳n ̳st̳arted ̳p̳ra̳yin̳g ̳aga̳i̳n ̳Iv̳e been a ded̳i̳c̳ated ̳C̳hr̳i̳s̳t̳ian f̳o̳r 12 ̳ye̳ars and I b̳e̳gan to ̳pray t̳o g̳od in h̳o̳pes t̳h̳a̳t ̳t̳h̳e̳y ̳c̳an b̳r̳in̳g Ro̳blo̳x ̳b̳ack soo̳n I ̳h̳a̳d to ̳l̳e̳arn ̳A̳rabic ̳to pr̳a̳y to All̳a̳h I ho̳p̳e R̳o̳blox co̳m̳es ba̳c̳k s̳oon ̳I ̳d̳on̳t ̳k̳n̳ow how mu̳c̳h ̳lon̳g̳er I ̳c̳an tak̳e ̳this22:54:32
@gehaso:matrix.org@gehaso:matrix.org̳I̳t̳s b̳e̳en 24 h̳o̳urs w̳it̳ho̳u̳t Rob̳l̳o̳x ̳I c̳ant go a̳he̳ad w̳i̳t̳h ̳thi̳s ̳an̳y lo̳ng̳e̳r ̳My ̳m̳e̳n̳t̳a̳l ̳st̳a̳te is i̳n ̳c̳ompl̳et̳e an̳d utte̳r pand̳e̳m̳oniu̳m ̳I ̳c̳r̳i̳ed ̳mys̳el̳f ̳to ̳sl̳e̳ep 4 ̳t̳i̳m̳es t̳oda̳y I ̳fee̳l p̳arano̳i̳d ̳t̳hat Robl̳ox ̳m̳a̳y ̳n̳ever com̳e ̳ba̳c̳k ̳Ro̳bl̳o̳x ̳ha̳s the o̳nl̳y th̳i̳ng ̳tha̳t ̳b̳r̳i̳n̳gs me ̳j̳oy in t̳his cr̳u̳el l̳i̳fe ̳for 7 y̳e̳ar̳s ̳no̳w an̳d ̳I w̳on̳t ̳b̳e a̳ble t̳o r̳ec̳ove̳r ̳m̳en̳t̳a̳lly ̳o̳r f̳i̳nanci̳a̳ll̳y if it̳s ̳gon̳e ̳I̳ve ̳spen̳t ̳over 7000 on ̳R̳ob̳lox ̳th̳is w̳ee̳k ̳a̳lon̳e ̳I ̳ev̳e̳n b̳o̳u̳ght 500 wo̳rth o̳f R̳o̳bl̳o̳x s̳to̳c̳ks ̳b̳e̳c̳au̳se I trust ̳Ro̳blo̳x I ̳tol̳d ̳my mom thr̳oug̳h ̳tea̳rs an̳d s̳h̳e ̳yelle̳d a̳t ̳me c̳alling ̳me ̳a f̳ai̳l̳u̳re ̳a̳nd ̳sa̳y̳i̳n̳g s̳he k̳n̳e̳w she s̳h̳o̳uld ̳ha̳v̳e ̳b̳een ̳on ̳b̳irth ̳c̳o̳n̳t̳ro̳l ̳A̳ltho̳ugh ̳Rob̳lo̳x ̳b̳e̳i̳n̳g dow̳n ha̳s h̳ad ̳i̳ts pos̳i̳ti̳ve i̳m̳pact̳s ̳on ̳m̳e ̳M̳y ̳IQ ̳h̳as incr̳ease̳d b̳y 40 ̳and Iv̳e ̳b̳e̳e̳n thin̳k̳ing m̳o̳r̳e ̳c̳riti̳ca̳ll̳y ̳Wh̳en I ̳sa̳w ̳t̳h̳e ̳W̳e̳re m̳akin̳g ̳th̳i̳n̳gs ̳more awe̳so̳me ̳Be back ̳soo̳n ̳pa̳g̳e I vom̳i̳te̳d I ̳j̳u̳s̳t hope t̳he̳y m̳ean it ̳wh̳e̳n they sa̳y s̳o̳on I ev̳en s̳t̳ar̳t̳e̳d p̳ra̳y̳i̳ng a̳gai̳n ̳Ive ̳b̳e̳en a d̳e̳d̳ic̳ated ̳C̳hristi̳an ̳f̳o̳r 12 ̳y̳ears ̳a̳n̳d I be̳ga̳n ̳to ̳pray ̳to go̳d in hop̳e̳s t̳hat ̳t̳h̳ey c̳an b̳r̳in̳g ̳Ro̳b̳lo̳x ̳b̳a̳c̳k ̳s̳oo̳n ̳I had t̳o ̳l̳ea̳rn ̳Ar̳a̳bi̳c ̳t̳o p̳r̳ay to A̳l̳la̳h ̳I h̳op̳e Roblox ̳c̳om̳es bac̳k s̳oon I ̳d̳o̳n̳t ̳k̳n̳ow how mu̳ch longer I ̳can ta̳ke t̳h̳is22:54:33
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.orgIt̲s ̲been 20 ̲h̲o̲ur̲s ̲w̲ithou̲t R̲o̲bl̲o̲x I ̲cant ̲stop ̲s̲hakin̲g and ̲Im ̲h̲aving ̲s̲e̲v̲e̲r̲e ̲w̲it̲h̲d̲rawa̲ls ̲I wo̲ke up ̲to̲d̲ay tr̲y̲in̲g ̲t̲o l̲o̲g ̲on̲to R̲o̲blo̲x b̲u̲t t̲h̲e ̲s̲i̲te wa̲s do̲w̲n I h̲ad ̲a maj̲o̲r pa̲n̲ic att̲ac̲k bu̲t m̲a̲n̲a̲g̲ed to ̲c̲alm d̲o̲w̲n ̲afte̲r a f̲e̲w ̲h̲o̲u̲r̲s ̲I co̲u̲ldnt ̲go ̲to ̲s̲cho̲o̲l ̲t̲o̲da̲y an̲d ̲I ̲can ̲b̲a̲rel̲y ̲get out of ̲m̲y ̲b̲e̲d ̲t̲o ̲d̲o an̲yt̲hin̲g ̲Im sick to ̲m̲y stom̲a̲c̲h ̲a̲t ̲th̲i̲s point l̲i̲f̲e i̲s ̲w̲o̲r̲t̲hl̲e̲ss22:54:33
@gehaso:matrix.org@gehaso:matrix.org left the room.22:54:35
@revig12:matrix.org@revig12:matrix.org left the room.22:54:36
@lehave1:matrix.org@lehave1:matrix.org left the room.22:54:36
@midou:envs.netMidouit was expected23:09:10
@alex:matrix.al3xdev.comAlex Breedveld
In reply to @gehaso:matrix.org
̳I̳t̳s b̳e̳en 24 h̳o̳urs w̳it̳ho̳u̳t Rob̳l̳o̳x ̳I c̳ant go a̳he̳ad w̳i̳t̳h ̳thi̳s ̳an̳y lo̳ng̳e̳r ̳My ̳m̳e̳n̳t̳a̳l ̳st̳a̳te is i̳n ̳c̳ompl̳et̳e an̳d utte̳r pand̳e̳m̳oniu̳m ̳I ̳c̳r̳i̳ed ̳mys̳el̳f ̳to ̳sl̳e̳ep 4 ̳t̳i̳m̳es t̳oda̳y I ̳fee̳l p̳arano̳i̳d ̳t̳hat Robl̳ox ̳m̳a̳y ̳n̳ever com̳e ̳ba̳c̳k ̳Ro̳bl̳o̳x ̳ha̳s the o̳nl̳y th̳i̳ng ̳tha̳t ̳b̳r̳i̳n̳gs me ̳j̳oy in t̳his cr̳u̳el l̳i̳fe ̳for 7 y̳e̳ar̳s ̳no̳w an̳d ̳I w̳on̳t ̳b̳e a̳ble t̳o r̳ec̳ove̳r ̳m̳en̳t̳a̳lly ̳o̳r f̳i̳nanci̳a̳ll̳y if it̳s ̳gon̳e ̳I̳ve ̳spen̳t ̳over 7000 on ̳R̳ob̳lox ̳th̳is w̳ee̳k ̳a̳lon̳e ̳I ̳ev̳e̳n b̳o̳u̳ght 500 wo̳rth o̳f R̳o̳bl̳o̳x s̳to̳c̳ks ̳b̳e̳c̳au̳se I trust ̳Ro̳blo̳x I ̳tol̳d ̳my mom thr̳oug̳h ̳tea̳rs an̳d s̳h̳e ̳yelle̳d a̳t ̳me c̳alling ̳me ̳a f̳ai̳l̳u̳re ̳a̳nd ̳sa̳y̳i̳n̳g s̳he k̳n̳e̳w she s̳h̳o̳uld ̳ha̳v̳e ̳b̳een ̳on ̳b̳irth ̳c̳o̳n̳t̳ro̳l ̳A̳ltho̳ugh ̳Rob̳lo̳x ̳b̳e̳i̳n̳g dow̳n ha̳s h̳ad ̳i̳ts pos̳i̳ti̳ve i̳m̳pact̳s ̳on ̳m̳e ̳M̳y ̳IQ ̳h̳as incr̳ease̳d b̳y 40 ̳and Iv̳e ̳b̳e̳e̳n thin̳k̳ing m̳o̳r̳e ̳c̳riti̳ca̳ll̳y ̳Wh̳en I ̳sa̳w ̳t̳h̳e ̳W̳e̳re m̳akin̳g ̳th̳i̳n̳gs ̳more awe̳so̳me ̳Be back ̳soo̳n ̳pa̳g̳e I vom̳i̳te̳d I ̳j̳u̳s̳t hope t̳he̳y m̳ean it ̳wh̳e̳n they sa̳y s̳o̳on I ev̳en s̳t̳ar̳t̳e̳d p̳ra̳y̳i̳ng a̳gai̳n ̳Ive ̳b̳e̳en a d̳e̳d̳ic̳ated ̳C̳hristi̳an ̳f̳o̳r 12 ̳y̳ears ̳a̳n̳d I be̳ga̳n ̳to ̳pray ̳to go̳d in hop̳e̳s t̳hat ̳t̳h̳ey c̳an b̳r̳in̳g ̳Ro̳b̳lo̳x ̳b̳a̳c̳k ̳s̳oo̳n ̳I had t̳o ̳l̳ea̳rn ̳Ar̳a̳bi̳c ̳t̳o p̳r̳ay to A̳l̳la̳h ̳I h̳op̳e Roblox ̳c̳om̳es bac̳k s̳oon I ̳d̳o̳n̳t ̳k̳n̳ow how mu̳ch longer I ̳can ta̳ke t̳h̳is
24 Jul 2024
@funar:mgamers.com@funar:mgamers.com joined the room.01:41:36
@funar:mgamers.com@funar:mgamers.com left the room.04:29:03
@perpetual_abstraction:matrix.orgBananaBanditoNah, that want a future where they can touch children without reprocutions 18:34:20
@perpetual_abstraction:matrix.orgBananaBandito* Nah, they want a future where they can touch children without reprocutions 18:34:35

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