
Element Translations

418 Members
https://localazy.com/o/element.io | element-web translations guide: https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/blob/develop/docs/translating.md | Element X Android guide: https://github.com/element-hq/element-x-android/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md#strings | Element-Android guide: https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md#i-want-to-help-translating-element104 Servers

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1 Jul 2024
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodJust like English, really16:44:06
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodThough in that case it is correct16:45:30
@tmpod:matrix.orgtmpodI wonder why that doesn't work in Portuguese (dunno about other languages, but maybe it also happens)16:45:58
2 Jul 2024
@funonthebun:matrix.orgFun0nTheBun joined the room.08:46:12
@funonthebun:matrix.orgFun0nTheBun in Localazy for Element-web project, we can see Norwegian language is supported, but in Element-web, when I look into settings, I can't find the language support for Norwegian. why is that? 09:12:19
@x:bit.ovhMichael (t3chguy)
In reply to @funonthebun:matrix.org
in Localazy for Element-web project, we can see Norwegian language is supported, but in Element-web, when I look into settings, I can't find the language support for Norwegian. why is that?
I explained it to you in #element-dev:matrix.org - the language is disabled until it has sufficient translation, ~80%
@funonthebun:matrix.orgFun0nTheBunRedacted or Malformed Event10:10:46
In reply to @x:bit.ovh
I explained it to you in #element-dev:matrix.org - the language is disabled until it has sufficient translation, ~80%
seems I missed that part!! So, I'm guessing as soon as we hit past 80% limit, it will automatically be selectable?
@x:bit.ovhMichael (t3chguy)No, the translations need approving, then someone needs to manually enable it and then it'll land on develop.element.io within ~2 days, and be available in the following release cycle10:11:20
@funonthebun:matrix.orgFun0nTheBunGreat, thanks 😊 10:12:19
In reply to @x:bit.ovh
No, the translations need approving, then someone needs to manually enable it and then it'll land on develop.element.io within ~2 days, and be available in the following release cycle
I have a quick followup question regarding this: are we able to ad to translation files "programatically" (that is locally in the '.json' translation files) then push? will it be caught by Localazy and updated on their end, or is the only possibility to update the files through Localazy one line at a time?
@x:bit.ovhMichael (t3chguy)No, as we have no tools to help us review translations coming in via git, and we only push the source language to Localazy, so any changes pushed like that would be overwritten on the next pull13:13:11
@x:bit.ovhMichael (t3chguy)image.png
Download image.png
@x:bit.ovhMichael (t3chguy)^ example of the review tools necessary for someone to review translations in languages they are not fluent13:13:43
3 Jul 2024
@t1u:matrix.orgt1u changed their profile picture.07:05:00
4 Jul 2024
@wrottik:matrix.org~#!/usr/mittwerk️ changed their display name from ~#!/usr/mittwerk🇺🇦️ to ~#!/usr/mittwerk️.15:55:12
5 Jul 2024
@azxswed:matrix.orgqazsw set their display name to qazsw.04:54:33
6 Jul 2024
@misterjhon95:matrix.org@misterjhon95:matrix.org joined the room.06:36:36
@misterjhon95:matrix.org@misterjhon95:matrix.org left the room.06:36:55
8 Jul 2024
@benp:element.iobenp changed their display name from benp (away) to benp.16:49:45
10 Jul 2024
@fheese:element.ioFlorian Heese changed their display name from Florian Heese // OOO to Florian Heese.07:26:59
@ivor.stodolsky:perpetualmobile.org@ivor.stodolsky:perpetualmobile.org joined the room.16:31:10
12 Jul 2024
@root:ny4.dev@root:ny4.dev left the room.18:24:13
14 Jul 2024
@raspin:matrix.orgraspin joined the room.00:26:10
@raspin:matrix.orgraspinHello, can you approve me as a translator for element X? I'm already translating web 00:28:56
@m_meme:matrix.org@m_meme:matrix.org joined the room.20:05:21
@m_meme:matrix.org@m_meme:matrix.org left the room.20:09:12
15 Jul 2024
@ivor.stodolsky:perpetualmobile.org@ivor.stodolsky:perpetualmobile.org left the room.13:54:33
16 Jul 2024
@tseeling:dataport.modular.imThomas Seeling 💉x6 (Dataport ext) Urlaub bis 06.08.24 changed their display name from Thomas Seeling 💉x6 (Dataport ext) to Thomas Seeling 💉x6 (Dataport ext) Urlaub bis
18 Jul 2024
@dskeller:dataport.modular.imSebastian Keller (Dataport MAV) changed their display name from Sebastian Keller (Dataport) (Abwesend bis 17.07.) to Sebastian Keller (Dataport MAV).06:11:49

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