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20 Apr 2017
@_slack_biohackspace_U4X1Q2B8Q:matrix.orgcandiceThat’s great! The company is called Deep Science Ventures - here is their website: http://deepscienceventures.com/10:14:39
@_slack_biohackspace_U52M88MFG:matrix.orgdebthanks candice , will look into this as well - ideally looking for someone game to experiment with us10:26:17
@_slack_biohackspace_U4X1Q2B8Q:matrix.orgcandiceGreat, I will keep you guys in mind πŸ™‚10:44:48
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamclare czechton just realised we do actually have snapgene still in our sponsor page since iGEM https://biohackspace.org/sponsors/ ... I think they should give us more free licences πŸ™‚12:45:41
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisam(we need use snapgene a bit during igem 2015 )12:46:28
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamalthough, proprietary software is not exactly in the spirit of things IMO12:48:39
21 Apr 2017
@_slack_biohackspace_U09AY0Y83:matrix.orgoniEh up. Anyone know stuff about paired end reads in RNA-seq09:16:37
@_slack_biohackspace_U09AY0Y83:matrix.orgoniTrying to figure out whether or not the insert size vs the sequence matched size is good enough or not but a bit stuck09:17:22
@_slack_biohackspace_U09AY0Y83:matrix.orgoniFastqc and samtools stats on a bunch of reads basically09:17:38
@_slack_biohackspace_U09AY0Y83:matrix.orgoniAlso this is interesting : https://www.transcriptic.com/09:59:24
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisam changed their display name from samb1 to bioscisam.10:00:54
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamtranscriptic is seen them at the last couple of synbiobeta things .... defo a good idea... clouding your lab whatsits10:00:54
@_slack_biohackspace_U09AY0Y83:matrix.orgoniAm I right in thinking that if one has paired end reads, you'd want the insert size to be somewhat larger than the sequence being matched but not too much larger?10:09:06
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamhmmm yeh paired ends are kind of confusing in RNA seq ... they sorta help you build scaffolds when you know what to expect in between the paired ends ... it's something I'm trying to fathom with the splicing analysis stuff I'm looking at10:27:00
@_slack_biohackspace_U09AY0Y83:matrix.orgoniRight... I don't understand why it should be so confusing though. I guess one paradox is that the literature says they are a known distance apart but it seems that separation changes a lot and besides, how would you really know?10:32:12
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamit's useful if you have a reference .... so if you know what you're expecting to see10:39:03
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamI'm still trying to understand how you work that into de novo methods10:39:19
@_slack_biohackspace_U09AY0Y83:matrix.orgoniI guess you'd just pattern match and overlap as best as you can10:53:07
@_slack_biohackspace_U09AY0Y83:matrix.orgonide bruijin graphs appear somewhere along the line I believe10:53:19
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamI thought paired ends helped more once you're trying to stitch contigs together ... de bruijns are where you build the initial assemblies from reads11:43:50
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamalthough the stuff I'm learning about at the mo about how you go from de bruijn graphs to splicing graphs11:49:19
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamumm I'm trying to refix this autoclave ... paniscus do you remember where the board mounted fuses go, what type they are? I can order some if we need more19:22:24
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisam!channel anyone else know about the fuses on the autoclave? πŸ™‚19:31:03
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamalso looks like the minion laptop is there in the lab on top of the fridge with a sign on saying "leave this running" but it looks like it isn't actually running and looks like the power is switched off at the wall where the laptop is plugged in21:52:35
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamsimon_hazelwood is that you ? I don't think your minion is running..21:53:39
@_slack_biohackspace_U3FLYPQTF:matrix.orgjesuisldjguyhanke: Oh wow that is a really useful tip!! thank you!! I might have some other questions, would you mind if I ask you about them?23:56:47
22 Apr 2017
@_slack_biohackspace_U045KMDJP:matrix.orgwzddWhat is minion?00:04:46
@_slack_biohackspace_U045KMDJP:matrix.orgwzddAlso how did you go with the autoclave?00:04:59
@_slack_biohackspace_U04AX6UP4:matrix.orgbioscisamMinION nanpore thing00:05:23

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