

627 Members
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20 Jun 2024
@pomazanbohdan:matrix.org@pomazanbohdan:matrix.org left the room.11:24:56
22 Jun 2024
@like_kate009:matrix.org@like_kate009:matrix.org joined the room.13:35:00
24 Jun 2024
Download bandura.jpg
@welcomeback:t2bot.ioWelcome Back Bot Welcome back, @divverent:matrix.org. You were last active 2 months ago. 13:40:53
@cooperk0:matrix.org@cooperk0:matrix.org joined the room.21:58:18
25 Jun 2024
@like_kate009:matrix.org@like_kate009:matrix.orgVery good project, Durov recommended yesterday https://t.me/herewalletbot/app?startapp=1238310912:20:09
@welcomeback:t2bot.ioWelcome Back Bot Welcome back, tg: @like_kate009. You were last active 3 days ago. 12:20:14
27 Jun 2024
@joenice:matrix.org@joenice:matrix.org joined the room.14:47:13
@joenice:matrix.org@joenice:matrix.org left the room.15:42:49
28 Jun 2024
@w0ll3q1uszxabiwo7vet7op4fhjk84wk1o71cut073qmjy:tchncs.deShane on Shitnapse :( changed their display name from moved on @5b2z4xywy:bidzan.net to Shane on Shitnapse :(.12:32:52
@xenomorph_:matrix.org[TruLLzSec]ExecuteVadimKrasikovlook who IS BACK.. HEH19:27:48
@welcomeback:t2bot.ioWelcome Back Bot Welcome back, ExecuteVadimKrasikov. You were last active 18 days ago. 19:27:52
@xenomorph_:matrix.org[TruLLzSec]ExecuteVadimKrasikov * look who is back, hehe19:27:55
@xenomorph_:matrix.org[TruLLzSec]ExecuteVadimKrasikov hi Shane on Shitnapse :( ;-) 19:37:59
@welcomeback:t2bot.ioWelcome Back Bot Welcome back, @xenomorph_:matrix.org. You were last active 10 minutes ago. 19:38:10
@cooperk0:matrix.org@cooperk0:matrix.org left the room.22:19:26
30 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from war to Wild rose.21:48:23
2 Jul 2024
@lime_astronaut:matrix.org@lime_astronaut:matrix.org joined the room.11:53:11
@lime_astronaut:matrix.org@lime_astronaut:matrix.org left the room.11:53:45
5 Jul 2024
@like_kate009:matrix.org@like_kate009:matrix.org left the room.16:33:00
10 Jul 2024
@napoleonriz:matrix.org@napoleonriz:matrix.org joined the room.14:58:27
@napoleonriz:matrix.org@napoleonriz:matrix.org left the room.16:54:15
13 Jul 2024
@z0t:matrix.org@z0t:matrix.org joined the room.09:42:42
@z0t:matrix.org@z0t:matrix.org left the room.09:42:55
18 Jul 2024
@hirschii:matrix.org@hirschii:matrix.org left the room.13:03:06
20 Jul 2024
@moonshine_mug:matrix.org@moonshine_mug:matrix.org joined the room.11:44:28
@moonshine_mug:matrix.org@moonshine_mug:matrix.org left the room.11:49:25
25 Jul 2024
@light-yagami:matrix.orglight-yagami joined the room.18:51:08
@rhehdji338:matrix.orgrhehdji338 joined the room.23:36:12

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