
The Paul L Daniels Fan Club

235 Members
Discussions around the software and hardware Paul creates/sells/forces-on-people!30 Servers

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25 Oct 2022
@zwolf8:matrix.orgZwolf joined the room.22:27:29
@dmcer:matrix.orgdmcer joined the room.22:33:39
@gfmr92qyfh:matrix.orgTallo joined the room.22:36:49
@blinkydinky:matrix.orgblinkydinky joined the room.22:44:56
@eroc1990:matrix.orgeroc1990 joined the room.22:49:32
@thelimpsnake:matrix.orgthelimpsnake joined the room.22:51:34
@internetbound:matrix.org@internetbound:matrix.org joined the room.22:53:58
In reply to @carrehec:matrix.org
sent an image.
hello my little necrosis machine
@christophhoward:matrix.orgChristophHoward joined the room.23:09:10
@soycietyrat:matrix.orgsoycietyrat joined the room.23:38:37
@nobluesky:matrix.orgNobluesky changed their display name from nobluesky to Nobluesky.23:55:59
26 Oct 2022
@inflex:matrix.orgPaul L DanielsI see there's chaos in the old discord now00:07:16
@ewout:nltrix.netewout joined the room.00:11:12
@nobluesky:matrix.orgNoblueskyYes, it's kinda funny.00:14:32
@inflex:matrix.orgPaul L Daniels Seems like I had the power to stop all this; I could simply have told louis_rossmann "No". 00:19:29
@nusacat:matrix.orgNusaCat Because louis_rossmann has elevated you to god status. 00:26:00
@nobluesky:matrix.orgNoblueskyI'm here only because you are. For the rest of the server I'm not sure I'll join. Need to keep procrastination at bay.00:28:47
@inflex:matrix.orgPaul L DanielsI need to cull my streaming TV stuff00:29:19
@inflex:matrix.orgPaul L Danielstoo much time lost to that, usually unintentionally00:29:28
@nusacat:matrix.orgNusaCatI'm now trying to figure out what determines our handle colors. I don't see any such settings and/or permission differences between most people.00:30:19
@nobluesky:matrix.orgNoblueskyAren't they random?00:31:04
@wj25czxj47bu6q:arcticfoxes.netwj25czxj47bu6q (A)
In reply to @nusacat:matrix.org
I'm now trying to figure out what determines our handle colors. I don't see any such settings and/or permission differences between most people.
They are determined based on a hash of your MXID (Matrix ID)
@wj25czxj47bu6q:arcticfoxes.netwj25czxj47bu6q (A)Not random but might as well be00:32:18
@nobluesky:matrix.orgNoblueskyWell that's a poor use of colors imo.00:33:29
@nobluesky:matrix.orgNoblueskyJust installed an IPS panel in my x260, I'm pretty happy with it.00:34:59
@christophhoward:matrix.orgChristophHoward changed their display name from christophhoward to ChristophHoward.00:37:20
@nusacat:matrix.orgNusaCat"nearly complete" is one of those phrases that means less than 50% done in the software industry.00:54:03
@nobluesky:matrix.orgNobluesky99% more complete than IRC, at least the front end part.00:57:18
@inflex:matrix.orgPaul L Danielsfuckit... trying new hosting service, only $28 to try it out for a month00:57:26
@nusacat:matrix.orgNusaCatHosting what?00:59:00

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