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8 Jan 2019
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".03:19:14
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli invited @ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachine.03:20:09
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli invited @orishim:matrix.orgorishim.03:20:22
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli invited @dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeir.03:20:33
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli invited @cd10012:matrix.orgcd10012.03:20:42
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.03:20:46
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.03:20:50
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.03:20:55
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.03:21:00
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliOri: I think mutual insurance schemes or health insurance allocations could be really useful and interesting for us to develop internally but would be beyond the scope of our agreement with daostack03:22:59
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliJordan: Hell to the yes. I’ve dreamt too many times of this exact thing. Would love to get a client who’s interested in this and we could develop it :)03:23:12
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliBeth: i think my friend's company would be super down https://www.decent.com/03:23:23
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliCory: Would we have to be HIPA compliant?03:23:31
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliBeth: that's a super interesting question, it would probably depend on whether we came in direct contact with unambiguated data03:23:43
@ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachine joined the room.03:23:43
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliBeth: do y'all know how working with blockchain tech stack impacts HIPAA compliance?03:23:54
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliBeth: also how does having one HIPAA compliant customer or client impact adhering to HIPAA compliance in general?03:24:06
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliBeth: i've worked at HIPAA compliant companies and would definitely be hesitant to implement all that haha03:24:16
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli----- End Of Paste ---- So in order to answer these questions, I think we need to look at what the implemtnation may look like03:28:06
@ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachinemy friend is the cto so i helped him alot with incentive design and as of this summer it was positioned to fit really neatly with DAOs at the time, we should def chat w/ him even if integrating that directly isnt the move03:28:55
@orishim:matrix.orgorishim joined the room.03:30:28
@ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachine so the part i find really cool about what dao infrastructure can enable = functional commons layer between the vulnerability/freedom of self-employment/independent contractor & stability/reduced autonomy of centralized companies 03:45:08

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