
RTIC - The hardware accelerated RTOS

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Welcome to the chat room for RTIC, the hardware accelerated RTOS written in Rust! | Documentation: https://rtic.rs/ | Discuss, coordinate, help: https://github.com/rtic-rs | Meeting-notes: https://rtic.rs/meeting | Code of conduct: https://www.rust-lang.org/conduct.html84 Servers

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15 Jul 2024
@memefi:matrix.org@memefi:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:45:34
@jessebraham:matrix.orgjessebraham @korken89 ^ spam 23:07:56
16 Jul 2024
@korken89:matrix.orgkorken89 banned @memefi:matrix.org@memefi:matrix.org (spam).05:11:45
17 Jul 2024
@afoht:matrix.orgAfoHTHi! I guess you found the main docs resource at https://rtic.rs/2/book/en/ About resources specifically: https://rtic.rs/2/book/en/by-example/resources.html You are correct the API is somewhat tricky to generate due to the macros, this is what is available: https://rtic.rs/2/book/en/by-example/resources.html. We need to fix the build that is currently broken on docs.rs... My suggestion is to look at some of the examples in the repo too, it might help demonstrate some variations on resource usage/passing between tasks etc.17:52:47
@afoht:matrix.orgAfoHT@room Meeting time :) Minutes: rtic.rs/meeting Summer edition18:02:29
@afoht:matrix.orgAfoHT Per is out today, maybe korken89 is somewhere though? :D 18:02:58
@afoht:matrix.orgAfoHTFor bugs, this is still a thing it seems: https://github.com/rtic-rs/rtic/issues/95618:04:11
@afoht:matrix.orgAfoHTAny other bugs or things to note?18:05:07
@afoht:matrix.orgAfoHT Crickets :) 18:08:46
@afoht:matrix.orgAfoHTOn another note, seems summer holidays etc. brought a lot of great beginner questions, ranging from "where are the docs" to "I've tried this, why is X Y Z" It reminds me of the rtic docs failing on docs.rs The API docs currently are not that useful, I guess due to the macro-heavy setup, but I'd like to try to make it somewhat easier to leverage cargo docs somehow18:12:11
@afoht:matrix.orgAfoHTMost types are annotated and tries to be helpful18:12:23
@finomnis:matrix.orgFinomnisNot sure where this bug comes from, it indicates that the interrupts were blocked long enough for the monotonic to desync from the clock. My hunch is that it is caused by incorrect usage of critical sections by the user18:13:36
In reply to @finomnis:matrix.org
Not sure where this bug comes from, it indicates that the interrupts were blocked long enough for the monotonic to desync from the clock. My hunch is that it is caused by incorrect usage of critical sections by the user
interesting, looking forward to if we can get that reduced example :)
@afoht:matrix.orgAfoHTAt least it seems to be in the range of "hours" and not days :P 18:16:34
@afoht:matrix.orgAfoHTI think unless there's something else, we can close the regular meeting. I'll be around poking at the docs for a while :) Thanks for tonight!18:21:03
20 Jul 2024
@xerics:matrix.orgxerics joined the room.21:37:34
21 Jul 2024
@pauldfaria:matrix.orgPaul D. FariaIs there a way to call an async function from within a shared resource's lock method? I want to share an i2c bus between two tasks, but I only want one of them to be able to make i2c calls at a time. I still want the rest of the cpu free though when waiting for a call from a peripheral20:00:00
22 Jul 2024
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org left the room.22:38:35
23 Jul 2024
@adinack:matrix.orgAdinAck i believe that’s what the Arbiter is for 00:45:37
@pauldfaria:matrix.orgPaul D. FariaOh I missed that section. Thanks!03:05:03
@flareflo:matrix.netflam.deFlorianhas anyone attempted multicore RTIC on the Rp2040?22:50:04
@flareflo:matrix.netflam.deFloriani found this https://github.com/rtic-rs/rtic/issues/204, but im not sure if this feature is still present, and the set of 2040s has not arrived yet22:50:49
@rollskatflat:matrix.orgrollskatflat joined the room.23:15:04
24 Jul 2024
@davoclavo:matrix.orgdavoclavo joined the room.00:16:47
@dirbaio:matrix.orgdirbaionot supported09:16:49
@quickflash:matrix.orgQuickFlashI have heard that multicore is possible if you have one RTIC instance running on each core, then create your own way that the cores can talk to each other.22:26:49
25 Jul 2024
In reply to @quickflash:matrix.org
I have heard that multicore is possible if you have one RTIC instance running on each core, then create your own way that the cores can talk to each other.
26 Jul 2024
@slusheea:matrix.org@slusheea:matrix.org left the room.11:30:24

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