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libQuotient 0.9 beta out! | Next: libQuotient 0.9 release in a few weeks | CI binaries: https://cloudsmith.io/~quotient/repos/quaternion | Quaternion status: https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion/projects/2 | lib status: https://github.com/quotient-im/libQuotient/projects/292 Servers

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18 Jul 2024
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneAlmost the same as returning a reference to a local object from a function…12:02:08
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneI prefer to store ids in the model; I already have a room pointer anyway, no need to store it for each member individually.12:03:19
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellamaybe we shouldn't have such an object at all12:04:49
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellatreat the user id as a handle that clients can use to query all properties from the room12:05:08

But yes, that means that all member attributes have to be calculated via a Room object, or a temporary RoomMember object should be created.

@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneI guess we have it the wrong name. It does not represent a member, it represents the member state at a given moment in a timeline.12:06:18
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune * 12:06:38
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneAnd for that, it’s actually handy. Just don’t store it long term :)12:06:58
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellaa bit annoying, since it's fundamentally quite useful in qml12:08:24
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellabut i think i have an idea...12:08:33

Well, if it’s useful I don’t mind having RoomMember encapsulating a room/userid pair, and separately RoomMemberState for what RoomMember is right now.


But again, I don’t think it’s prudent to store these new RoomMember objects in the model.

@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellaright, i think I'll undo that for now12:11:19
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneYou can create them on the fly extremely cheaply.12:11:27

Even cheaper than RoomMemberState

@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellai think i can get something working that requires only changes in neochat, which is good since we can't raise the dependency on libquotient for the next release 12:12:41
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fella Carl Schwan: nvrwhere can i interest you in https://2024.matrix.org/ ? 12:16:19
@carl:kde.orgCarl SchwanI will be there :)12:23:19
@nvrwhere:kde.orgnvrwhere I'll try and make it over for some of it. Will have to figure out annual leave with Akademy being just before 12:27:46
In reply to @kitsune:matrix.org

Well, if it’s useful I don’t mind having RoomMember encapsulating a room/userid pair, and separately RoomMemberState for what RoomMember is right now.

While the footguns we've been discovering are annoying the object itself is too useful to fully get rid of. Treating as a convenient set of helpers is workable. I like the idea of having a simple shim with an Id and room that we can pass to qml safely. It can then grab a roommember to grab the properties in a safe manner

I have an idea to append && to all RoomMember methods but that’s probably too nasty :)

In reply to @tobiasfella:kde.org
Carl Schwan: nvrwhere can i interest you in https://2024.matrix.org/ ?
The Quotient workshop is approved to happen on 22nd morning, just in case.
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellacool12:51:43
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellado you know when the schedule will be released?12:51:52
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneI don’t. But they started sending the confirmations for accepted sessions at least.12:52:23
19 Jul 2024
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔵 KitsuneRal opened a new PR quotient-im/libQuotient#778: "Bug/regression fixes and a piece of cleanup" with labels enhancement regression 17:00:59
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔴 KitsuneRal changes_requested quotient-im/libQuotient#777 "Prepare libQuotient for operating without being able to reach the server" 18:55:48
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fella @kitsune feel free to push stuff onto the branch 19:07:54
20 Jul 2024
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHubTobiasFella approved quotient-im/libQuotient#778 "Bug/regression fixes and some cleanup" 15:55:31
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔬 TobiasFella has marked quotient-im/libQuotient#774 as ready to review "Keep cache of messages in database" 16:27:04

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