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libQuotient 0.9.2 released | Quaternion 0.0.97 beta2 coming out any day soon | CI binaries: https://cloud smith.io/~quotient/repos/quaternion | Quaternion status: https://github.com/orgs/quotient-im/projects/3 | lib status: https://github.com/orgs/quotient-im/projects/290 Servers

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22 Jan 2025
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneIf you mean the input box - you cannot manually resize it at the moment. Normally it should automatically resize as you type more lines though.10:02:38
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 📥 KitsuneRal created new issue quotient-im/Quaternion#921: "Stop using reply fallbacks" 17:44:58
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune changed the room topic to "libQuotient 0.9.2 released | Quaternion 0.0.97 beta2 coming out any day soon | CI binaries: https://cloud smith.io/~quotient/repos/quaternion | Quaternion status: https://github.com/orgs/quotient-im/projects/3 | lib status: https://github.com/orgs/quotient-im/projects/2" from "libQuotient 0.9.2 released | Quaternion 0.0.97 beta2 still in the works | CI binaries: https://cloud smith.io/~quotient/repos/quaternion | Quaternion status: https://github.com/orgs/quotient-im/projects/3 | lib status: https://github.com/orgs/quotient-im/projects/2".17:46:56
@tom.j:envs.nettom.j> If you mean the input box - you cannot manually resize it at the moment. Normally it should automatically resize as you type more lines though. thanks for your answer. And how can I change it through the configuration file, the text input field is very narrow..20:35:56
@meox_:nitro.chatmeox_ [she/her] {wireshark testing} changed their display name from meox_ [she/her] {uwu} to meox_ [she/her] {wireshark testing}.21:47:11
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune tom.j: Can you make a screenshot? That should not be a problem, normally. And what is your operating system? 22:09:41
23 Jan 2025
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 📥 KitsuneRal created new issue quotient-im/Quaternion#922: "Release 0.0.97 beta2" 07:12:37
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 📥 KitsuneRal created new issue quotient-im/Quaternion#923: "Shuttle dial is has width 0 when using Breeze" assigned to KitsuneRal with labels regression 07:31:27
@tom.j:envs.nettom.j kitsune: Hi. This is what my window looks like, very narrow.. it's not convenient... 15:02:06
Download q.png
@tom.j:envs.nettom.jpacman -Si quaternion Repository : pcr Name : quaternion Version :
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneSorry, I'm afraid I still fail to understand - do you mean the vertical size or the horizontal? I feel like it's high and wide enough to enter a line of text, and if you add one more line it should automatically fit two lines; and so on, until it's, AFAIR, 30% height of the window.15:05:53
@tom.j:envs.nettom.j kitsune: I mean the vertical size, I would like it to be bigger by default or I could increase it myself. Yes, you are right, when I write a long text, the base automatically increases, but it is not very convenient... I don't know what to compare it to, for example, you are not given a sheet of paper to write a letter, only a small piece, and then they unfold the sheet as you write more 15:25:57
@tom.j:envs.nettom.jand it would be great to change the location of the window15:28:20
Download q2.png
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneYes, that's intentional. I'll see if I can make it configurable but for now it's not. Feel free to file an issue at https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion15:29:08
@tom.j:envs.nettom.j kitsune: Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. 15:30:27
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneAs for changing the location of the window - sorry, this is already too much. Besides the technical challenge, it's very counterintuitive when you type a message on the top but it appears on the bottom. Also, I haven't seen any chat client with such layout. I don't get top-posting in e-mail, and in chat it makes even less sense.15:31:44
@tom.j:envs.nettom.j kitsune: ok, let's think logically, you gave a good example with mail.
When you write a letter, no one limits you by the size of the window, in our case it's not a window but a narrow strip...
Download mail.png
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneI don't believe instant messaging is meant to pass walls of text around, so the analogy is not quite accurate. I can understand that one line of text can feel constraining, and as I said, I'm open to make this configurable. I'm not planning to allow opening up a whole new window to write a message though - and if you make the space for writing too large, you sacrifice the timeline meant for reading.15:50:35
@tom.j:envs.nettom.jHere is an example of what I want to say15:53:46
@tom.j:envs.nettom.jDownload size.mp415:53:56
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneIt cannot be done this way, sorry. And I cannot even promise it will be dynamically resizable. I can do a setting in the config file and possible an item in the menu (or in the upcoming preferences window rather) that allows you to set the number of lines initially visible. Resizing the box with the mouse - only if you find more people that really need it.15:57:33
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub ✅ TobiasFella approved quotient-im/libQuotient#857 "Minor fixes - 0.9" 16:32:21
@tom.j:envs.nettom.j kitsune: if you can do it, even that would be great! I just showed an example of increasing the window. 16:45:06
@nephele:nheko.imnephelekitsune: if this should be configureable, in Renga I made the space between the text input and the timeline a splitter, it can then just be resized if you want more liines of text input.20:02:34
@nephele:nheko.imnepheleThough I can understand if this is diifficult in qt by comparison :)20:03:08
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔵 KitsuneRal opened a new PR quotient-im/Quaternion#924: "Lokalise: Translations update" 20:29:00
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub âš« KitsuneRal closed PR quotient-im/Quaternion#924: "Lokalise: Translations update" 20:32:54

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