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libQuotient 0.8.2 released | Next: libQuotient 0.9 alpha, Qt6-only | CI binaries: https://cloudsmith.io/~quotient/repos/quaternion | Quaternion status: https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion/projects/2 | lib status: https://github.com/quotient-im/libQuotient/projects/290 Servers

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16 Apr 2024
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune 0.9 development is happening real fast! 17:41:01
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔵 KitsuneRal opened a new PR quotient-im/libQuotient#742: "Forward-port 0.8.x fixes" with labels enhancement 17:41:53

☑ Workflow CI failed 😟 for quotient-im/libQuotient on branch dev

@nvrwhere:kde.orgnvrwhere kitsune I was going to rip out the deprecated User stuff, just wanted to check that you hadn't started already 18:28:35
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune I haven't, go ahead and do it :) 18:51:48
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub ✳ KitsuneRal merged PR quotient-im/libQuotient#740: "Bump API version" 19:08:48

☑ Workflow CI failed 😟 for quotient-im/libQuotient on branch dev

@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔵 nvrWhere opened a new PR quotient-im/libQuotient#743: "Rip the Deprecated User Stuff" 20:05:31

☑ Workflow CI failed 😟 for quotient-im/libQuotient on branch nvrwhere/rip_user_room

17 Apr 2024
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub ✳ KitsuneRal merged PR quotient-im/libQuotient#742: "Forward-port 0.8.x fixes" 05:35:53

☑ Workflow CI failed 😟 for quotient-im/libQuotient on branch kitsune/up-compiler-versions


☑ Workflow CI failed 😟 for quotient-im/libQuotient on branch kitsune/up-compiler-versions


☑ Workflow CI failed 😟 for quotient-im/libQuotient on branch kitsune/up-compiler-versions


☑ Workflow CI failed 😟 for quotient-im/libQuotient on branch kitsune/modernise-and-refresh

18 Apr 2024

☑ Workflow CI failed 😟 for quotient-im/libQuotient on branch kitsune/modernise-and-refresh

@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune I feel like these CI failure notifications are not really helping anything any more, at least for me; and they are not scalable, producing lots of spam when active work is happening (like here). Going to switch them off (PRs and issues will still be there). 06:14:14
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune Is it still so wrong to commit what used to be treated as a fundamental sin in CMake and collapse the entire list of source files into a file(GLOB) invocation? 14:08:00
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune (with CONFIGURE_DEPENDS passed to file(GLOB) of course) 14:08:30
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellamy local cmake expert says "Don't"14:18:32
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune Alright, thanks for input... 14:26:05
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔵 KitsuneRal opened a new PR quotient-im/libQuotient#744: "Up requirements, modernize and refresh some code" with labels enhancement 18:43:53
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub ✳ KitsuneRal merged PR quotient-im/libQuotient#743: "Rip the Deprecated User Stuff" 19:27:07
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub ✅ TobiasFella approved quotient-im/libQuotient#744 "Up requirements, modernize and refresh some code" 20:24:52
19 Apr 2024
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub ✳ KitsuneRal merged PR quotient-im/libQuotient#744: "Up requirements, modernize and refresh some code" 06:49:15
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune Tobias Fella: I guess it's about a good time to merge or rebase the cross-signing PR - most of the things to be removed are removed by now. 07:13:15
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellarebased for now; I'm afraid it's not completely finished yet. BTW, you might want to have a look at how I'm (ab)using verification events to make in-room verification work, maybe you can come up with something better08:28:53
21 Apr 2024
@tclj:matrix.orgMartix joined the room.19:44:49
22 Apr 2024
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune It looks like Omittable<> has run its course - with std::optional<> getting those monadic operations, and other differences being pretty negligible, there's not much reason to keep it around. I think of keeping it as an alias for now and deprecate later down the road, maybe after releasing 0.9.0. 05:44:19
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub ⚪ KitsuneRal drafted a new PR quotient-im/libQuotient#745: "Deprecate Omittable and start switching to std::optional" with labels enhancement 17:20:24
23 Apr 2024
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔵 nvrWhere opened a new PR quotient-im/libQuotient#746: "Clean up the rest of the User stuff around connection" 19:29:30

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