
Quotient (former QMatrixClient)

354 Members
CI builds: https://bintray.com/quotient/ci/Quaternion/ | Quaternion status: https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion/projects/2 | lib status: https://github.com/quotient-im/libQuotient/projects/295 Servers

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24 Jan 2025
@tom.j:envs.net@tom.j:envs.netHello everyone. I constantly see this error (attached a screenshot). What does it mean and how can I fix it?10:13:08
Download error_q.png
Download error_q2.png
@tulir:maunium.nettulirare you using an outdated version?10:13:53
@tom.j:envs.net@tom.j:envs.netI don't know, here's my version10:15:28
@tom.j:envs.net@tom.j:envs.netpacman -Si quaternion Repository : pcr Name : quaternion Version :
@tom.j:envs.net@tom.j:envs.net https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion 10:21:10
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHubKitsuneRal closed PR quotient-im/libQuotient#856: "Fix crash in thread updating" with comment "I'm closing it for now - please submit an issue if/when you encounter the crash again." 13:39:37
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHubKitsuneRal merged PR quotient-im/libQuotient#857: "Minor fixes - 0.9" 13:40:11
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔵 KitsuneRal opened a new PR quotient-im/libQuotient#858: "Minor fixes - 0.10" with labels bug/fix enhancement 13:47:43
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneSomething is off here. Can you check the libquotient version that quaternion uses? I'm not sure if it's in a separate package on your distro but if you can find a file called libQuotient.0.m.n (m and n are numbers), can you tell me m and n in your case?15:33:13
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune tom.j: ^ 15:33:52
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneAh, no, it's just be confusing stuff. Apparently, your homeserver is so modern it doesn't even have the old endpoint for unauthenticated media, and Quaternion is old enough not to support the new endpoint for authenticated media introduced mid-last year. And yet Quaternion is the latest stable version. There's 0.0.97 beta, and I'm getting 0.0.97 beta2 out the door literally right now.15:39:24
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsuneBut yeah, unfortunately, the final 0.0.97 release is still at least a week away.15:39:57
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHubKitsuneRal merged PR quotient-im/libQuotient#858: "Minor fixes - 0.10" 16:35:42
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔵 KitsuneRal opened a new PR quotient-im/libQuotient#859: "Bump the version to 0.10 alpha; stop using old API" 18:21:22
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔵 TobiasFella opened a new PR quotient-im/libQuotient#860: "Add cmake option for enabling sanitizers" 19:22:17

📣 KitsuneRal released 0.0.97 beta2 for quotient-im/Quaternion

The new beta for the upcoming Quaternion 0.0.97 is here, with quite a few enhancements and fixes across the board. To make some of those possible, Quaternion now requires libQuotient 0.9.2. Notable changes:

  • feature: Quaternion no more uses reply fallbacks, instead loading replied-to events on the fly and showing their content, with background tinted by the author's colour (e9c42c1, a787c57, 744b014, 64c0159, 9798684)
  • feature: Clicking on the scroll-to-read-marker button now loads the timeline all the way until the read marker - you don't need to click on it repeatedly to load more history; clicking on the button the second time now cancels the history loading process (ce19b02, fixing #799; 77ec085, dd1a853)
  • feature: Display images embedded in Matrix rich text messages (54958f3, f4f078d, cde3d8b, 303d512, 9430389)
  • feature: Redesign of the login dialog to hopefully make it a bit more intuitive (83052d7, e7afcca, 3bb54b1, 303d512)
  • fix: Actually log out accounts on exit that should not stay logged in (0d64886, fixing #920)
  • fix processing of minimized attributes in Matrix HTML (12a0ec5, aa739a6)
  • fix scrolling the room timeline to an event after clicking a link to an event in the same room (7330050)
  • fix the situation where Quaternion cannot make it's mind whether the room topic should take 1 or 2 lines, flip-flopping between the two layouts (7c14525, fixing #916; thanks to @dreirund for reporting)
  • fix the regression due to which the timeline font wasn't actually used for message text anymore (8f55424, fixing #906; thanks to @al0fdf for reporting)
  • fix that trying to send ASCII control characters crashing debug builds of Quaternion (7f1c24c, fixing #900; thanks to @mizhka for reporting)

Thanks to everyone for using and testing. Quaternion 0.0.97 is coming real soon now!


Full Changelog: https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion/compare/0.0.97-beta1...0.0.97-beta2

@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHubTobiasFella approved quotient-im/libQuotient#859 "Bump the version to 0.10 alpha; stop using old API" 19:42:19
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHubKitsuneRal merged PR quotient-im/libQuotient#859: "Bump the version to 0.10 alpha; stop using old API" 19:43:34
@github:integrations.ems.hostGitHub 🔴 KitsuneRal changes_requested quotient-im/libQuotient#860 "Add cmake option for enabling sanitizers" 19:45:59
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune changed the room topic to "libQuotient 0.9.2 released | Quaternion 0.0.97 beta2 is out, RC coming | CI binaries: https://cloud smith.io/~quotient/repos/quaternion | Quaternion status: https://github.com/orgs/quotient-im/projects/3 | lib status: https://github.com/orgs/quotient-im/projects/2" from "libQuotient 0.9.2 released | Quaternion 0.0.97 beta2 coming out any day soon | CI binaries: https://cloud smith.io/~quotient/repos/quaternion | Quaternion status: https://github.com/orgs/quotient-im/projects/3 | lib status: https://github.com/orgs/quotient-im/projects/2".21:15:22
25 Jan 2025
@tom.j:envs.net@tom.j:envs.netHello. I see the error again. How to fix it?08:45:38
Download error_q3.png
@al0fdf:envs.netal0fI am also getting the same error. I have not found a solution yet.09:29:39
@tom.j:envs.net@tom.j:envs.netthen we will wait until the developer is here who will tell us how to fix this error12:55:11
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellabtw, https://github.com/quotient-im/libQuotient/pull/820 is starting to be rather finished, the features should all be there and error handling is mostly complete as well. Key verification is a bit unstable and needs some more debugging, but works in principle (though this is the only part that is not API compatible for clients, as the state values are different). The code is mostly ok, though the rust/c++ interface is terrible as CXX isn't really that powerful - but I have no motivation to massively improve this code, since it's all internal API and without things like https://github.com/dtolnay/cxx/pull/1328, it won't magically get much better anyway...16:21:25
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellasomething that i've ignored for now is whether we can migrate sessions/keys from libolm to rust-sdk-crypto. it would be nice to have it, but I'm not sure what we'd need and whether it's worth it. If we decide not to do it, we need some mechanism to throw away/logout the connection16:23:32
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias Fellaso what I'm saying is, it might be time to start reviewing the merge request :)16:23:55
@tobiasfella:kde.orgTobias FellaI'll try to finish the remaining tasks in the next few days16:24:51

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