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21 Apr 2024
@unixfox:matrix.orgunixfoxwill send my review then13:58:32
In reply to @wardpearce:matrix.org
i think using poetry would be "best practice" for the docker file & for general install to avoid MITM attacks & malicious packages from being install
Poetry is non-standard + curl-ing a script then executing it is absolutely disgusting
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWardyea that is true, maybe via the docker file install poetry via pipx14:04:46
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostypip/pipx exist for a reason 14:04:49
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyIf you want to really make the script better, you should just make it work with a `pipx install git+` (or compile to a binary)14:05:48
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhosty* If you want to really make the script better, you should just make it work with a `pipx install git+<URL>` (or even better: compile to a binary)14:06:55
@samantazfox:pussthecat.orgSamantaz Fox Ward the code is super clean btw ^^ 14:08:56
In reply to @samantazfox:pussthecat.org
Ward the code is super clean btw ^^
thank u 💌
In reply to @thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.org
If you want to really make the script better, you should just make it work with a `pipx install git+<URL>` (or even better: compile to a binary)
yea agreed, installation should be improved
In reply to @samantazfox:pussthecat.org
Ward the code is super clean btw ^^
@samantazfox:pussthecat.orgSamantaz Fox absidue you're on a rampage today or what x) 4 PRs in one day lol 14:11:08
In reply to @thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.org
If you want to really make the script better, you should just make it work with a `pipx install git+<URL>` (or even better: compile to a binary)
Ward: I hope you don't take it the wrong way by the way
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyit's just that basically no one other than unixfox works on the script, so it should be as simple as possible, I'm absolutely against poetry14:14:41
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhosty * it's just that basically no one other than unixfox works on the script, so it should be as simple as possible + use good practices I'm absolutely against poetry14:14:52
In reply to @samantazfox:pussthecat.org
absidue you're on a rampage today or what x) 4 PRs in one day lol
All opened within the last 24 hours yes, but I had most of it figured out months ago, I just had never got round to setting up a Linux VM to be able to write the code and test it.
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhosty * it's just that basically no one other than unixfox works on the script, so it should be as simple as possible + use good practices (eg: I'm absolutely against poetry)14:14:58
In reply to @thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.org
Ward: I hope you don't take it the wrong way by the way
nah is important to make installing shit well
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyI just checked the PR, with the way you split the script it should make it easy to support pipx14:18:13
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWardpipx install git+https://github.com/WardPearce/smart-ipv6-rotator works14:18:14
In reply to @wardpearce:matrix.org
pipx install git+https://github.com/WardPearce/smart-ipv6-rotator works
is the "binary" properly created in .local/bin ?
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWardye seems so14:19:26
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWardwrote a small script to convert poetry requirements into a requirements.txt file https://github.com/WardPearce/smart-ipv6-rotator/blob/master/poetry_to_requirements.py14:19:47
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWardideally could have a small bash script to install pipx for all major operating systems & then install smart-ipv6-rotator via the repo via pipx14:23:18
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostySo here's my opinion: https://github.com/iv-org/smart-ipv6-rotator/pull/21#issuecomment-206806309814:23:45
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWard * ideally could have a small bash script to install pipx for all major operating systems (supported by pipx via the os package manger) & then install smart-ipv6-rotator via the repo via pipx14:23:47
In reply to @wardpearce:matrix.org
ideally could have a small bash script to install pipx for all major operating systems (supported by pipx via the os package manger) & then install smart-ipv6-rotator via the repo via pipx
let's not do that no, pipx installation should be done by the user
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyIf the user isn't able to install a package they shouldn't use the script, let's not lower the barrier to entry to "noobs"14:24:53
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhosty * If the user isn't able to install a package they shouldn't use the script, let's not lower the barrier to entry to "noobs", it should be reasonably high since it's mostly made for public instances (and public instances should be administrated by someone "competent")14:25:36
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWardhaha ye true14:25:51
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWardstop the script kiddes14:25:59

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