
Invidious (old)

630 Members
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5 Jul 2024
@komeat:matrix.orgkomen changed their profile picture.20:00:44
@komeat:matrix.orgkomen changed their display name from SEN. HOLDEN BLOODFEAST CAMPAIGN STAFFER to komen.20:01:05
6 Jul 2024
@bittin:fedora.imLuna Jernberg - (break until end of this summer) changed their display name from Luna Jernberg to Luna Jernberg - (break until end of this summer).09:54:22
7 Jul 2024
@mert.gor:matrix.orgMert Gรถr ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿฆ‹โ˜ญ changed their profile picture.08:57:46
@mert.gor:matrix.orgMert Gรถr ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿฆ‹โ˜ญ changed their profile picture.08:58:25
@mert.gor:matrix.orgMert Gรถr ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿฆ‹โ˜ญ changed their display name from Mert Gรถr ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ทโ˜ญ to Mert Gรถr ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿฆ‹โ˜ญ.08:59:14
@mert.gor:matrix.orgMert Gรถr ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿฆ‹โ˜ญ changed their profile picture.08:59:37
@norveganon:matrix.orgNorVegan left the room.21:26:13
8 Jul 2024
@bittin:fedora.imLuna Jernberg - (break until end of this summer) left the room.21:23:07
10 Jul 2024
@midou:envs.netMidou changed their profile picture.02:12:46
@tropological:envs.net๐•๐•š๐•š๐•“๐•ฆ๐•ค joined the room.18:04:23
@rollo357:matrix.orgrollo357 left the room.22:12:30
11 Jul 2024
@magostinelli:matrix.orgMichele Agostinelli left the room.06:10:36
@unexposed:matrix.orgSpekPipo removed their profile picture.21:24:39
@unexposed:matrix.orgSpekPipo set a profile picture.21:25:15
12 Jul 2024
@vojkovic:matrix.orgvojkovic left the room.11:19:19
13 Jul 2024
@masayuki:wired.rehabmasayuki left the room.05:19:21
@privredirect2582:matrix.orgprivredirect2582 left the room.12:27:25
14 Jul 2024
@sunglocto:matrix.orgSunglocto the 1st changed their display name from Sunglocto to Sunglocto the 1st.20:12:22
15 Jul 2024
@sunglocto:matrix.orgSunglocto the 1st left the room.06:17:02
16 Jul 2024
@alexpewmaster:nope.chatAlexPewMaster (moved to @alexpewmaster:reallyaweso.me) changed their display name from AlexPewMaster (moved to @alexpewmaster:tedomum.net) to AlexPewMaster (moved to @alexpewmaster:reallyaweso.me).17:26:36
17 Jul 2024
@clemens:matrix.cdaut.deClara (sie/ihr) changed their display name from clemens to Clara (sie/ihr).13:38:27
20 Jul 2024
@unexposed:matrix.orgSpekPipo removed their profile picture.23:59:40
21 Jul 2024
@breezy99:matrix.orgSevro changed their display name from breezy99 to Sevro.03:26:41
22 Jul 2024
@jacekpoz:jacekpoz.pljacekpoz left the room.15:48:28
23 Jul 2024
@akira_nozomi:matrix.orgAkira_Nozomi left the room.10:56:32
@r4fo:matrix.orgr4fo changed their display name from r4fo to r4fo (Old).21:41:30
24 Jul 2024
@r4fo:matrix.orgr4fo changed their display name from r4fo (Old) to r4fo.12:08:45
@luigiarc:matrix.orgluigiarc set a profile picture.14:07:26
26 Jul 2024
@unixburger:burggit.moeunixburger left the room.07:03:04

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