
Invidious (old)

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21 Apr 2024
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyWhich mean only long TTL entries and cached entries work21:07:47
@absidue:matrix.orgabsiduedig can't find anything for any of the invidious domains21:07:59
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyOne good thing is that it's not my fault21:08:20
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyOne bad thing... is that I can't do anything to fix it21:08:28
In reply to @thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.org
One bad thing... is that I can't do anything to fix it
you could send a message to their support, they might not know about the issue yet
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyThey also wiped the lines with long TTL, so the low TTL isn't what's causing it21:11:09
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyI'll contact them21:11:13
@absidue:matrix.orgabsiduemaybe their DNS server is down21:12:09
@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyI'll make an announcement on Mastodon21:15:37
* @thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhosty wasn't planning on working on Invidious tonight... well he just spent 2 hours on it*21:31:25

[New Post on Mastodon] https://social.tchncs.de/@invidious/112311313404497392


New post in Recent Commits to documentation:master: Add a CI to add instances to updown (#525)


New post in Recent Commits to documentation:master: correctly send the json body


New post in Recent Commits to documentation:master: no need external library


New post in Recent Commits to documentation:master: trying to add the new check to the status page


New post in Recent Commits to documentation:master: fix Unexpected token ')'

@thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.orgTheFrenchGhostyCI is fun 🙃22:25:45
In reply to @thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.org
CI is fun 🙃
probably would have been better to get it working in a fork of the repo first, instead of committing directly to the master branch of the actual repo
In reply to @thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.org
CI is fun 🙃
pro tip: make a separate branch and when you're done suffering with CI squash and merge
In reply to @absidue:matrix.org
probably would have been better to get it working in a fork of the repo first, instead of committing directly to the master branch of the actual repo
that's what I did like before adding uptime robot CI but I thought it would be easy to modify but no.
I'll create a fork don't worry
In reply to @midou:envs.net
pro tip: make a separate branch and when you're done suffering with CI squash and merge
doesn't really work when the CI is for github
22 Apr 2024
@cadence:cadence.moe@cadence:cadence.moe joined the room.05:57:39
In reply to @thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.org
invidious.io refuses to load on my laptop but works on my desktop
It doesn't work for my home, my work, my server, or another CloudTube user. Probably a global problem. Can you fix it?
Download image.png
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWardyea appears to have no A record pointing to a IP06:40:36
In reply to @thefrenchghosty:pussthecat.org
He already explained it, you just need to scroll up
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWardaah okay ty06:41:29
@cadence:cadence.moe@cadence:cadence.moeah, I just didn't scroll far enough :)07:22:47
@absidue:matrix.orgabsidueseems to be back now07:31:16

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