

192 Members
For discussing on-chain and off-chain governance of the Tezos ecosystem. See http://bit.ly/2rkSiUY for room info. Personal attacks and threats are not allowed. Be kind, nice and thoughtful. : )21 Servers

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28 Jun 2022
@zero-hour-zulu:tzchat.orgZero-Hour-ZuluHey Fredcy, fellow old timer!20:48:35
29 Jun 2022
@frankcryptic:matrix.orgfrankcrypticRedacted or Malformed Event01:31:41
@frankcryptic:matrix.orgfrankcryptic left the room.01:47:16
@zero-hour-zulu:tzchat.orgZero-Hour-Zulu banned @frankcryptic:matrix.orgfrankcryptic (Scammer).01:47:36
30 Jun 2022
@butcher93:tzchat.orgbutcher93 joined the room.20:29:20
@butcher93:tzchat.orgbutcher93 left the room.20:30:04
1 Jul 2022
@ntroxxxx:matrix.orgntroxxxx left the room.01:01:26
16 Jul 2022
@tokenshub:matrix.orgtokenshub joined the room.23:14:08
17 Jul 2022
@etomknudsen:matrix.orgetomknudsen fredcy: Zero-Hour-Zulu Hi! 21:45:37
@zero-hour-zulu:tzchat.orgZero-Hour-Zulu etomknudsen: Greetings, EK! Traffic in this room is going through the roof! 23:23:53
19 Jul 2022
@better_sleeping:converser.eubetter_sleeping joined the room.23:46:05
@better_sleeping:converser.eubetter_sleeping left the room.23:46:15
20 Jul 2022
@aeaf123:matrix.org@aeaf123:matrix.orgHi ZHZ. long time bud. hope all is well15:31:51
@zero-hour-zulu:tzchat.orgZero-Hour-ZuluHi aeaf123. Yah, We don't chat like we used to. Hard times all around, but slowly on the mend. Best thing recently, I hit the Y before sunrise, and have my epic workouts, like olden times. I'm still at Tezos every day, just not visible.16:46:38
@thedanimalshow:matrix.orgDan joined the room.20:58:25
22 Jul 2022
@forsetiT:matrix.orgForsetiTPretty good turnout at the Tez/Dev conference in Paris. Ran into some of the old faces we haven’t seen for a long time!12:51:15
Download ima_6bc1009.jpeg
Download ima_2d45f17.jpeg
23 Jul 2022
@davrilio:matrix.orgdavrilio joined the room.06:27:02
24 Jul 2022
@etomknudsen:matrix.orgetomknudsen ForsetiT: cool! 21:03:23
29 Jul 2022
@sis3020:matrix.orgsis3020 joined the room.03:42:13
@sis3020:matrix.orgsis3020Redacted or Malformed Event03:42:14
@smanza:matrix.orgsmanza left the room.05:38:58
@sis3020:matrix.orgsis3020 left the room.09:20:30
31 Jul 2022
@sk3310op:matrix.orgsk3310op joined the room.17:14:43
@sk3310op:matrix.orgsk3310opRedacted or Malformed Event17:14:44
@sk3310op:matrix.orgsk3310op left the room.18:03:51
2 Aug 2022
In reply to @forsetiT:matrix.org
Pretty good turnout at the Tez/Dev conference in Paris. Ran into some of the old faces we haven’t seen for a long time!
Love it ❤
3 Aug 2022
@emihlestephans:matrix.orgMera Stephans joined the room.04:08:52
@emihlestephans:matrix.orgMera Stephans changed their display name from Emihle Stephans to Mera Stephans.04:32:52

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