

190 Members
For discussing on-chain and off-chain governance of the Tezos ecosystem. See http://bit.ly/2rkSiUY for room info. Personal attacks and threats are not allowed. Be kind, nice and thoughtful. : )19 Servers

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6 Feb 2022
@superherodemigod:tzchat.orgsuperherodemigodthere's 3 group. which one is correct?17:18:43
@jarrodwoodard:matrix.org@jarrodwoodard:matrix.orgHosting an exploratory twitter space around Tezos Protocols. This is gonna be a short show exploring the kinds of things people would like to hear about on future shows. We will also briefly cover the highlights of the Ithaca 2 upgrade. https://twitter.com/j84woodard/status/1490444597549486093 22:42:53
10 Feb 2022
@xtezzie:matrix.orgKevin Mehrabi | kevin.tezhttps://twitter.com/tezosspaces/status/149185688914304614919:34:03
11 Feb 2022
Download My_project.png
@jarrodwoodard:matrix.org@jarrodwoodard:matrix.orgWe're live https://twitter.com/j84woodard/status/149219669001885287618:07:32
14 Feb 2022
@admin_help:tzchat.org@admin_help:tzchat.org joined the room.08:00:57
16 Feb 2022
@somekool:matrix.orgsomekool Does Tezos as GUI app like Neo to manage wallets etc? 01:53:12
@etomknudsen:matrix.orgetomknudsenNot sure what you mean? There are many wallets. Or take a look here for tools: https://tezos.com/developer-portal/03:19:25
@fredcy:tzchat.orgfredcy banned @admin_help:tzchat.org@admin_help:tzchat.org (spoof username).16:15:09
22 Feb 2022
@somekool:matrix.orgsomekool I use the Ledger Manager for most of my wallet needs. But Neo requires its own app which I found annoying at first but then saw some benefits and i wonder if Tezos should not have a similar desktop app. 07:37:02
In reply to @somekool:matrix.org
I use the Ledger Manager for most of my wallet needs. But Neo requires its own app which I found annoying at first but then saw some benefits and i wonder if Tezos should not have a similar desktop app.
You can use ledger live for tezos. But works quite badly sometimes
@somekool:matrix.orgsomekoolThus my question... What else is recommended by the Community?08:54:06
@kusje58:matrix.org@kusje58:matrix.orgYou can connect ledger to temple wallet or kukai wallet11:02:35
@kusje58:matrix.org@kusje58:matrix.orgNever enter your seed directly into the wallet11:02:47
@etomknudsen:matrix.orgetomknudsenKukai + Ledger works. If you want full control, then Ledger + CLI is the best.22:23:45
25 Feb 2022
@jarrodwoodard:matrix.org@jarrodwoodard:matrix.orgIs there a convenient way / resource for estimating the day and time an upgrade will go through? For example, Ithaca. 01:26:48
@etomknudsen:matrix.orgetomknudsenYou have to guestimate average Block time to do it accurately. We count our time in blocks and cycles not days and hours/minutes. So you cant get that granular. But you can run the daemons in parallel at no risk. This time you may need to be a bit more careful and also update your ledgers.03:31:41
@jarrodwoodard:matrix.org@jarrodwoodard:matrix.orgI'd like to organize and stream a watch party around the upgrade. I imagine as we get closer, we'll have a better idea. 03:43:52
2 Mar 2022
@tr4nsg3n1c:matrix.org@tr4nsg3n1c:matrix.org joined the room.07:29:30
30 Mar 2022
@mutariq:tzchat.orgmutariq joined the room.16:06:34
31 Mar 2022
@tututs:tzchat.orgtututs joined the room.17:27:00
8 Apr 2022
@ezrat:tzchat.orgezrat joined the room.16:23:04
9 Apr 2022
@mrshoks:tzchat.orgmrshoks joined the room.19:59:11
11 Apr 2022
@niels:feneas.org@niels:feneas.org left the room.01:20:42
@singlerider:matrix.org@singlerider:matrix.org changed their profile picture.04:28:09
15 Apr 2022
@davidmbesonen:matrix.orgdavidmbesonen joined the room.11:16:23
19 Apr 2022
@janesch:hive-mind.network@janesch:hive-mind.network joined the room.22:57:02
20 Apr 2022
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org joined the room.05:12:13
@wybpip:matrix.org@wybpip:matrix.org left the room.05:12:14
23 Apr 2022
@cryptotezos:matrix.orgArnold joined the room.17:15:53

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