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19 Nov 2022
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix or switch to windows 18:45:04
@_discord_837237139271581706:t2bot.iotantrik#1187 you cant play games using steam proton? 18:47:31
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix not all of em work properly 18:48:25
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix also not all of em are on steam 18:48:35
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix i wanted to play ow2, which did work on lutris 18:48:42
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix but then i got a weird issue where my fans basically didn't kick in even past the threshold 18:49:09
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix and then my GPU started to throttle due to that 18:49:19
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix after that, i moved back to Fedora (my current distro, my beloved) 18:49:33
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix but now i can't even login to Battle.net 18:49:50
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix :D 18:49:52
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix i just wanna restore my grub menu mane XD 18:50:10
@_discord_1025919055825227786:t2bot.ioshortcake joined the room.21:20:21
20 Nov 2022
@gxnon:matrix.orggxnon joined the room.00:01:41
@_discord_1010940741914202123:t2bot.iofx#9953 is it possible to autosave a current file when I make any changes to it when I'm in normal mode? 04:22:08
@_discord_1010940741914202123:t2bot.iofx#9953 * is it possible to autosave the current file when I make any changes to it when I'm in normal mode? 04:22:17
@_discord_1010940741914202123:t2bot.iofx#9953 or just autosave all buffers every X seconds 04:25:35
@_discord_167825614651260928:t2bot.ioAce Mouty#5305 Cause it’s looking for it in your home directory 04:43:10
@_discord_167825614651260928:t2bot.ioAce Mouty#5305 Specifically in $HOME/.doom.d 04:43:42
@_discord_1010940741914202123:t2bot.iofx#9953 but I use xdg config home 04:43:53
@_discord_167825614651260928:t2bot.ioAce Mouty#5305 Idk how to do it, but I’m sure the folks in Doom Emacs server know how 04:44:31
@_discord_167825614651260928:t2bot.ioAce Mouty#5305 Regardless, at runtime it expects it to be in home folder 04:44:46
@_discord_1010940741914202123:t2bot.iofx#9953 (require 'real-auto-save)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'real-auto-save-mode)
(setq real-auto-save-interval 1) ;; in seconds

this doesn't work
@_discord_1010940741914202123:t2bot.iofx#9953 added (package! real-auto-save) 05:57:39
@_discord_1010940741914202123:t2bot.iofx#9953 and did doom sync 05:57:42
@_discord_1010940741914202123:t2bot.iofx#9953 and restarted 05:57:44
@_discord_1010940741914202123:t2bot.iofx#9953 I don't want to use org mode file format 06:31:06
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix the council has decide that you shall be put to the spike 06:41:26
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix right 06:41:32
@_discord_1010940741914202123:t2bot.iofx#9953 i just want markdown 06:41:59
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.ioKorven@NotGuix 1. Emacs has auto save built in, you can customize it to see if it fits your needs 06:42:02

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