
العلوم العسكريه (التوحيد و الجهاد)

230 Members
الدوله الاسلاميه كتاب يهدي وسيف ينصر 4 Servers

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29 Feb 2024
@abn1234:matrix.org@abn1234:matrix.org changed their profile picture.01:17:24
16 Mar 2024
@abn1234:matrix.org@abn1234:matrix.org changed their display name from الأثــري to ﮼أبــو،وهـيـب،الأثــري ،.19:44:30
25 Mar 2024
@abn1234:matrix.org@abn1234:matrix.org changed their display name from ﮼أبــو،وهـيـب،الأثــري ، to أَبُــو سُفيـان الأنـبـاري.01:00:28
@abn1234:matrix.org@abn1234:matrix.org changed their profile picture.01:00:47
@abn1234:matrix.org@abn1234:matrix.org changed their display name from أَبُــو سُفيـان الأنـبـاري to ‏𝑨𝑩𝑼 𝐒𝐔𝐅𝐘𝐀𝐍.13:38:15
30 Mar 2024
@abn1234:matrix.org@abn1234:matrix.org left the room.13:30:50
@alzahraa:matrix.orgalzahraa joined the room.14:07:17
1 Apr 2024
@jalal.mohammadi:matrix.orgAbu Muhammad Khorasani changed their display name from Mohammad.khorasani to Abu Muhammad Khorasani.23:33:47
12 Apr 2024
@a/h/m/d:matrix.org@a/h/m/d:matrix.org left the room.18:40:48
19 Apr 2024
@aldlemy33:matrix.org@aldlemy33:matrix.org joined the room.00:03:18
@aldlemy33:matrix.org@aldlemy33:matrix.org joined the room.00:03:26
@aldlemy33:matrix.org@aldlemy33:matrix.org left the room.00:03:32
23 Apr 2024
@zahraa21:matrix.orgZ I changed their display name from Zahraa Ibrahim to Z I.03:24:03
25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.23:22:14
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their display name Sergio Massa.23:57:16
26 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.01:20:55
3 May 2024
@zakariashutair777:matrix.orgZakaria joined the room.22:20:17
9 May 2024
@abu_hufiza:matrix.orgابو ماريه changed their display name from ابو حذيفة to ابو يوسف المصري.15:10:50
20 May 2024
@abu_hufiza:matrix.orgابو ماريه removed their display name ابو يوسف المصري.21:07:24
@abu_hufiza:matrix.orgابو ماريه set their display name to ابو مريم.21:08:40
21 May 2024
@wolfred654:matrix.orgالعفري علاء joined the room.06:43:05
28 May 2024
@abu_hufiza:matrix.orgابو ماريه removed their display name ابو مريم.07:58:28
29 May 2024
@cyber.dev:matrix.orgcyber.dev joined the room.00:30:09
@abu_jaser69:matrix.orgabu_jaser69 joined the room.15:13:36
31 May 2024
@abu_hufiza:matrix.orgابو ماريه set their display name to ابو ماريه.07:09:01
1 Jul 2024
@7714is4coming:matrix.orgالزرقاوي changed their display name from باقيه بإذن الله تعالى to الزرقاوي.06:55:44
@7714is4coming:matrix.orgالزرقاوي changed their profile picture.07:00:04
15 Jul 2024
@samylopez:matrix.orgعمر المهاجر changed their display name from Yan Yen to عمر المهاجر.14:36:55
19 Jul 2024
@salahaldeen100:matrix.orgsalahaldeen100 joined the room.19:01:15
21 Jul 2024
@bhry13:matrix.org@bhry13:matrix.org left the room.09:29:09

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