
The Great Reset Debate

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12 Jan 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
Technology and the Military - Some updates to Safe Tech International's Military section

All military operations now require control over and use of the electromagnetic spectrum and accompanying wireless infrastructure. Sensing, sense-making, navigation, communication, as well as planning, carrying out, and assessing an operation all use a vast and growing network of wireless technology. Control and use of frequencies is now so critical to militaries that EMS maps are created to assist in maneuvering around the spectrum. Essentially, when there is action happening on the battlefield, data, AI and the EMS are needed to get you to the “field” (be it a literal or cyber) in time for the fight.
- Cyber warfare is where an attacker takes control of, alters, or damages computer-controlled systems or infrastructure, such as a water or electric grid.
- Electromagnetic Warfare (EW) involves battling one’s adversary in the electromagnetic spectrum by denying access, tracking enemy EMS “signature”, camouflaging one’s own EMS “footprint”, jamming, and many other virtuoso EMS feats. EW can also involve using Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) weapons to down one or more electric grids and all connected electronics, or as a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) by aiming powerful laser or microwave beams at infrastructure or living beings.

- Info warfare (IW) involves manipulating information or communications to gain strategic or tactical advantage. This is done quite routinely on social media with fake accounts; it is also done by many media outlets by means of fake video, altered images, or voice over technology. Info warfare can also be used to create fake footage to distract an adversary from perceiving an actual attack or infiltration happening on the ground.

While many people are growing weary of ever more technology infiltrating our world and dictating how we are to live our lives, armed forces around the world are anxiously awaiting 6G or FutureG to advance the global race to AI and EMS superiority.

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@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
Are YOU ready to Exit The WHO?
Join LAW (Lawyers Against WHO) this Sunday, 4pm GMT (6pm CAT)

Our extraordinary collective work since 2021 has got the poligarchy very, very nervous.

They are not on track for their International Health Regulation amendments, or their new pandemic treaty or accord - both of which are a threat to health, freedom and sovereignty. Brave souls on the inside are speaking out, a new world is possible.

Civil society is mobilizing around the world, and lawyers, health workers, media and politicians are joining them. Next will be the farmers, because the WHO intends to take over everything precious to us. Salute to the German farmers for protesting!

But its not enough to only fight the IHR amendments or the treaty/accord. The WHO, like other corrupted supranationals, has other harmful and disastrous money leeching schemes up their sleeves. Some of them overt and blatant, others covert and hidden.

We can stop them by exiting the WHO and by creating a world that benefits us, The 99%. There has never been a better time to exercise our right to self-determination. There has never been a better time to become radically healthy and consciously free.

If you agree, join the LAW meeting Sunday 14 January, and bring along a friend.

We are doing more in 2024.

Have Your Say 🗣 🎙

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@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
5G Telecommunications Science

Old and New Research on Millimeter Waves is Alarming

New research by Neufeld and Kuster 2018 highlights the significant tissue heating generated by 5G technology with rapid short bursts of data transfer on a device, prompting them to call for reevaluation of thermal safety standards (let alone biological standards). The researchers state, “The results also show that the peak-to-average ratio of 1,000 tolerated by the International Council on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines may lead to permanent tissue damage after even short exposures, highlighting the importance of revisiting existing exposure guidelines.” When looking at safety, researchers often average the radiation over time to show a lesser effect, when the short high intensity bursts are the most harmful, similar to tornado winds.

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✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
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13 Jan 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
Independent Science on the Effects of Wireless Radiation on Human Health and the Environment

There are more than 1,000 scientific studies conducted by independent researchers from around the world concerning the biological effects of Radiofrequency (RF radiation). Here we present some of the most recent studies.

Effects on Fetuses
Effects on Children and Adolescents
Brain Tumors
Parotid Gland Tumors
Other Malignancies
DNA Damage and Gene Expression Changes
Neurological/Cognitive Effects
Cardiovascular Effects
Male Fertility
Electromagnetic Sensitivity
Implanted Medical Devices
5G Effects
Wildlife and Plants

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✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
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16 Jan 2024
@anti-scam:matrix.org+ | Spam Police changed their display name from + | Spam Police to + | Spam police.12:22:18
@anti-scam:matrix.org+ | Spam Police changed their profile picture.12:23:05
@anti-scam:matrix.org+ | Spam Police changed their display name from + | Spam police to + | Spam Police.21:35:36
18 Jan 2024
@stereo-do:matrix.org@stereo-do:matrix.org joined the room.10:02:45
@stereo-do:matrix.org@stereo-do:matrix.org joined the room.10:02:49
@stereo-do:matrix.org@stereo-do:matrix.org left the room.10:02:50
21 Jan 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
5G Danger: 13 Reasons 5G Wireless Technology Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity.
1. 5G Danger: Hijacking Your Sweat Duct Antennae
2. 5G Danger: 5G Amplifies EMF Damage via VGCCs
3. 5G Danger: Pulsed Wave Far More Damaging than Continuous Wave Radiation
4. 5G Danger: 5G Promotes Deep EMF Penetration
5. 5G Danger: 5G is a Weapons System Disguised as a Consumer Convenience
6. 5G Danger: LA Firefighters Develop Ailments After Being Too Close to Towers
7. 5G Danger: Same Frequencies as used for Crowd Dispersal
8. 5G Danger: Mutagenic (Causing DNA Damage) and Carcinogenic (Causing Cancer)
9. 5G Danger: Phased Array Densification
10. 5G Danger: Killing All the Insects
11. 5G Danger: Space-Based 5G
12. 5G Danger: Re-Radiation Inside the Body
13. 5G Danger: Insurance Companies Refuse to Underwrite Big Wireless. What Do They Know?

Conclusion: 5G Grid Part of Larger Command, Control, Surveillance and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Agenda

5G is qualitatively and quantitatively different to 4G. It is much more than just the next step up from 4G. 5G will not only beam tens to hundreds times more radiation than 4G, but the introduction of MMW technology means a whole new host of hazards. History repeats itself. Just like it took some time for real science to catch up with tobacco/cigarettes, and just like it took some time for real science to catch up with the monstrosity that are GMOs (now rebranded as BioEngineered Foods), so too will real science catch up with 5G. In the meantime, you can expect all sorts of junk science to be put forth to justify it, including misdirections and distractions like only focusing on the thermal effects of wireless (and ignoring the evidence of dangerous non-thermal effects).
Ultimately, 5G is part of the NWO agenda to set up a giant, inescapable command and control grid that eliminates all privacy and allows the manipulators to surveil every single person on the planet all the time. If there was ever a time for activists to step up in the name of freedom, truth, health, privacy and sovereignty, now is the time.

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✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
22 Jan 2024
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their profile picture.16:57:21
28 Jan 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel SAFE TECH International

MCs: Dr. Ana Mihalcea and Sarah Westall

Todd Callender, Esq. - Legal Experience with Targeted Individuals
Richard Lighthouse - Overview of the elements of the Targeted Program
Dr. Ana Mihalcea - My experience treating patients who are Targeted Individuals
Dr. Len Ber - Non-Kinetic Brain Injury - the correct diagnosis for "Havana Syndrome"
Ana Toledo, Esq. - Legal path for ending the Targeting Program
Major Jeffrey Prather – Designated a Prime Target on Duty

31 Jan 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel SAFE TECH International
1 Feb 2024
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their display name from #FreeJoa #FiredForBeingTheBest to mortified_penguin.04:01:31
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their profile picture.04:02:02
3 Feb 2024
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their display name from mortified_penguin to Chantelle.01:32:30
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their profile picture.01:33:02
10 Feb 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel SAFE TECH International
BioDigital Convergence - a ~20 years old concept!
(Straight from the horse's mouth - 152 pages - including detailed diagrams) of exactly how the technology works and what their plans for humanity (and beyond) are....)
Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance.

In the context of BioDigital convergence, ‘The phrase “convergent technologies” refers to the synergistic combination of four major “NBIC” (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno) provinces of science and technology, each of which is currently progressing at a rapid rate:
(a) nanoscience and nanotechnology;
(b) biotechnology and biomedicine, including genetic engineering;
c) information technology, including advanced computing and communications; and,
(d) cognitive science, including cognitive neuroscience.’

ISO/IEC Definition of IoT 3.2.8 Internet of Things IoT infrastructure of interconnected entities, people systems and information resources together with services which processes and reacts to information from the physical and virtual world

The Internet of Things (IoT)

• The IoT is a system concept that use many technologies that are standardized by other JTC 1 entities and SDOs ranging from networking and digital twin to cloud computing, big data, and AI.
• IoT systems are software and data intensive as well as network-centric. They can be quite complex, ranging from simple architecture to multi-tier distributed computing cyberphysical systems.
• IoT systems are key enablers of ‘Smart Everything

Continue Reading - https://www.iec.ch/system/files/2023-10/wsdcombinedpdf_0.pdf
11 Feb 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
✍️Safe Tech International Newsletter - February 2024

Impacts of Technology on War, Kids, Wildlife, and on Us All
- Info, Resources, Updates, and Actions

Update topics include:

- Campaigners Demand UK Government Remove the ICNIRP Guideline Stranglehold & Introduce Real 5G Risk Assessments
- The One Name Project

- The EU joins the US in the mad rush toward digitalization

- Many of us don't want Big Ag/Tech-produced "food", thank you, but would prefer locally-grown nourishing sustenance provided by human farmers that assist Mother Earth in supporting good health and compassion to all beings.

- Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Thirty years of research
- Fusion - The Next Big Thing in Energy??

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✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
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@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
Uncensored: Over 10 US Counties Declare Shots Biological & Technological Weapon! ft. Dr. Sansone

Dr. Joseph Sansone joins Maria Zeee to discuss explosive news; over 10 US Counties have declared the COVID injections as both biological and technological weapons!

Watch it on Rumble📺
✤ Via @zeeemedia

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
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12 Feb 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
BioDigital Convergence - A 20-Year Old Concept!
(Straight from the horse's mouth - 152 pages - including detailed diagrams of exactly how the technology works and what their plans for humanity (and beyond) are....)
Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance.

In the context of BioDigital convergence, ‘The phrase “convergent technologies” refers to the synergistic combination of four major “NBIC” (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno) provinces of science and technology, each of which is currently progressing at a rapid rate:
(a) nanoscience and nanotechnology;
(b) biotechnology and biomedicine, including genetic engineering;
c) information technology, including advanced computing and communications; and,
(d) cognitive science, including cognitive neuroscience.’

ISO/IEC Definition of IoT 3.2.8 Internet of Things IoT infrastructure of interconnected entities, people systems and information resources together with services which processes and reacts to information from the physical and virtual world

The Internet of Things (IoT)

• The IoT is a system concept that use many technologies that are standardized by other JTC 1 entities and SDOs ranging from networking and digital twin to cloud computing, big data, and AI.
• IoT systems are software and data intensive as well as network-centric. They can be quite complex, ranging from simple architecture to multi-tier distributed computing cyberphysical systems.
• IoT systems are key enablers of "Smart Everything".

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✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
@anti-scam:matrix.org+ | Spam Police

That message is likely a scam and what we call 'too good to be true'.

For more information go to

  • https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-and-bulletins/digital-asset-and-crypto-investment-scams-investor-alert
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFWaA7mt9oM
[!mods !modhelp]

@telegram_1331750012:t2bot.ioGiselia Pereira Awesome report, please share it.

19 Feb 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
Microwave Weapons

The FCC claims electromagnetic radiation has no effects.
The military claims electromagnetic radiation is a weapon.
Who is telling the truth?

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✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
28 Feb 2024
@jjj333_p_1325:envs.netjjj333_p [envs variant] changed their profile picture.23:30:18
1 Mar 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel SAFE TECH International

Welcome to the world of the interconnect of everything and everyone. Things like 5G, the Edge, Clouds, Big Data, the Internet of Everything/Everyone (IoX), 802.xx, Nest, LpWAN, LTE-U/A/M, HetNets, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Z-Wave, MulteFire, and more
Flyover on the Wireless World of Today’s Horrific Utopia
In this article you'll find some slides from some of the presentations on this topic (with links)

@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings - mRNA Vaccine Shedding Of Spike Protein: State Of the Scientific and Clinical Evidence

I compiled a concise, organized, and referenced document detailing the scientific and clinical evidence that spike protein shedding causes side effects in a cohort of people exposed to the vaccinated.

❗️ Pfizer was aware of the risks of shedding and specifically stated in their protocol that study investigators collect reports of environmental shedding events (trial protocol p. 67)
❗️The mRNA vaccines are also defined as “nanoparticle technology” which can be synthetic or biologic (i.e. exosomes). Synthetic nanoparticles distribute widely in the body and easily traverse numerous physiologic barriers (most notably can be inhaled and absorbed by the lungs)
❗️ mRNA gene therapy products (spike protein) have then been found in circulating exosomes for up to 187 days after vaccination (after which study was stopped). Note that exosomes can be easily transmitted via the breath, and absorbed into the lungs of those nearby.

Adverse effects of the mRNA vaccines are now being felt by people who chose to protect themselves by refusing to receive an experimental gene therapy injection. Despite their justified prudence, an as yet unquantifiable number of people are getting sick from being exposed to the vaccinated. This is an even more shocking example of the violations of informed consent and bodily autonomy that we have already witnessed around the global mRNA vaccine campaign.

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A PDF report with a clickable Table of Contents can be found on the FLCCC website Here.

Freedom Alliance South Africa relies on the generosity of the community to sustain our mission of restoring health, dignity, security, and human rights. With your support, we can continue our legal action against Pfizer, SAHPRA, and the government. Your support also helps us raise awareness about various other projects that we are working on that impact our nation. These initiatives depend on your backing to achieve success. Please visit our website for more information on how you can get involved and make a difference.

Yes! I want to get involved!
Donations to support our court case can be made here
✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
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2 Mar 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
Former Drone Pilots Denounce 'Morally Outrageous’ Program

Drone swarms are not a collective of identical drones, but rather form a single, and more potent weapon system or “mind” that is integrated and communicates through 5G-enabled artificial intelligence. Some drones survey and search for targets, others’ mission is to destroy buildings, and yet others are tasked with killing. Working together, the whole is more treacherous than the sum of its parts. Even with semi autonomous weapon systems such as drones, the distance and sterility of an assassination brings untold suffering to the victims of an attack, and eats away at the conscience and humanity of the perpetrator of the violence. The number of people injured or killed in drone attacks, and the extent of suffering is not fully known as wreckage from drone attacks is so great, bodies cannot be counted. Hear from former drone pilots:

Watch it on YouTube 📺

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For more on 5G and The Military - Continue Reading... 📚 👀
✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

✤ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
➥ Join: @WeAreFASA
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3 Mar 2024
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel 📢 FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICA🕊🎙
5G and the Realities of Neuroweapons

In this 2011 presentation, Dr. James Giordano, Professor of Neurology and Biochemistry at Georgetown University Medical Center, lectures on weapons of mass disruption, also known as neuroweapons. He describes NEUROWEAPONOLOGY, the ability to create a ripple effect of disrupting the process of cognition, emotion, and behavior, not only on individual scales but also on socioeconomic scales, geopolitical scales, and military scales. Dr. Giordano mentions cell phones, microwaves or electromagnetic pulses, and aerosolized particulate matter, at the nanoscale, in the context of neuroweapons. Graphene oxide, another element with highly developed electromagnetic properties, might also be included in this weapons platform.

✤ Watch it on YouTube 📺
✤ Via @SafeTechInternational

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