
The Great Reset Debate

235 Members
The Great Reset Debate is a group with no political links to any party be that mainstream or otherwise. We promote and encourage the discussion but not promotion of all content.12 Servers

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3 Sep 2023
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their profile picture.23:25:35
5 Sep 2023
@scrivia:perthchat.org@scrivia:perthchat.org 08:13:49
@scrivia:perthchat.org@scrivia:perthchat.org removed their display name scrivia.08:14:08
@scrivia:perthchat.org@scrivia:perthchat.org left the room.09:34:52
12 Sep 2023
@metrix:matrix.org@metrix:matrix.org left the room.20:20:16
18 Sep 2023
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel Safe Tech International
What could possibly go wrong here...? Great selling point for countries claiming to have an energy crisis though... https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-79500-x
@sabbi.kaa97:matrix.orgsabbi.kaa97 joined the room.19:04:55
19 Sep 2023
@telegram_711500294:t2bot.ioTwitter (𝕏) Media Downloader changed their display name from Twitter Media Downloader to Twitter (𝕏) Media Downloader.15:18:23
22 Sep 2023
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their display name from Punished Trump to η½°γ›γ‚‰γ‚ŒγŸγƒˆγƒ©γƒ³γƒ—.16:19:35
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their profile picture.16:20:01
2 Oct 2023
@ashwinmk:matrix.orgashwinmk joined the room.13:30:15
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kellyimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel SPM Media
Tonight I will spotlight the UN scandal and the #ExitTheWHO bill I drafted. 8pm CAT.


Telegram: t.me/SPMmedia
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their display name from η½°γ›γ‚‰γ‚ŒγŸγƒˆγƒ©γƒ³γƒ— to FTL_Ian.18:57:01
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their profile picture.18:57:33
3 Oct 2023
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their display name from FTL_Ian to rake.23:19:43
@leaf:matrix.lrn.fmChantelle [retired racist] changed their profile picture.23:20:13
4 Oct 2023
@xiphos.3210:matrix.org@xiphos.3210:matrix.org changed their display name from xiphos.3210 to xiphos.15:59:16
10 Oct 2023
@andromeda:halogen.city@andromeda:halogen.city left the room.02:33:03
27 Oct 2023
@xiphos.3210:matrix.org@xiphos.3210:matrix.org left the room.21:45:32
4 Nov 2023
@manmilk23:matrix.org@manmilk23:matrix.org joined the room.19:06:02
5 Nov 2023
@manmilk23:matrix.org@manmilk23:matrix.org left the room.06:21:31
7 Nov 2023
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel πŸ“’ FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICAπŸ•ŠπŸŽ™
November 2nd, 2023

The International Declaration on the Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age

To All Concerned about Children's Well-being in the Digital Age
Please consider signing and sharing (ASAP).

The Declaration will be delivered in person to the United Nations on World Children’s Day, November 20, 2023.

An international group of leading lawyers, physicians, physicists, epidemiologists and other children's health experts have announced their support for a new International Declaration intended to raise public awareness of three fundamental rights of children which are not adequately being protected: the right to be free from addictive platforms and apps; the right to be free from hazardous radiation from wireless devices; and the right to be free from commercial exploitation of private information.

We will be highlighting to the United Nations the legal, health, and scientific experts, as well as child advocates who sign. That said, signatures from the general public are essential to show strong support. So please EVERYONE sign on!

Please share widely!

✀ Sign the declaration✍🏻
✀ Read the Press Release
✀ Read the Declaration
✀ Visit The Children's' Declaration Website
✀ View the List of Signatories

✀ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
βž₯ Join: @WeAreFASA
✀ Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
✀ Freedom Alliance South Africa WhatsApp Group
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel πŸ“’ FREEDOM ALLIANCE SOUTH AFRICAπŸ•ŠπŸŽ™
If We Ditched Our Cell Phones Would We Find Ourselves Again?

"Over time, Katherine gradually chose to un-hijack her brain. She decided to reduce over-stimulation she attributed to her cell phone use, at the expense of other balancing choices, including quietude, time in nature, wild water swimming, presence, and pure joy."

"We need to be vigilant about who we allow in the driver’s seat of our own biochemistry, and especially of that of our children.

Nature manifesting as the Cosmic Current should be choreographing our chronobiology and circadian rhythms, and that of those around us. Not big tech."

✀ Continue Reading... πŸ“š πŸ‘€
✀ Via @SafeTechInternational

✀ Website: freedomalliancesa.org
βž₯ Join: @WeAreFASA
✀ Freedom Alliance SA Chat Group
✀ Freedom Alliance SA WhatsApp Group
8 Nov 2023
@zergling:conduit.harpy.faithzergling ⚑️

Is it relatively easy to find yourself without ditching a fone entirely. I recommend doing it anyway, in favour of a linux pocket computer, or at the bare minimum, a fairphone, but that is a separate matter.
The key is simple: Treat it like a tool, not your master! You use it to solve certain problems, complete certain tasks, like talking to your friends who are far away.

@gr:dkwc.org@gr:dkwc.org joined the room.07:41:37
@gr:dkwc.org@gr:dkwc.org left the room.07:44:33
9 Nov 2023
@telegram_1233539273:t2bot.ioEmma Kelly Forwarded message from channel DBN World Wide Freedom Demonstration INFO CHANNEL
πŸ’”Letter to the Children of GazaπŸ’”

"Dear child. It is past midnight. I am flying at hundreds of miles an hour in the darkness, thousands of feet over the Atlantic Ocean. I am traveling to Egypt. I will go to the border of Gaza at Rafah. I go because of you.

You have never been in a plane. You have never left Gaza. You know only the densely packed streets and alleys. The concrete hovels. You know only the security barriers and fences patrolled by soldiers that surround Gaza. Planes, for you, are terrifying. Fighter jets. Attack helicopters. Drones. They circle above you. They drop missiles and bombs. Deafening explosions. The ground shakes. Buildings fall. The dead. The screams. The muffled calls for help from beneath the rubble. It does not stop. Night and day. Trapped under the piles of smashed concrete. Your playmates. Your schoolmates. Your neighbors. Gone in seconds. You see the chalky faces and limp bodies when they are dug out. I am a reporter. It is my job to see this. You are a child. You should never see this.

The stench of death. Rotting corpses under broken concrete. You hold your breath. You cover your mouth with cloth. You walk faster. Your neighborhood has become a graveyard. All that was familiar is gone. You stare in amazement. You wonder where you are.

You are afraid. Explosion after explosion. You cry. You cling to your mother or father. You cover your ears. You see the white light of the missile and wait for the blast. Why do they kill children? What did you do? Why can’t anyone protect you? Will you be wounded? Will you lose a leg or an arm? Will you go blind or be in a wheelchair? Why were you born? Was it for something good? Or was it for this? Will you grow up? Will you be happy? What will it be like without your friends? Who will die next? Your mother? Your father? Your brothers and sisters? Someone you know will be injured. Soon. Someone you know will die. Soon.

At night you lie in the dark on the cold cement floor. The phones are cut. The internet is off. You do not know what is happening. There are flashes of light. There are waves of blast concussions. There are screams. It does not stop.

When your father or mother hunts for food or water you wait. That terrible feeling in your stomach. Will they come back? Will you see them again? Will your tiny home be next? Will the bombs find you? Are these your last moments on earth?

You drink salty, dirty water. It makes you very sick. Your stomach hurts. You are hungry. The bakeries are destroyed. There is no bread. You eat one meal a day. Pasta. A cucumber. Soon this will seem like a feast." πŸ’”

Read more -

@sebiedereine15.:matrix.orgsebiedereine16. joined the room.08:26:40
@order2852:matrix.org@order2852:matrix.org joined the room.16:23:01

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