

18 Members
Discussion around decentralized governance and governance models2 Servers

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25 Nov 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <e18r>I can do that :) I’m available for the next few hours, let me know 13:48:43
26 Nov 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lukas>@e18r Would highly apreciate it. Are you available today 19:30 german time? 12:39:00
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <e18r>:thumbsup: https://meet.jit.si/i-want-to-see-what-you-are-seeing @light or anybody else welcome to join 13:22:41
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lukas>Great to hear! 13:32:00
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lukas>will be there at 19:30 - looking forward 18:12:44
27 Nov 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <victor.porton>Voting for my own project is considered ethical, right? https://www.quora.com/Is-it-ethical-for-one-to-vote-for-themselves-in-an-election 09:19:11
13 Dec 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <a.s>Hi, is there a list somewhere of all the DAOs running on Aragon? Think there used to be one at https://daolist.io/. 01:54:34
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>@a.s daolist.io turned into https://apiary.1hive.org/. 06:32:39
15 Dec 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <foba>Once you’ve created a DAO how do you vote on proposals with without using ALL tokens at once? 03:43:51
16 Dec 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <a.s>Great, thanks for this! 01:39:25
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <e18r>Hi @foba, it seems that you’re assuming tokens get spent or burnt when you vote on a proposal. That’s not the case. The amount of tokens you hold at the beginning of the vote determine your voting power, but that’s pretty much it. After the vote you’ll have the same amount of tokens you had before voting. Please let me know if I answered your question :) 14:17:11
23 Dec 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <jorge>Super cool stuff by our friends at Coinfund: https://blog.coinfund.io/efficient-computation-of-the-banzhaf-voting-power-index-b011ef4be55f 13:58:15
28 Dec 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <syntaks>Hey, so a bunch of really good work on quadratic voting has been done over at democracy.earth on the eth protocol, how much of it is copyable over here? 00:12:06
29 Dec 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai>@syntaks as far as I can tell, there’s not much that’s been done yet. I just see a prototype implementation on top of moloch: https://github.com/DemocracyEarth/quadratic-moloch 03:39:28
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <syntaks>I caught that after more digging, how compatible is moloch with Aragon? 03:48:40
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <cdl111>Hello,

I have just published a small article on how decentralised autonomous organisations’ governance could build upon the expertise acquired via stakeholder management techniques.


Have a very happy new year

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sohkai> Not compatible, but Dandelion orgs (https://1hive.org/blog/2019/08/31/dandelion-overview) built on top of Aragon are launching very very soon (in the next month or so). 15:23:15
30 Dec 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <light>there is a proof of concept quadratic voting app for Aragon in this repo: https://github.com/JGcarv/Aragon-Voting-Suite

there was also some discussion on the forum about the concept a while ago: https://forum.aragon.org/t/exploring-what-quadratic-voting-could-look-like-for-aragon-organizations/338

2 Jan 2020
@yakulu:matrix.org@yakulu:matrix.org joined the room.17:22:50
7 Jan 2020
@yakulu:matrix.org@yakulu:matrix.org left the room.21:18:59
16 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sams.james>hi everyone! 12:50:55
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sams.james>is aragon contract open source? 12:52:08
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <light>@sams.james yes github.com/aragon 23:12:14
18 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sams.james>thank you light , i well to see the website. 07:27:17
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sams.james>I want to build an organization based on aragon,I have some technical issues, Where can I communicate technically, please? 07:35:35
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sams.james>onling communicate technically? 07:37:44
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <light>hi @sams.james you can ask questions for whatever help you need in the #help channel if it’s a problem with the Aragon client at app.aragon.org, and if you are having trouble with any of our developer tools then #dev-help is the place to go :) 15:15:25
21 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <sams.james>yeah, I see, thank you 14:11:46
23 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <david.llop>@pjcolombo and me have released a new beta version of the Committees app 🚀 09:06:23
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <david.llop>https://forum.aragon.org/t/committees-aragon-app/1327/14 09:06:35

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