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Discussion around decentralized governance and governance models2 Servers

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19 Jan 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

I read through the thread this morning, but haven’t digested it enough to fully understand the implications

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

but it is really nice to see how quickly things appear to be moving in wyoming!

21 Jan 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <jjperezaguinaga>

My team most likely will build something around civic + aragon, will keep you updated on this if we go through this topic ☺️

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

@ross really intrigued by what you were discussing in #dev-help

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

Is this sort of related to the SCoDa thing?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

also this post might be relevant: https://forum.aragon.org/t/aragon-triggers-enhanced-forwarding-interface-for-improved-composability/451

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

Is this sort of related to the SCoDa thing?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <ross>

hey @lkngtn ~ thanks for checking that out. Yeah, what I mentioned in #dev-help is similar to SCoDA project (for me, basically trying to hash out efficient ways to link legal agreements to DAO functions to create secure obligations (and/or help avoid liabilities) surrounding DAO governance/execution of high-$$$ smart contracts.).

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <ross>

But, it’s helpful, more fun for me to just try and tinker on practical examples (my quite noob coding abilities notwithstanding 🔧 hah). For starters, I would like to figure out how to generate a ‘mint/assign new token’ vote every time someone executes a ‘DAO Study Group’ membership invitation w/ code of conduct, waivers, etc. hosted via platform like OpenLaw (others include Clause, Monax, but I’m just more familiar with OL to begin with…).

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

very excited that you are working on this, I think there is a lot of promise in that approach to provide more certainty/reduce liability risk of interacting with smart contracts

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

Perhaps we can put together a small working group to collab on that :)

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <ross>

Perfect! Let me know what format works, but a common space to pile research, compare goals sounds helpful 💪

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

I'm happy to contribute, but can’t help too much on the dev side, my noob coding skills may be even more noobish than yours :)

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

but maybe we can come up with a general idea of what the project entails and find some additional support where needed

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <ross>

Hah, no worries. Let’s take it as it comes, but I’ll follow up on your Forum post tmrw w/ some more sketches there!

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

Would suggest creating a new post, the other isnt strictly related to this, but might make sense to read through and link to it if appropriate.

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>


@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

Looks like an interesting read: extending quadratic voting to more than just binary choice

22 Jan 2019
@grouchofractal2:matrix.orggrouchofractal joined the room.23:47:53
23 Jan 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <wade.alex.c>

In light of the upcoming AGP vote, I’ve put together some thoughts for the Aragon community: https://medium.com/@wadeAlexC/solving-softwares-oldest-problem-good-tech-is-not-enough-2377cf810419

Hope you enjoy!

25 Jan 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <alison.berreman>

ay dudes. I know that the answer to this question is out there on the webs, but I cant quickly find it and ya’ll can probably answer faster than I can research. What is the implication for an Aragon Network DAO if they dont abide by the manifesto? Was it that they dont benefit from the court system? if that is the case, is that the only thing? And how would that be enforced?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <proofoftom>


@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

Interesting question :)

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

In the future the court could be used to enforce the manifesto on all organization created on the platform (without forking to remove the restriction). However, Its not clear to me whether that would be a good idea (or would just encourage people to fork). I expect dealing with that will be a governance question for the network at some later stage, and it will probably a very controversial one.

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

As it stands the manifesto is a guiding document for the project and the network, but has no direct impact on anyone who chooses to use the platform.

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

As far as how it would be enforced, I it could be an upgrade to the kernel that allows organizations to be frozen as the result of a dispute with the court (if the organization violates a condition of the manifesto), Or it could be enforced in less invasive ways–eg specific actions could be rejected if they violate the manifesto if they use the court to resolve disputes.

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <lkngtn>

In the future the court could be used to enforce the manifesto on all organization created on the platform (but this could be circumvented by forking to remove the restriction). However, Its not clear to me whether that would be a good idea (or would just encourage people to fork). I expect dealing with that will be a governance question for the network at some later stage, and it will probably a very controversial one.

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <alison.berreman>

Thanks @lkngtn . I’m going to sit on that one for a while.

26 Jan 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <louis.grx>

Hey everyone interested in governance :)
I have been working on a bundle of 1+2 posts recently. They are about the limits of traditional organizations and their governance systems, and the emergence of the DAO model as an answer. I am open to feedback if anyone is curious to check them out. (There is a word on Aragon at the very end)
Here are the most advanced drafts links with right to comment


@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <louis.grx>

it has quite high level orientation 😅


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