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Discussion around decentralized governance and governance models2 Servers

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13 Jun 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <luis>

LOL, it’s not

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <luis>

@ross created the first one many months ago

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <luis>

LOL that dao-stack DAO is not the first hybrid legal-DAO org, the first one was an Aragon DAO

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <luis>

@ross actually created it many months ago

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <julian>

@luis Hey Luis, I think their argument is that they’re the 1st to fully incorporate as a registered legal entity – “After deploying its DAO to the Ethereum blockchain, dOrg formed a Blockchain-Based Limited Liability Company (BBLLC) in Vermont, dOrg LLC. By linking the DAO to this BBLLC, the DAO has official legal status, allowing it to enter contractual agreements and offer participants liability protections.”
But yeah, sure, I remember @ross putting that together - curious as to his take on all this? 🤔

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <luis>

yeah yeah, @ross did the exact same thing but like months ago

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <turupawn>

@light Huh, I never heard about colony before, will give it a look. And yeah sounds like voting can be less frictionless that I was portraying it. Maybe mixing rating with voting could be a thing, but in the end it depends on the DAO. Anyhow, I will study more this and write something maybe

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <turupawn>

@light Huh, I never heard about colony before, will give it a look. And yeah sounds like voting can be more frictionless that I was portraying it. Maybe mixing rating with voting could be a thing, but in the end it depends on the DAO. Anyhow, I will study more this and write something maybe

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <light>

@luis well it wasn’t the exact same thing, his was a NY LLC not this new Vermont BBLLC

14 Jun 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <julian>

@light LOL - https://twitter.com/r_ross_campbell/status/1139504790659108866

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <julian>

(i may, perhaps, have put the cat somewhat in the vicinity of the pigeons 😇 )

17 Jun 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <okduncan>

@luis curious what firm @ross worked with? Was it in the US?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <okduncan>

Ahh, I see, NY ;)… would be cool to compare the two legal entities and describe any foreseeable tradeoffs btwn incorporating with LLC vs BBLLC

19 Jun 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <luis>

his own I think, he’s a lawyer

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <luis>

and his legal firm is a DAO itself 😎

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <okduncan>

that’s lit… to what degree? and if that is the case then do you consider the whole BBLLC thing unnecessary?

1 Jul 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <julian>

Decent, if simplistic DAO overview: “Blockchain is a decentralized technology, but should projects based on blockchain be decentralized as well? Who should own a decentralized application? Who should decide how it is designed and rolled out? Who should extract some economic value out of it?” https://hackernoon.com/who-owns-my-dao-93cb87a24561

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <julian>

Decent, if simplisticly binary DAO overview, raises some great points though: “Blockchain is a decentralized technology, but should projects based on blockchain be decentralized as well? Who should own a decentralized application? Who should decide how it is designed and rolled out? Who should extract some economic value out of it?” https://hackernoon.com/who-owns-my-dao-93cb87a24561

2 Jul 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <ganejacks>

Hey everyone, I made some diagrams to help people visualize the proposal workflow detailed in AGP-1. Diagram 1 is the current workflow and Diagram 2 includes the mandatory Community Review period as currently specified in @light 's Draft Meta Proposal. I may submit one of these to be included in AGP-1 if people find this useful. Feedback on both content and design is appreciated!

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <dizzypaty>

Super cool diagrams @ganejacks ! Very clean and easy to understand : )

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <ganejacks>

Great! Easy to understand is what I’m going for. And credit for cleanliness goes to the folks who designed the AragonUI from which I derived most of the styling.

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <ganejacks>

Great thanks! Easy to understand is what I’m going for. And credit for cleanliness goes to the folks who designed the AragonUI from which I derived most of the styling.

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <ganejacks>

Great thanks! Easy to understand is what I’m going for. And credit for cleanliness goes to the folks who designed AragonUI from which I derived most of the styling.

4 Jul 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <LucaTripsCommunity>

Hi guys,
Is there a way to do the following, now or in the future?

Let’s say the DAO needs some Social Networks exposure.
3 SN experts offer their services and explain how they plan to do it.
The crowd can fund the one they like the best by sending token to the DAO.
The Dao distributes automatically with no human intervention the tokens to the SN experts.
There is a maximum per person to invest and a maximum given per periodo to SN experts.
Let’s say 3 months and 10 ETH.
SN Expert 1 gets 5 ETH
SN Expert 2 gets 10 ETH
SN Expert 3 gets ) ETH (wasn’t convincing)
After three months they report what they have done and another round is open (or the income never stops but the SM delivers the ETH every 3 months only).
If they brought results and communicated them well, they may get more.

All this to remove any person/company from handling the money which goes peer to peer from small investors to SN experts: the end result is a more well known DAO.
Same system could be for dev, design to anything else.

Is this in some way feasible or planned?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <LucaTripsCommunity>

Hi guys,
Is there a way to do the following, now or in the future?

Let’s say the DAO needs some Social Networks exposure.
3 SN experts offer their services and explain how they plan to do it.
The crowd can fund the one they like the best by sending token to the DAO.
The Dao distributes automatically with no human intervention the tokens to the SN experts.
There is a maximum per person to invest and a maximum given per period to SN experts.
Let’s say 3 months and 10 ETH.
SN Expert 1 gets 5 ETH
SN Expert 2 gets 10 ETH
SN Expert 3 gets ) ETH (wasn’t convincing)
After three months they report what they have done and another round is open (or the income never stops but the SM delivers the ETH every 3 months only).
If they brought results and communicated them well, they may get more.

All this to remove any person/company from handling the money which goes peer to peer from small investors to SN experts: the end result is a more well known DAO.
Same system could be for dev, design to anything else.

Is this in some way feasible or planned?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <LucaTripsCommunity>

Hi guys,
Is there a way to do the following, now or in the future?

Let’s say the DAO needs some Social Networks exposure.
3 SN experts offer their services and explain how they plan to do it.
The crowd can fund the one they like the best by sending token to the DAO.
The Dao distributes automatically with no human intervention the tokens to the SN experts.
There is a maximum per person to invest and a maximum given per period to SN experts.
Let’s say 3 months and 10 ETH.
SN Expert 1 gets 5 ETH
SN Expert 2 gets 10 ETH
SN Expert 3 gets 0 ETH (wasn’t convincing)
After three months they report what they have done and another round is open (or the income never stops but the SM delivers the ETH every 3 months only).
If they brought results and communicated them well, they may get more.

All this to remove any person/company from handling the money which goes peer to peer from small investors to SN experts: the end result is a more well known DAO.
Same system could be for dev, design to anything else.

Is this in some way feasible or planned?

15 Jul 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <LucaTripsCommunity>

some feedback here? Shall I rephrase it?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <aaron>

@LucaTripsCommunity I suggest play around with the dot voting app. Documentation is a bit sparse but you can find Autark devs here and keybase.


@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <aaron>

That link let’s you set up a test org with dot voting and the rest of ‘that planning suite’

17 Jul 2019
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <franco.petra>

I'm wondering if there’s any project working on DAOs for Labor Unions or someone writing about this? Couldn’t find anything about it… :shrug:


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