27 Jan 2023 |
| Woody joined the room. | 01:27:44 |
| VK7HSE joined the room. | 04:22:32 |
| beefcarver joined the room. | 20:56:10 |
28 Jan 2023 |
| T K7HPY joined the room. | 20:51:14 |
29 Jan 2023 |
| NI6D joined the room. | 19:06:45 |
31 Jan 2023 |
| fil.zalio joined the room. | 07:59:00 |
| slopeygoanna joined the room. | 08:11:12 |
| do9fm joined the room. | 12:47:12 |
1 Feb 2023 |
| cyn.hull joined the room. | 02:49:23 |
| M6GSN - Glen#5627 changed their display name from M6GSN#5627 to M6GSN - Glen#5627. | 15:53:49 |
| NY8T joined the room. | 23:34:58 |
2 Feb 2023 |
| Frandries joined the room. | 09:58:24 |
3 Feb 2023 |
| kevinkent64 joined the room. | 22:26:00 |
4 Feb 2023 |
| Steve M0DFD joined the room. | 19:41:38 |
| dh5aav#0 joined the room. | 20:31:11 |
5 Feb 2023 |
| on6rf#0 joined the room. | 12:31:06 |
6 Feb 2023 |
| WA9ZEX joined the room. | 21:08:16 |
7 Feb 2023 |
| Sasuki joined the room. | 10:45:01 |
| gwennie_aerlin joined the room. | 19:10:43 |
8 Feb 2023 |
| Georges WH6AZ joined the room. | 06:19:43 |
9 Feb 2023 |
| davidpa7lim#0 joined the room. | 17:03:13 |
| davidpa7lim#0 changed their display name from PA7LIM to PA7LIM#0156. | 17:06:27 |
| davidpa7lim#0 changed their display name from PA7LIM#0156 to PA7LIM. | 17:06:30 |
10 Feb 2023 |
| kaahos joined the room. | 17:06:22 |
| Dark Ice joined the room. | 19:52:30 |
11 Feb 2023 |
| jim.k6jwn joined the room. | 03:24:59 |
12 Feb 2023 |
| KI4SUR - Jeremy joined the room. | 13:30:09 |
13 Feb 2023 |
| ka0ser-rob-5042 joined the room. | 02:34:56 |
| RJFHM joined the room. | 15:06:56 |
| Peach joined the room. | 16:43:08 |