
M17 RepeaterDB

177 Members
8 Servers

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15 Sep 2023
@_discord_952663673413959730:t2bot.iom6lsjlionel#0 changed their display name from M6LSJ - Lionel to m6lsjlionel#0.16:02:59
18 Sep 2023
@marcoschr:matrix.org@marcoschr:matrix.org left the room.13:37:02
20 Sep 2023
@_discord_702529613838155856:t2bot.iospudgunman#0 changed their profile picture.18:56:38
25 Sep 2023
@_discord_1065356682642849963:t2bot.iodh5aav#0 changed their display name from DH5AAV to dh5aav#0.18:11:26
11 Oct 2023
@_discord_235422841862881290:t2bot.ioMorgan W6/ON4MOD changed their display name from drcampy#0 to Morgan ON4MOD.17:55:32
12 Oct 2023
@_discord_1076584835012894731:t2bot.iooe3anc#0 changed their display name from OE3ANC to oe3anc#0.04:35:52
@_discord_625397837785595942:t2bot.ioon4bcy changed their display name from on4bcy#0 to Bastien ON4BCY.10:13:59
13 Oct 2023
@_discord_918905604972634182:t2bot.ioclewis.it#0 changed their display name from CJ (KN6KFR) to clewis.it#0.04:12:25
@_discord_185206201011798016:t2bot.ioKW1FOX - Joe changed their display name from KW1FOX to KW1FOX - Joe.14:12:47
15 Oct 2023
@_discord_661609692505702421:t2bot.ioK5JAE changed their display name from k5jae#0 to K5JAE.12:11:44
16 Oct 2023
@_discord_625397837785595942:t2bot.ioon4bcy changed their display name from Bastien ON4BCY to on4bcy#0.12:33:24
19 Oct 2023
@_discord_625397837785595942:t2bot.ioon4bcy changed their display name from on4bcy#0 to Bastien ON4BCY.07:14:10
@_discord_625397837785595942:t2bot.ioon4bcy changed their display name from Bastien ON4BCY to on4bcy#0.16:50:10
20 Oct 2023
@_discord_235422841862881290:t2bot.ioMorgan W6/ON4MOD changed their display name from Morgan ON4MOD to Morgan W6/ON4MOD.20:29:39
21 Oct 2023
@_discord_625397837785595942:t2bot.ioon4bcy changed their display name from on4bcy#0 to Bastien ON4BCY.10:03:02
@_discord_898135641471217684:t2bot.ioadf7021 changed their display name from adf7021#0 to adf7021.20:37:24
@_discord_625397837785595942:t2bot.ioon4bcy changed their display name from Bastien ON4BCY to on4bcy.20:41:34
28 Oct 2023
@superminaren:matrix.nyaaa.netsuperminaren joined the room.22:22:23
7 Dec 2023
@eumesminho:matrix.org@eumesminho:matrix.org joined the room.18:36:41
@eumesminho:matrix.org@eumesminho:matrix.org left the room.18:40:42
11 Jan 2024
@n2vgc:matrix.orgN2VGC joined the room.03:24:19
1 Feb 2024
@mrmechanic:matrix.orgRohit Bokade joined the room.09:39:19
11 Feb 2024
@n1ckl_jason:matrix.orgJason Hunter (N1CKL) joined the room.00:27:29
15 Feb 2024
@jim_k6jwn:matrix.orgJim K6JWN joined the room.03:04:39
@jim_k6jwn:matrix.orgJim K6JWN changed their display name from jim_k6jwn to Jim K6JWN.03:05:33
22 Feb 2024
@kc1awv:matrix.orgkc1awv changed their profile picture.13:55:06
25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.23:20:34
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their display name Sergio Massa.23:50:17
26 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.01:17:56
30 Jun 2024
@me:james.acme joined the room.09:41:21

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