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1 Sep 2021
@_discord_138175547246247936:t2bot.iotangentstorm thanks!! 🙂 13:30:04
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ changed their display name from Lilith to awagga#0001.20:59:47
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ changed their display name from awagga#0001 to ⍺⍵⍺gg⍺.20:59:50
@_discord_722191022557364315:t2bot.iojpf joined the room.23:44:32
2 Sep 2021
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ changed their display name from ⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ to awagga#0001.01:56:20
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ changed their display name from awagga#0001 to ⍺⍵⍺gg⍺.01:56:21
@_discord_173539222337224704:t2bot.ioSnooli changed their display name from Snooli to Snooli#2774.08:11:58
@_discord_173539222337224704:t2bot.ioSnooli changed their display name from Snooli#2774 to Snooli.08:11:59
@_discord_613847106993782835:t2bot.ioGarklein noob question here, how do I exit the J console 13:00:13
@_discord_613847106993782835:t2bot.ioGarklein oh, ctrl d 13:00:16
@_discord_272091101421240321:t2bot.ioShadowPhex joined the room.13:41:09
@_discord_180028909969080320:t2bot.ioicen exit 0 also works 16:28:22
@_discord_613847106993782835:t2bot.ioGarklein 👍 16:28:37
@_discord_582763947825037312:t2bot.iohakank joined the room.17:10:10
3 Sep 2021
@_discord_883092337423704075:t2bot.ioiconoclast666 joined the room.04:08:44
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ changed their display name from ⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ to awagga#0001.15:26:44
@_discord_680765589366636564:t2bot.io⍺⍵⍺gg⍺ changed their display name from awagga#0001 to ⍺⍵⍺gg⍺.15:26:51
4 Sep 2021
@_discord_782135073591132170:t2bot.iomemory-dealer joined the room.04:47:02
@_discord_489650322671927315:t2bot.ioel joined the room.09:56:40
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 j-ers, how do I easily replace one char with another in a string 13:07:29
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 equivalent of a@(b∘=)⊢c ? 13:07:49
@_discord_125549206139174912:t2bot.iorak1507 there's a (I. b=c) } c but that's not very nice 13:08:25
@_discord_385956474146258944:t2bot.iotraws rplc maybe? 14:12:25
@_discord_385956474146258944:t2bot.iotraws j) 'hello' rplc 'l1' 14:12:32
@_discord_822671936705527808:t2bot.ioAPLFarmChatCommands traws,
@_discord_489650322671927315:t2bot.ioel j) 'test' rplc 'ef' 14:30:03
@_discord_822671936705527808:t2bot.ioAPLFarmChatCommands el,
@_discord_489650322671927315:t2bot.ioel l1 may be the worst possible two characters to test a replacement function with 14:30:19
@_discord_489650322671927315:t2bot.ioel * l1 may be the worst possible two characters to test a replacement function with lmao 14:30:23
@_discord_489650322671927315:t2bot.ioel (don't speak j, testing for myself) 14:30:34

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