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8 Feb 2025

Somewhen, a singletons broke. Hard. With the patch I'm working on, several thing broke. It feels as the to order of how things compile has changed. For example,
my enum types haven't loaded
my singleton doesn't work
and I'm not sure if files load or if if they're null because other stuff doesn't

I can't share the code publicly, but I'll try to make a minimum example when I get the time. If any of this rings a bell to the devs you could already know the issue

@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanit is a global frame counter that is counted ob on the sync server machine and all clients get it. with that you can do perfectly synced image stacks16:39:48
@Hayden_A:matrix.orgHayden_APreview 7.008416:40:09
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioHi, just broke my project few days ago 16:40:22
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanthey will be synced to the displays refresh, the exact moment when it counts up, i dont know16:40:31
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioDecided to do a quick change, now it's gone ) 16:40:44
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioSo.. U use C# code?16:40:53
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioMake sure your solution builds16:41:07
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioWhen u do singleton, it's bit of pain since it may not be registered on first frame just yet 16:41:53
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioI think the behavior is bit different when you use it nodes with Update and nodes need it on create for instance 16:42:59
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioAnyways, there is LOG 16:43:31
Download image.png
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioThat's your only salvation16:43:43
Download image.png
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioLike displacement draws second mesh for somereason 16:44:53
Download image.png
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjan* it is a global frame counter that is counted ob on the sync server machine and all clients get it. With that, you can perfectly sync image stacks on multiple machines with hardware gen lock.16:47:20
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjan* it is a global frame counter that is counted ub on the sync server machine and all clients get it. With that, you can perfectly sync image stacks on multiple machines with hardware genlock.16:47:52
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioOk seems that is a displacement what is broken, it draws second mesh for some reason 16:48:28
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioDownload stride-displacement-bug.vl16:51:22
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhiolas time i spend hour, because misstyped some channel path 16:57:50
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhio* last time I spent a hour, because misstyped some channel path 16:58:07
@bj-rn:matrix.orgbj-rn If I understood this correctly when the server is configured to use internal timing the timing is synchronized to the vertical
sync pulse (by default the one of the primary display).
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisthere is an option on plane "Generate Back Face", if you disable it (it is enabled by default) you will get what you are looking for.17:12:36
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioPfff 17:13:02
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioThanks bro 17:13:09
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjan* it is a global frame counter that is counted up on the sync server machine and all clients get it. With that, you can perfectly sync image stacks on multiple machines with hardware genlock.17:19:16
@texone:matrix.orgtexoneDownload bandicam 2025-02-09 00-08-52-694.mp423:12:23
@texone:matrix.orgtexoneshowcasing gaussian splat integration with fuse and stride looks promising23:13:07
9 Feb 2025
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanThat's what we want to see! 🤩00:09:10

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