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Discussion around vvvv, a visual live-programming environment for creative coding. Download & Changelog: https://thegraybook.vvvv.org/changelog/6.x.html36 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@schlonzo:matrix.orgschlonzohi all, I need a bezier point editor. is there something I could adapt from some helppatches or nugets?18:12:07
@bj-rn:matrix.orgbj-rnhttps://github.com/zekeadam/VL.Mapper ?18:13:00
@schlonzo:matrix.orgschlonzoperfect, thx18:13:31
@mertalgin:matrix.orgnewtimes artFrom what I understand, this seems very difficult to achieve. I guess I should look for another visual coding program that Mac will support.18:32:11
@Aion:matrix.orgNatan SinigagliaHello, does anyone have experience with vvvv on a Windows surface 11 with ARM processor? 19:25:12
In reply to @Aion:matrix.org
Hello, does anyone have experience with vvvv on a Windows surface 11 with ARM processor?
Will get such a device in a few days. Will keep you posted!
@joreg:matrix.orgiorecthe equivalent nowadays would be the ProjectorLight node in VL.Stride19:47:21
@joreg:matrix.orgiorecyou'll have to choose between the above or the newly supported devices by the imaging source, see: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/introducing-support-for-the-imaging-sources-industrial-cameras/19:48:16
@joreg:matrix.orgiorecshould be this: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/skiatexture-does-not-work-receiving-a-video-via-drawimage-from-a-video-source/2267319:51:15
26 Jul 2024
@damonkkkk:matrix.orgDamon Kong
In reply to @joreg:matrix.org
the equivalent nowadays would be the ProjectorLight node in VL.Stride
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear; what I meant was to implement the texture from the projected model or mesh
@damonkkkk:matrix.orgDamon KongI am currently projecting textures onto a model. What methods are available to accurately obtain the texture of each face of the model? I have tried using a camera to capture them, but models with curved surfaces seem to yield inaccurate results05:07:42
@damonkkkk:matrix.orgDamon Kongimage.png
Download image.png
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanDid you check out the links here? https://thegraybook.vvvv.org/reference/libraries/projectionmapping.html08:01:38
@lecloneur:matrix.orglecloneurDownload 1000005357.mp409:44:45
@lecloneur:matrix.orglecloneurDownload 1000005360.mp410:05:39
@mpalenque2:matrix.orgManuel Palenquehow should I do a a gridspread for the pipet node to read a matrix of pixels ?13:05:24
@mpalenque2:matrix.orgManuel Palenqueimage.png
Download image.png
@bj-rn:matrix.orgbj-rnuse the UV version instead13:15:29
@mpalenque2:matrix.orgManuel Palenqueahh thanks13:17:37
@davidbrrrr:matrix.orgDavid Brüll
In reply to @lecloneur:matrix.org
sent a video.
@bj-rn:matrix.orgbj-rnDownload GridSpread (Int2).vl14:00:42
@bj-rn:matrix.orgbj-rnNot properly tested though.14:00:55
@damonkkkk:matrix.orgDamon Kong
In reply to @tebjan:matrix.org
Did you check out the links here? https://thegraybook.vvvv.org/reference/libraries/projectionmapping.html
yes I did, and trie lots of those demo, but still can find a good way to get the texture from the projected model
@damonkkkk:matrix.orgDamon KongHI, sorry to bother you guys. I am currently projecting textures onto a model. What methods are available to accurately obtain the texture of each face of the model? I have tried using a camera to capture them, but models with curved surfaces seem to yield inaccurate results18:26:12
@damonkkkk:matrix.orgDamon Kongimage.png
Download image.png
@damonkkkk:matrix.orgDamon Kongand I tried to capture curvd model using a camera, it seems not the right way, can anybody help?18:28:42
@damonkkkk:matrix.orgDamon Kongimage.png
Download image.png
@damonkkkk:matrix.orgDamon Kong * and I tried to capture the txture projected onto curvd model using a camera, it seems not the right way, can anybody help?18:29:20

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