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3 Oct 2024
@telegram_1207591864:garudalinux.org[TG] Marc jr. (one day/week offline) Landoltand yes the book is not about eagles but about crows and witchcraft18:02:59
@telegram_1207591864:garudalinux.org[TG] Marc jr. (one day/week offline) Landoltand for those that go after younger people, i would not throw the energy ball, but i could18:09:20
@telegram_1207591864:garudalinux.org[TG] Marc jr. (one day/week offline) LandoltDownload magic.gif.mp418:09:25
@telegram_1207591864:garudalinux.org[TG] Marc jr. (one day/week offline) LandoltDownload 13bb97b7a4d6999bab498c3077e9f327.gif.mp418:09:28
@telegram_1207591864:garudalinux.org[TG] Marc jr. (one day/week offline) Landolt technically it's not an energy ball but something like the V-Chip you know from Southpark
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge bot invited @telegram_1712003823:garudalinux.org[TG] Core.18:45:14
@telegram_1712003823:garudalinux.org[TG] Core joined the room.18:45:15
@telegram_5281169496:garudalinux.org[TG] ghosts.hauntedimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_5281169496:garudalinux.org[TG] ghosts.hauntedtesting many distro, this just pika 4 Beta debian base setup from there secret wiki page.. but usually bar I put on left. I put it on left in Garuda & others too..19:27:33
@telegram_5281169496:garudalinux.org[TG] ghosts.haunted* testing many distro, this just pikaOS 4 Beta debian base setup from there secret wiki page.. but usually bar I put on left. I put it on left in Garuda & others too..19:27:45
@telegram_5281169496:garudalinux.org[TG] ghosts.haunted* testing many distro, this just pikaOS 4 Beta debian base rolling release setup from there secret wiki page.. but usually bar I put on left. I put it on left in Garuda & others too..19:29:00
@telegram_5281169496:garudalinux.org[TG] ghosts.haunted* image.jpeg
Download * image.jpeg
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge bot invited @telegram_1005946015:garudalinux.org[TG] Napcos ÏŸÏŸ.19:33:42
@telegram_1005946015:garudalinux.org[TG] Napcos ÏŸÏŸ joined the room.19:33:43
@telegram_5281169496:garudalinux.org[TG] ghosts.hauntedDownload Screencast From 2024-10-03 15-31-32.mp419:33:59
In reply to [TG] e/phnx
sent an image
Seems that Telegram are the spam bots.
@telegram_1084354347:garudalinux.org[TG] FameWolfis there a version of the event calendar widget for kde 6 or another widget that links with google calendar?21:22:20
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge bot invited @telegram_1056883354:garudalinux.org[TG] Koop.22:16:07
@telegram_1056883354:garudalinux.org[TG] Koop joined the room.22:16:07
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge bot
In reply to [TG] FameWolf
is there a version of the event calendar widget for kde 6 or another widget that links with google calendar?
always had the worst luck with calendars, ended up just dealing with Thunderbird for the notifications more often than not.
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge botusing thunderbird for just calendar is like driving a nail with a sledgehammer, but it's an option22:33:50
4 Oct 2024
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge bot invited @telegram_738482581:garudalinux.org[TG] Jaska.01:44:00
@telegram_738482581:garudalinux.org[TG] Jaska joined the room.01:44:00
@drjaska:hacklab.fi@drjaska:hacklab.fiWew my tg pfp is old01:45:06
@drjaska:hacklab.fi@drjaska:hacklab.fi left the room.01:49:11
@telegram_738482581:garudalinux.org[TG] JaskaHello from another Matrix bridge 👋01:56:27
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgTelegram bridge bot invited @telegram_155085504:garudalinux.org[TG] TITAN TECH.02:19:23
@telegram_155085504:garudalinux.org[TG] TITAN TECH joined the room.02:19:23
@telegram_155085504:garudalinux.org[TG] TITAN TECHFinally made my move to Linux full time Any tips tricks or best apps to get me roaring on my dragonized gaming install02:22:06
@telegram_7385804312:garudalinux.org[TG] Doniyor Programmer
In reply to [TG] TITAN TECH
Finally made my move to Linux full time

Any tips tricks or best apps to get me roaring on my dragonized gaming install

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