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3 Oct 2024
@drjaska:hacklab.fi@drjaska:hacklab.fi @telegram_6985816854:garudalinux.org: https://gitlab.com/drjaska-projects/configs/feh/-/raw/master/Wallpapers/Windows.png 13:31:25
@telegram_5281169496:garudalinux.org[TG] ghosts.haunted changed their display name from [TG] Raisin Soft Petals, The Barista to [TG] ghosts.haunted.14:54:04
@telegram_5281169496:garudalinux.org[TG] ghosts.haunted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CO7FPU7a2g 14:54:04
@telegram_5281169496:garudalinux.org[TG] ghosts.hauntedGnome 47 is this good.. ^15:03:47
@telegram_5281169496:garudalinux.org[TG] ghosts.hauntedThank me later.. 🥹15:04:12
@telegram_1084354347:garudalinux.org[TG] FameWolf
In reply to [TG] Lawrence Williams
Popular ad blocker uBlock Origin Lite pulled from Firefox store | PCWorld
IN the article it points out ublock original the original is still in the repo/supported…only the lite version was pulled after stupid stuff by mozilla.
@telegram_1084354347:garudalinux.org[TG] FameWolf
In reply to [TG] Khanakay
Yeah but sometimes ublock origin can detactable in so many websites
then run anti-adblock AND ublock origin. https://reek.github.io/anti-adblock-killer/
@telegram_214697679:garudalinux.org[TG] Black Star Muzic
In reply to [TG] Lawrence Williams
Popular ad blocker uBlock Origin Lite pulled from Firefox store | PCWorld
I mean personally the light version should be removed it’s worthless.

The process though should be reworked. But the entire upper management of Mozilla needs to be purged no questions asked every single one of them. An the board.
@telegram_7385804312:garudalinux.org[TG] Doniyor Programmer changed their profile picture.15:14:25
@telegram_1084354347:garudalinux.org[TG] FameWolf* IN the article it points out ublock origin the original is still in the repo/supported…only the lite version was pulled after stupid stuff by mozilla.15:15:33
@telegram_7385804312:garudalinux.org[TG] Doniyor Programmer
In reply to [TG] ghosts.haunted
I like this music played in thor 3 Ragnarok in new style
@telegram_1084354347:garudalinux.org[TG] FameWolfDo yall enable snapper timeline? If so for how many snapshots/when? daily, weekly, monthly etc.15:30:21
@telegram_7385804312:garudalinux.org[TG] Doniyor Programmer
In reply to [TG] ghosts.haunted
Thank me later.. 🥹
How are you long time no see! Yeah gnome is good, and I assume that your bottom bar is in left right?:)
@telegram_7385804312:garudalinux.org[TG] Doniyor Programmer
In reply to [TG] Doniyor Programmer
How are you long time no see! Yeah gnome is good, and I assume that your bottom bar is in left right?:)
Also gnome 47 terminal console icon is so cute
In reply to @telegram_1084354347:garudalinux.org
Do yall enable snapper timeline? If so for how many snapshots/when? daily, weekly, monthly etc.
Snapshotting is nearly free AFAIK if given enough garbage collection so I do as it gives me constant backups
@telegram_5170817470:garudalinux.org[TG] Mr HakkuhSnapshots saved my ass countless times.15:47:56
@telegram_5170817470:garudalinux.org[TG] Mr HakkuhBest undo-feature ever15:48:15
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgA Garuda Admin invited @telegram_7699874990:garudalinux.org[TG] Tonya Lillette.15:48:52
@telegram_7699874990:garudalinux.org[TG] Tonya Lillette joined the room.15:48:53
@telegrambot:garudalinux.orgA Garuda Admin invited @telegram_6955468691:garudalinux.org[TG] khanakay.15:50:27
@telegram_6955468691:garudalinux.org[TG] khanakay joined the room.15:50:27
@telegram_6955468691:garudalinux.org[TG] khanakayimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_6955468691:garudalinux.org[TG] khanakayimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_6955468691:garudalinux.org[TG] khanakayIDK why every group bans me from write untill 5 october15:51:31
@telegram_6955468691:garudalinux.org[TG] khanakayBut, doing a spam message in another community makes me spammer in another community15:53:32
@telegram_6955468691:garudalinux.org[TG] khanakayA person asked to apply arch theme in parrot os.I just tell him to install arch linux.So, admin ban me from messaging until 5 october.And i'm unable to message in any community after that.Can anyone tell me why this happen ?15:57:50
@telegram_6955468691:garudalinux.org[TG] khanakay I mean my original account is @khanakay1122 15:58:07
@telegram_6955468691:garudalinux.org[TG] khanakayBut i'm banned until oct 5 so i use different one 😅15:58:27
@zardian:matrix.orgzardian removed their profile picture.16:01:43
@telegram_7385804312:garudalinux.org[TG] Doniyor Programmer
In reply to [TG] khanakay
I mean my original account is @khanakay1122
I saw you in endeavor group ig?

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