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21 Jan 2025
My day is ruined.
@_discord_607600292086939696:t2bot.iofabric.input_output skill issue 18:09:11
@_discord_801227226749599754:t2bot.ioyummy_licorice changed their profile picture.19:44:42
@_discord_337978877421027329:t2bot.ionimble install python.zig?2025-01-21-155506_726x284_scrot.png
Download 2025-01-21-155506_726x284_scrot.png
@_discord_337978877421027329:t2bot.ionimble install python.zig? really happy with how this turned out, way better than having to memorize api call ids 20:55:47
@_discord_337978877421027329:t2bot.ionimble install python.zig? * really happy with how this turned out, way better than having to memorize api call ids and return types 20:56:27
@_discord_337978877421027329:t2bot.ionimble install python.zig?2025-01-21-155644_855x250_scrot.png
Download 2025-01-21-155644_855x250_scrot.png
@_discord_337978877421027329:t2bot.ionimble install python.zig? thats the before 20:56:54
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeef Really should wrap that onDone with proxy procedure so you don't need to specify {.stdcall.} 20:56:54
@_discord_337978877421027329:t2bot.ionimble install python.zig? yea ive been meaning to do that just lazy, its problaby not even nessessary anymore bc I bypass the builtin callbacks and just use manual dispatch 20:57:38
@_discord_337978877421027329:t2bot.ionimble install python.zig? the most important part is that its all auto generated now 🎉 never need to worry about updating the dll breaking version identifier stuff 20:59:31
@_discord_337978877421027329:t2bot.ionimble install python.zig? * the most important part is that its all auto generated now 🎉 never need to worry about updating the dll breaking version identifier stuff ever again 20:59:40
22 Jan 2025
@_discord_337978877421027329:t2bot.ionimble install python.zig? changed their display name from @@prestosilver to nimble install python.zig?.00:28:09
@_discord_1260504658519261194:t2bot.iozancodm. joined the room.00:55:47
@_discord_690342851711860857:t2bot.ioclifzz joined the room.01:07:39
@_discord_338652997317951488:t2bot.ioluckyhits_ joined the room.03:37:26
@_discord_123539225919488000:t2bot.ioanuke What does the stdcall convention imply? 05:08:46
@_discord_123539225919488000:t2bot.ioanuke changed their profile picture.05:08:48
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefIt uses the windows only stdcall convention05:15:09
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefOnly really need it for windows functions05:15:29
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeef https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/stdcall?view=msvc-170 05:16:05
@_discord_288750616510201856:t2bot.iodemotomohiro https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions 05:19:21
@_discord_1147867292860960768:t2bot.iosmarterandsmarter joined the room.05:22:34
@_discord_288750616510201856:t2bot.iodemotomohiro https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions#Microsoft_x64_calling_convention
When compiling for the x64 architecture in a Windows context (whether using Microsoft or non-Microsoft tools), stdcall, thiscall, cdecl, and fastcall all resolve to using this convention.
It seems cdecl, fastcall, thiscall and stdcall are x86-32 specific.
On x86-64 windows and UEFI, they become Microsoft x64 calling convention.
On other OS on x86-64, they become System V AMD64 ABI.
@_discord_288750616510201856:t2bot.iodemotomohiro So on x86-32 windows, your program probably crashes if you use wrong calling convention to call C functions.
But if you recompile it on x86-64 OS, it probably works as different name calling conventions are actually the same.
@_discord_1331518030076710967:t2bot.iom1l0js_20119 joined the room.06:57:57
@_discord_1328711122349461592:t2bot.iobritannia.zeta joined the room.15:17:37
23 Jan 2025
@_discord_532751332445257729:t2bot.iothat_dude. changed their profile picture.03:21:14
@vigue:matrix.org@vigue:matrix.org joined the room.05:33:03
@_discord_222150919863664640:t2bot.iomonkey085395 changed their profile picture.05:54:23

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