
Nim Game Development

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26 Jul 2024
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefIt's called command syntax09:02:41
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy Cool, so that way it could look and feel kinda like using a posix shell? 09:03:09
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy but with less pipes and hyphens. 09:03:18
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefWell you can add pipes and hyphens 😛09:03:27
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy Well, in the sense that you don't need to prepend arguments with hyphens, I mean. 09:04:04
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefRight you can do named arguments09:04:22
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy Oh, cool! And it's just a single file, to boot (and Unlicense at that!). This is perfect! 09:04:43
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy https://tenor.com/view/addition-to-mycollection-more-collection-gif-14095863 09:04:54
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy Fuck, no gif embeds 09:05:04
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefhttps://streamable.com/qzuk42 still quite chuffed about this autocomplete in my terminot09:05:07
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefIt works so well09:05:15
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy I might not add autocompletion myself, as it's not a high priority for me in this project, but I'd be open to contributions. 09:06:01
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefHeh typical FOSS mindset... pass the UX to another dev09:06:16
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy I mean, my focus with this is the plan9-esque command-line driven part. 09:07:02
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy Autocompletion would be something I'd work on after I get all that done. 09:07:17
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy Oh yeah, assuming I were to create an N-tree for handling scene objects that could be added and removed from the tree as needed, for holding child nodes, what would have less overhead in the context of a game, a seq or a ref to the first child and ref to the next (and possibly previous) sibling? 09:10:17
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy * Oh yeah, assuming I were to create an N-tree for handling scene objects that could be added and removed from the tree as needed, for holding child nodes, what would have less overhead in the context of a game, a seq or a ref to the first child and ref to the next (and possibly previous) sibling to create a (doubly) linked list? 09:10:34
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy Maybe I'll use Tcl for scripting. 09:15:13
In reply to @elegantbeef:matrix.org
Especially given the worlds most used VM is heavily pointer indirected. It has no structs. Fields are always looked up using a string table
that's in theory, in practice hidden object optimization turns field names into offsets... but it can break and bail out, particularly if fields of new objects are not created in the same order
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefYou still have to get the offset somewhere09:20:43
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy I'm having difficulty finding resources on the command syntax 09:22:44
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy * I'm having difficulty finding resources on the command syntax in nim 09:22:56
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy Thanks! 09:26:11
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy looks good 09:31:30
@_discord_657927201395834897:t2bot.iomo_ar2006 joined the room.14:36:53
@_discord_1106323935227813909:t2bot.iobbbscarter joined the room.19:31:12
27 Jul 2024
@_discord_968057354224549938:t2bot.ioasuidhasdhjasdasd joined the room.03:08:08
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboyRedacted or Malformed Event03:37:12

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