
Nim Game Development

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14 Oct 2024
@_discord_1283681917543256138:t2bot.ioub0991 joined the room.18:13:31
@_discord_256520101015060480:t2bot.ioieltan changed their profile picture.18:34:49
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy planetis_m Wait, the other day when you were talking about your wrapper, did you mean that it should be able to work for raylib4Nintendo64? 21:23:20
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy * planetis_m Wait, the other day when you were talking about your wrapper, did you mean that it should be able to work for raylib4Nintendo64 as well as current raylib? 21:23:32
15 Oct 2024
@_discord_1291899364461121608:t2bot.iojeanphilippeleblancpare joined the room.01:52:09
@_discord_380360389377916939:t2bot.ioSystem64 ~ Flandre Scarlet Is SDL3 good btw? 07:02:44
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefIt's sdl2 with more , so yes07:10:57
@_discord_380360389377916939:t2bot.ioSystem64 ~ Flandre Scarlet Oh alright
Backward compatible too?
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefNope it's a major release08:05:41
@_discord_398205119583485964:t2bot.iokiloneie some funcs that returned bool, now return int..., so no. Most functions or all still exist, but with changes, so it would require manual fixing. 08:27:13
@_discord_380360389377916939:t2bot.ioSystem64 ~ Flandre Scarlet And I guess SDL3 is faster too? 09:45:09
@_discord_775505044451229697:t2bot.iok.24e joined the room.13:50:38
@beyuum:matrix.orgbeyuum joined the room.14:11:37
@johnson23:matrix.org@johnson23:matrix.org joined the room.15:45:18
@johnson23:matrix.org@johnson23:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:50:17
@nim-lang-mjolnir:matrix.orgnim-lang-mjolnir banned @johnson23:matrix.org@johnson23:matrix.org (spam).15:51:24
@_discord_259277943275126785:t2bot.ioodexine @Moderator 15:52:20
@_discord_513083382133948424:t2bot.iodouble_spiral changed their profile picture.16:16:22
@_discord_398205119583485964:t2bot.iokiloneie shouldn't be, unless the extra control allows you to get a little bit more. 16:58:34
@_discord_186489007247589376:t2bot.ioheysokam changed their display name from sOkam! 🫐 to heysokam.19:50:43
@_discord_496747083441897472:t2bot.iobbqchickenrobot joined the room.20:35:21
@_discord_1275200723373523129:t2bot.io_tradesbyrob. joined the room.21:37:14
16 Oct 2024
@_discord_327889393732026368:t2bot.iokoaledu changed their profile picture.01:15:34
Download image.png
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy planetis_m So I used your new wrapper, but I'm still getting this error: 06:16:17
@_discord_915614219364368394:t2bot.ioplanetis_m Remove the ExportDataAsCode function from the WrappedFunctions config and the snippets/raylib_funcs.nim file. Easy? 07:25:52
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy Lemme check. 07:26:08
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy Trying now. 07:28:07
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboyRedacted or Malformed Event07:29:06
@_discord_327881349924913152:t2bot.ioeightbit_dboy Still got the same error 07:32:35

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