
Nim Game Development

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25 Apr 2024
@_discord_337978877421027329:t2bot.io@@prestosilver * just checked, looks like the naylib bindings are pretty widly used and still maintained if you wanna check those out 22:56:04
26 Apr 2024
@_discord_244832576215318528:t2bot.ioxkonti Yeah. I used UE quite a bit and C++ was always a lot of pain. Although I presume you still need to understand most of its quirks to properly use it via Nim... 02:26:10
@_discord_853636906632609852:t2bot.iodawidek.2137 changed their display name from dawidek.2137#0 to dawidek.2137.05:57:15
@_discord_915614219364368394:t2bot.ioplanetis_m NimForUE, naylib, sokol_nim, nico and other made from scratch engines I guess. 07:11:58
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefadded more things to my terminot07:21:36
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefDownload simplescreenrecorder-2024-04-26_01.19.42.mp407:21:37
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefMost importantly screen barrelling and a bit of post processing07:21:45
@_discord_915614219364368394:t2bot.ioplanetis_m This screen needs a bigger curve, it's not yet an ellipse 😅 07:27:09
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefThere we go07:27:37
Download image.png
@_discord_656540400546480128:t2bot.ioTӨMΛ ☠ Oh, Hangover creator, that's so nice! 07:34:14
@_discord_656540400546480128:t2bot.ioTӨMΛ ☠ I like doing documentation, so if there's something I can do to help you, I would love to 07:34:38
@_discord_656540400546480128:t2bot.ioTӨMΛ ☠ Especially as I really want to help Nim community have good library system, it's the main struggle for my nimean adventures and in the same time something that may bring us so much attention and love on longer run 07:35:52
@_discord_380360389377916939:t2bot.ioSystem64 ~ Flandre Scarlet Oh nice crt shader!
Did you coded it yourself?
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefOf course07:39:37
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefThough I did the curvature eons ago07:39:51
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefOn a completely different project07:39:56
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefThe preten scan lines are now07:40:01
vec2 barrelUv(vec2 uv){
  uv -= 0.5;
  uv *= pow(length(uv) / 0.5, length(uv) * 1);
  uv += 0.5;
  return uv;
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefIt's dead simple07:40:43
@_discord_199528242393251849:t2bot.iosp8061 joined the room.07:49:21
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefntsc color blending?07:50:43
@_discord_961485620075720734:t2bot.ionnsee "yes i would like 21 articles of Mysterious Item 25 please" - statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged 08:17:58
@_discord_259277943275126785:t2bot.ioodexine Why “guessed” and not “tested”? 08:24:16
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefNo clue08:51:02
@_discord_380360389377916939:t2bot.ioSystem64 ~ Flandre Scarlet Yeah, like on MegaDrive 09:06:15
@elegantbeef:matrix.orgElegantbeefYea this does not explain anything09:11:54
@_discord_186489007247589376:t2bot.iosOkam! 🫐 wdym! it MegaExplains it 👀 09:50:05
@_discord_304239027597606935:t2bot.ioegomind changed their profile picture.10:27:03
@_discord_259277943275126785:t2bot.ioodexine be careful not to megadrive him insane 11:38:32

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