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6 Apr 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens It was rebased, so it shouldn't have nothing new. Was scared of deleting it just in case I FUBARed again 08:50:29
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Yeah I caught on to that, wasn't sure so merged to be safe. Whoops oh well 08:51:02
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens No worries 08:53:11
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Good timing too, just finished integrating the lore site into Meson 😄 08:54:37
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro I think it should work, if you want to test it you can set -Ddocs_lore=enabled and then meson compile lore 08:55:21
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens did you push? 08:55:47
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Yep 08:55:52
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro I'll have to think of a way to make browsing the generated site easier, if you append index.html in firefox, it'll work, otherwise it loads the file tree 08:56:31
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens usually I use make view 08:57:14
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens aka bundle exec nanoc view 08:57:19
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens not sure how you would go about it in meson 08:57:28
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Yeah.. that's what I'm pondering, what about something like naev.sh but for the lore site? 08:57:53
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro would just be a generated wrapper script that does the job 08:58:03
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Let me know if it works for you, I know ruby can be tempermental from system to system sometimes
And if you want to tear anything out feel free I just bashed my head against my keyboard until something usable came out 😛
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens ruby.h not found :/ 09:02:54
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens why are we checking for ruby.h? wouldn't it only be the binary? 09:03:15
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro I added that because on my system it needs to be around for some of the gems to install properly 09:03:27
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro At least on my system I need to compile some of the gems, which have some native connections and need ruby.h, so I added that as a contingency 09:04:28
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens It's on my system at /usr/include/ruby-3.0.0/ruby.h 09:06:45
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro And meson isn't finding it?.. hmm 09:07:08
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro I removed the checks for the headers since they are only required sometimes.. I'll have to find some way to cleanly look for ruby dependencies 09:11:50
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens it works, but doesn't seem to compile it 09:12:11
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens does it need a special target? 09:12:41
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Hmm now it isn't building right 09:13:43
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro I did have it working locally a few minutes ago before I pushed 09:13:55
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens mmm, collapse isn't working :/ 09:22:19
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Hmm, I was wondering if you wanted to do something like that or just do some basic pagination to start 09:25:35
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens ah, you mean for the spobs? 09:27:26
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I just wanted to do filtering 09:27:30
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens so like you can toggle what tags or factions or whatever you want to see 09:27:39

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