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14 May 2024
[naev-website:upcoming] 10 new commits

ae48347 Whitespace - ProjectSynchro
df9c1b9 Merge branch 'upcoming' - ProjectSynchro
6d32e2a Don't commit Gemfile.lock - bobbens
3ae4d91 Nuke gemfile.lock and pin ruby to 3.3 (Can be b... - ProjectSynchro
299461c Update workflow to setup ruby. - ProjectSynchro

[naev-website:main] 7 new commits

605af81 Nuke gemfile.lock and pin ruby to 3.3 (Can be b... - ProjectSynchro
eaf8080 Update workflow to setup ruby. - ProjectSynchro
35d8190 Try and force action to pretend that we are a n... - ProjectSynchro
38e13d6 Fully use Github Actions image for building the... - ProjectSynchro
66c9fdd Merge main into upcoming. - ProjectSynchro

@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro note to self. avoid shitty electron software. 03:12:24
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro The gemfile.lock file is gone, and building the website is just as fast as before 🙂 03:13:57
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Nice, thanks! 03:19:41
@biggus_dickus:matrix.org@biggus_dickus:matrix.org left the room.16:49:49
16 May 2024
@_discord_832702765402423327:t2bot.ioshrigma_anon joined the room.11:25:14
18 May 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Compiling the lore stuff is too slow :/ 08:11:03
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Didn't want to, but probably would make more sense to do the preprocessing in python, would probably be faster (and would let it cache things better) 08:11:26
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Most likely the best option, especially considering that threading is problematic in ruby 23:44:21
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro You should be able to add some more functions to loremaster, which handles building the lore site in Meson 23:48:19
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Feel free to tear whatever you want out of that script, just made a quick and dirty port of the makefile 🙂 23:48:53
19 May 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Maybe it's not that bad, I'm just lazy 😛 03:32:30
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens It looks good enough to probably thinking about making public 03:32:42
@_discord_299875288362385428:t2bot.ioskittles0246 joined the room.09:03:11
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Gotcha 😄
Were you thinking of another subdirectory for it? (like naev.org/lore)
@_discord_399307351884169216:t2bot.ioltgenderr joined the room.22:26:08
20 May 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens would probably be easiest no? 01:28:01
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Although I guess something like lore.naev.org would also be possible, but I need to configure more stuff for that 😛 01:28:17
21 May 2024
@_discord_291529952069681152:t2bot.iowdude1 joined the room.07:19:04
22 May 2024
@_discord_926277584000524298:t2bot.iosultanrtg 02:27:02
@_discord_853674373247533087:t2bot.iosirius hater changed their profile picture.02:40:23
@_discord_831556834187149343:t2bot.iocipherplain joined the room.17:27:57
23 May 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens .synchro don't want to pressure, but what ever happened to the idea of new forums? 05:25:40
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Ended up being a bit delayed getting the server hardware freed up, It is freed up now, so should be able to have something up soon 🙂 05:58:59
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Cool! 09:18:04
30 May 2024
@_discord_853674373247533087:t2bot.iosirius hater changed their profile picture.03:09:06
1 Jun 2024
@_discord_640924886599991297:t2bot.ioFriend of pyro lmao changed their profile picture.21:36:00
@_discord_347226337338982402:t2bot.ioPyroman changed their profile picture.23:04:25
14 Jun 2024
@tamzid66365:matrix.orgJames Dicozz changed their display name from Tamzid Ahmed Riaz Rafi to James Dicozz.16:36:21

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