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6 Apr 2024
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro That works 🙂 09:27:41
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens only see Dvaered, only see those in missions, etc... 09:27:48
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens and down the line, having a working star map would be ideal 09:27:54
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens now I'm adding information like what missions / events the spobs / systems appear in 09:28:15
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens which is really useful from a dev point of view 09:28:22
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens we can probably pull from the mission meta-data to also make campaigns visible and such 09:28:47
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens ah, looking at the bloody bootstrap 4 documentation 09:30:52
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro That's neat 🙂 09:31:11
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Technically, it could tell you what campaigns there are, what they use and such 09:31:49
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens plus I want to add NPCs (this would be lore only) 09:31:55
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens so we could add NPCs like Nelly, with descriptions, and it could automatically pick up what missions / events they're in 09:32:21
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro That does sound pretty awesome, metadata really does make the world go round 09:36:25
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens It's going to be especially useful when we start doing drastic universe changes 09:37:45
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens such as when working on the main za'lek campaign, shit is going to hit the fan 09:37:56
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens and it'll be important to know what systems we can mess up or remove and such 09:38:04
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens plus it'll help us be more consistent and stuff 09:38:17
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens plus if we can hide the spoiler stuff (or make it optional), it'll also be useful for players 09:38:29
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Yeah, plus it can also give a nice visualization of the game assets, which would make it a bit easier to pinpoint if a planet needs to be redone, or an NPC, etc. 09:39:32
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I've just made it so it:
a) tells you whan missions / events the spobs / sys are in
b) also gives you the line numbers and shows you where it's used (to check for false positives)
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I was also thinking about marking duplicates and such, like our utils scripts do 09:42:04
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens honestly, it's going to just be a much more unified useful way of looking at all the data 09:42:14
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Yeah I agree, even in it's early state is makes looking at everything quite easy
Like the amount of spobs for example, kinda crazy to see how many there are when you see them all on one page 😛
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro It's one thing reading a number but also seeing it just makes it better 09:44:10
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I do think it's a bit too much 09:49:41
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens if I were to remake it, I would probably make it much more simple 😛 09:49:49
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I mean, the universe is bigger than EV:Nova in numbers, plus each system is bloody big 09:52:29
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Nothing wrong with a little complexity 😛 10:10:12
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Should have the meson build working correctly now.
I had a leftover build that was causing me to miss a whole bunch of what that Makefile was doing
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro seems to work now 🙂 10:27:38
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens any idea for libraries to make the star map? 10:36:30

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