

283 Members
Talk about website development and commit bot spam.4 Servers

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21 Aug 2023
@_discord_345789911007232012:t2bot.iotimsticles joined the room.13:40:21
24 Aug 2023
@_discord_205464659132678144:t2bot.iodementiurge joined the room.04:24:07
@_discord_260240705832747008:t2bot.io.skatts joined the room.22:44:39
25 Aug 2023
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro changed their display name from .synchro to .synchro#0.13:27:01
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro changed their display name from .synchro#0 to .synchro.13:27:09
28 Aug 2023
@_discord_334161562191527947:t2bot.ioawhahoo changed their display name from awhahoo to awhahoo#0.04:15:54
@_discord_334161562191527947:t2bot.ioawhahoo changed their profile picture.04:15:58
@_discord_334161562191527947:t2bot.ioawhahoo changed their display name from awhahoo#0 to awhahoo.04:16:02
@_discord_347226337338982402:t2bot.ioPyroman changed their display name from Pyroman to not_pyroman#0.20:48:48
@_discord_347226337338982402:t2bot.ioPyroman changed their display name from not_pyroman#0 to Pyroman.20:48:50
3 Sep 2023
@_discord_661755720194195476_=47it=48ub:t2bot.ioGitHub#0000 removed their profile picture.12:51:51
[naev-website:upcoming] 2 new commits

742bed3 Added skirmish benchmark image. - bobbens
aecbc10 more work on the sporadic naev newsletter vol 3. - bobbens

@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I think the new newsletter is almost ready, if anyone wants to take a look and do edits or whatever. I'll probalby try to publish it tomorrow. 12:52:16
@_discord_661755720194195476_=47it=48ub:t2bot.ioGitHub#0000 set a profile picture.12:52:56
[naev-website:upcoming] 1 new commit

c877690 Changed newsletter vol 3 date. - bobbens

4 Sep 2023
[naev-website:main] 5 new commits

9ff9258 Started work on the sporadic naev newsletter vo... - bobbens
45a923f Added some images to the sporadic newsletter. - bobbens
742bed3 Added skirmish benchmark image. - bobbens
aecbc10 more work on the sporadic naev newsletter vol 3. - bobbens
c877690 Changed newsletter vol 3 date. - bobbens

@_discord_257770346654990337:t2bot.iorunetrantor joined the room.18:14:10
@_discord_218985411676995584:t2bot.io.synchro Looks great 🙂 20:36:09
6 Sep 2023
@_discord_963726245835702272:t2bot.iokillerdream9281 joined the room.01:47:22
@_discord_1121102553992679435:t2bot.iokimek8582 changed their display name from elemeno8582 to kimek8582#0.17:59:09
@_discord_1121102553992679435:t2bot.iokimek8582 changed their display name from kimek8582#0 to kimek8582.17:59:12
8 Sep 2023
@_discord_555566644018282507:t2bot.iodawnofwolfy joined the room.09:01:20
9 Sep 2023
@_discord_769034202061864971:t2bot.iorepublican_ism#0 changed their display name from RapturianNorris#9036 to republican_ism#0.04:45:45
@_discord_769034202061864971:t2bot.iorepublican_ism#0 changed their profile picture.04:45:48
10 Sep 2023
@_discord_363747648949190657:t2bot.iogeneralyossef joined the room.12:03:40
14 Sep 2023
@_discord_1141768908001525780:t2bot.iomorganalefeye_29106 joined the room.00:08:27
15 Sep 2023
@_discord_1112202675065466880:t2bot.ioclinton_52151 joined the room.08:29:28
@_discord_350135973381799948:t2bot.ioclinton_m joined the room.08:32:42
18 Sep 2023
@_discord_347226337338982402:t2bot.ioPyroman changed their display name from Pyroman to not_pyroman#0.02:47:36
@_discord_347226337338982402:t2bot.ioPyroman changed their display name from not_pyroman#0 to Pyroman.02:47:37

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