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13 Jan 2024
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training Depends on the producers. Some production was done with original hardware in mind, others went through a conversion process, such as Multi-platform titles. (Since Sega and Nintendo sounded different) 14:34:51
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training So if it's a third party game that released on 2 consoles, the FLAC could be considered the "True" Version 14:35:21
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training Of course you're not getting the FLAC from a game rip, that has to be released by the original owners in it's original un-consolified form 14:35:55
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training In the case of game rips, there may be some mild improvements to quality, but not much 14:36:35
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training at least for old consoles 14:36:58
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat That makes sense 14:37:17
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat still, I find weird someone would prefer FLACs for old consoles as opposed to their original sound files 14:37:49
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat if I wanted to listen to Sonic 3K's music, I'd get the original sound files and a genesis player 14:38:12
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat same goes for the FDS and NES games 14:38:24
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training In a way I kinda get it.
an FLAC would be closer to the Original Artist's vision of it.
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training same with compressed art backgrounds 14:38:47
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat how so? how is it any different from the original sound files? 14:39:05
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training The Ending screens of AM2R for instance have HD versions that I prefer over the ingame ones 14:39:06
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp don't most gba emulators manage to enhance the audio? 14:39:45
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training Depends on the release. Less compression means you get closer to it sounding like it did wwhen it was produced. The sound files in the cartridge need to be interpreted and converted for use with the Console's sound chip 14:40:40
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat Foobar doesnt, then again Im not very familiar with GBA sound files 14:40:53
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp and i remember smth about the mmz games having a full quality version of their soundtracks, beyond the compression used for the gba 14:41:14
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training So you could have a "less compressed" version on a CD or cartridge, that gets pre-compressed by the soundcard/sound chip and sent through the TV 14:41:32
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training Sometimes the Uncompressed Music also gets leaked when it's passed between people working on those games back in the day, and they get released years later 14:42:49
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp https://youtu.be/w5QvALaSp-U
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp i remembered that the composer for banjo kazooie also released the entire uncompressed ost, with all its versions and variations too 14:43:42
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training I have some of those tracks on my PC 14:44:02
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training unused tracks are the goat 14:44:10
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training Really listening to uncompressed forms of classic music is a matter of taste more than purity for most. It can also be considered a novelty to hear stuff in a "Higher Quality" state then you did as a kid. 14:44:56
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat Well, if we're talking about standalone releases of the soundtrack, it does make more sense 14:45:09
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat Figures why people would rather have a FLAC as opposed to the original sound files 14:46:01
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp but on more modern hardware, like sonic unleashed's ost, there won't be too much difference between the files and a flac of the soundtrack's disc release, atleast not to most people 14:46:29
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training it can get frustrating tho when I'm looking for music for a video and keep finding "HQ Rips" when I wanted a track to sound like the original 14:46:45
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp or when you get juked by siiva 14:47:04
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training or when it says "Original" but it's the HQ rip pitched down 14:47:11

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