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13 Jan 2024
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat The comparison I was drawing, though, was between original sound files and FLACs of the same sound files 14:47:38
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat It makes sense for enhanced versions of the soundtrack, but not if it's the exact compressed soundtrack 14:48:01
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat ...right? 14:48:04
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat * It makes sense for enhanced versions of the soundtrack, but not if it's the exact compressed soundtrack turned into a FLAC 14:48:15
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp if it were to be a flac made from that data, then there isn't anything to gain there, because there won't magically be any more data 14:48:17
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp but if it were a flac release of a soundtrack, then it is much more prone to being of higher quality there 14:48:50
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training Audio decompression has been a thing for a while, it's not a perfect recreation but the programs do and have existed for a long time 14:48:52
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat That's my point 14:49:14
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat In fact you lose quite a lot because you miss out the looping feature some files provide 14:49:43
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp we thought you were just saying a flac full quality release vs just the straight files ripped from the games 14:49:56
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat besides, it's a lot more storage for something that is essentially the same as a smaller file 14:50:02
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp i mean, even in a full quality gigabyte sized flac, to the majority it will sound the same 14:50:41
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training It's basically using a bunch of math and audio logic to emulate what it would have sounded like before compression.
Keep in mind I'm not talking AI recreation, just bonafide software engineering
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat not at all lol, pretty obvious that if an enhanced version exists, there's no debate around it 14:50:44
@_discord_719433622981050412:t2bot.iobastiancu Just don't programme music into the game 14:51:09
@_discord_719433622981050412:t2bot.iobastiancu Easy 14:51:11
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I've heard some decompressed soundtracks before, admittedly Zero Mission wasnt that great 14:51:46
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp most don't have open-back headphones that try to simulate the entire audio scape experience or anything, they just have their dirty buds that came with their phone or they bought at some store 14:51:48
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat but it's quite a novelty 14:51:54
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat speaking of standalole soundtrack releases 14:52:46
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat didnt Rare do that with almost every game under their company? 14:53:08
@_discord_337283697231527937:t2bot.io_gerp - 14:53:22
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat yeah, but all of Rare games had the same treatment? 14:53:53
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I only know about DKC and Killer Instinct 14:54:01
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training Love me those fighting game soundtrakcs Donkey Kong Combat and KIller Instinct 14:55:12
@_discord_274991415573086219:t2bot.ioidiot In-training (DK Combat was the funny Drumming game boss fight gimmick I think) 14:55:53
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTMS19VWsRY 14:56:13
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat Never played a single KI ever, but this is such a killer banger 14:56:40
@_discord_344144992769409034:t2bot.ioJesRight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7v5UK_zp-dI 14:57:33
@_discord_344144992769409034:t2bot.ioJesRight youtube mebed failed? 14:58:05

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