
Project Collaboration - System Crafters

196 Members
A space for everyone to collaborate on community projects! Join our space for other System Crafters related rooms: #systemcrafters-space:matrix.org22 Servers

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5 May 2024
@iaslan:matrix.orgScaevola joined the room.11:06:48
9 May 2024
@mg433:kimane.semg433 changed their display name from Mastergamer433 to mg433.16:53:58
21 May 2024
@spyjetfayed:matrix.orgspyjetfayed joined the room.10:03:27
@emilknievel:matrix.orgemilknievel joined the room.20:16:51
22 May 2024
@tmladek:matrix.orgTHM joined the room.14:30:03
24 May 2024
@is.amphibian:matrix.org@is.amphibian:matrix.org changed their display name from amphibian to not.amphibian.22:37:42
25 May 2024
@purplg:purplg.comPurplG changed their display name from PurplG to purplg.18:48:54
@purplg:purplg.comPurplG changed their display name from purplg to PurplG.22:09:47
1 Jun 2024
@igor_cafe:matrix.orgigor_cafe joined the room.19:45:17
7 Jun 2024
@alex3829:matrix.org@alex3829:matrix.org removed their display name real_z2.23:44:08
8 Jun 2024
@goosethedev:matrix.org@goosethedev:matrix.org joined the room.18:46:26
@goosethedev:matrix.org@goosethedev:matrix.org left the room.18:46:46
11 Jun 2024
@keshavhi:matrix.orgTheMonitor changed their display name from FBI Agent Kesh to Kesh.14:30:05
13 Jun 2024
@snamellit:matrix.org@snamellit:matrix.org left the room.07:08:49
@migueldeoleiros:matrix.orgMiguel joined the room.07:20:46
16 Jun 2024
@simendsjo:matrix.orgsimendsjo set a profile picture.19:11:03
@keshavhi:matrix.orgTheMonitor changed their profile picture.23:58:41
@keshavhi:matrix.orgTheMonitor changed their display name from Kesh to TheMonitor.23:58:55
22 Jun 2024
@outspoken666:matrix.orgoutspoken666 changed their profile picture.20:48:24
@outspoken666:matrix.orgoutspoken666 removed their profile picture.20:48:38
@outspoken666:matrix.orgoutspoken666 set a profile picture.20:55:22
24 Jun 2024
@camron81:matrix.org@camron81:matrix.org joined the room.18:18:03
@camron81:matrix.org@camron81:matrix.org left the room.18:18:19
3 Jul 2024
@alternateved:matrix.org@alternateved:matrix.org joined the room.12:45:53
@alternateved:matrix.org@alternateved:matrix.org left the room.12:46:20
10 Jul 2024
@matrix_bryce:matrix.orgbryce (he/him) joined the room.05:55:51
16 Jul 2024
@alex3829:matrix.org@alex3829:matrix.org left the room.23:17:30
18 Jul 2024
@is.amphibian:matrix.org@is.amphibian:matrix.org left the room.16:43:40
21 Jul 2024
@mrprofessor:matrix.org@mrprofessor:matrix.org left the room.16:34:26
23 Jul 2024
@punit_arya:matrix.org@punit_arya:matrix.org left the room.04:18:10

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