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19 Apr 2024
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mIt'd be nice to see some ROMs implementing a new authorization to allow applications to send an intent following which a fg service can be started07:25:34
@kobold:hub.wolfsegg.euKobold joined the room.19:44:13
@colin:uninsane.orgColin changed their display name from Colin to Your Honor.19:55:40
21 Apr 2024
@zenartist:siddharthagolu.com@zenartist:siddharthagolu.com left the room.18:08:50
@colin:uninsane.orgColin changed their display name from Your Honor to Colin.23:27:33
22 Apr 2024
@kieranml:element.ioKieran changed their display name from Kieran to Kieran - Away (Returning 29/04).08:06:10
23 Apr 2024
@madinferno:matrix.org@madinferno:matrix.org joined the room.02:11:44
24 Apr 2024
@vinterling:matrix.imVinterling joined the room.14:00:18
@foretold:matrix.orgforetold joined the room.14:33:42
@foretold:matrix.orgforetoldHey, i have a question and am seeking some help. So i am making a foss app that basically lets you use your phone as a remote camera. And i need to do two things to the phone that will control the remote camera. Which is to send notifications, i dont think this is a problem. But also, i need to establish a p2p connection between the two devices, for sending pictures, or live view. And this is where the problem arises. The goal is to generate a key once on the remote camera device and then use that key for peer discovery. But i need some sort of bridge server or anything like that, to establish the connection, since the ip on mobile devices change often, i need to somehow send the correct ip adress for establishing the connection. Does anyone know what i could use for such a thing? I already did some research on using libp2p, and a BitTorrent tracker, but they have some disadvantages. Would it be a viable solution to use the UnifiedPush, to send a push notification to the peer with the correct IP address to try to establish a connection? Or is there something else i can use? I would like something redundant. 14:47:43
@foretold:matrix.orgforetoldFor using torrent tracker, they usually want you to wait 30minutes before sending another get request. And libp2p, i am still reading on that, but there is no fully functioning android port yet. Only rust and go. And might be some problem with bandwidth. I hope i am asking this question in the right place. I just want to make something that people could use without any sort of hasle14:50:04
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mYou may want to use a STUN server (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API/Protocols) (with webrtc?) 14:50:28
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mAnd yes, you definitely can use UnifiedPush to wake your app to start the connection14:50:57
In reply to @sim_g:matrix.org
You may want to use a STUN server (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API/Protocols) (with webrtc?)
Yes, STUN servers, they just give your correct IP address for webRTC, i do plan on trying to use webRTC. However, what i would need is a TURN server, but these are way harder to come by, they are what establishes the connection in webRTC and forms the handshake.
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mJami uses a DHT as its network. Phone apps can register to nodes to listen to their id hash and it sends a push message to the phone when a request comes in14:54:08
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1m * Jami uses a DHT as its network. Phone apps can register to some nodes to listen for their id hash and these nodes send a push message to the phone when a request comes in14:54:42
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mIDK if some one has been using Jami with UnifiedPush here ?14:55:37
@foretold:matrix.orgforetoldlibp2p also works with DHT, you can use bootstrapping nodes to discover peers. and then try to form a connection with them. Problem with that there is no full port for android yet, only this https://github.com/libp2p/jvm-libp2p but its missing a lot of features. But yes, this is one of the ways. I have been trying to figure out the best solution for a week now 😀. I wanted some fellow developer opinions to make sure i dont miss something better15:00:08
@foretold:matrix.orgforetoldMy main worry, was if you host node that talks with other nodes, you get high bandwidth problems, but there are solutions. This is kinda all complicated tough in general, no fully working port either so i would have to fully understand how it all works and try to cobble something up15:03:32
@foretold:matrix.orgforetoldi offered perhaps, fdroid could offer a service like this, would increase the possibility of apps that could be made, but i guess it would require way more resources for them.15:04:35
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mFor your use case, I don't know if a dht is worth it. Phone A can send a STUN request to phone B with a push message (encrypted with webpush for instance, following RFC8030) with the necessary information to begin a STUN negociation, then you start a webrtc communication between A and B15:05:38
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1m * For your use case, I don't know if a dht is worth it. Phone A can send a STUN request to phone B with a push message (encrypted following RFC8030 (webpush) for instance) with the necessary information to begin a STUN negociation, then you start a webrtc communication between A and B15:09:54
@foretold:matrix.orgforetoldSo is this all possible with a STUN server? there is plenty of free to use ones online. I thought trough STUN server you just get your public IP that then you can use to establish the webRTC connection, or you mean, get the STUN server response for A and then send that trough push message to phone B?15:11:09
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mExcept in some cases where Phone A and Phone B are both behind a NAT that doesn't work with STUN (then you would need a TURN server), it should be enough for your 2 phones to get connected15:16:30
In reply to @sim_g:matrix.org
For your use case, I don't know if a dht is worth it. Phone A can send a STUN request to phone B with a push message (encrypted following RFC8030 (webpush) for instance) with the necessary information to begin a STUN negociation, then you start a webrtc communication between A and B
Thank you very much, I will look in to this, i really appreciate your help. I had to read this like 10 times to finally get what you mean 👍️
@foretold:matrix.orgforetoldYou meant get STUN response for phone A, and then send that to B15:39:19
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mIs it possible to follow your project somewhere ?15:55:50
@foretold:matrix.orgforetoldnot yet, i havent started working on the app, first trying to understand the whole p2p concept and try to learn it. Maybe if i will have something concise i will share it.16:17:03
@spaetz:sspaeth.despaetzJust curious, but why are you not starting from an existing rtc solution such as livekit (which is what element-call uses under the hood)?16:21:36
@foretold:matrix.orgforetoldHonestly, never heard of livekit16:23:35

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